"Now now. Let's not eat the souls of the damned today." Zelph replied mostly to the demon while patting Tellia on the shoulder, "Keep fighting him though, I know it's hard. But he can't come out and play." "Ignoring whateverthehell is going on with them, I'll go in and warn then." "No. Don't. We need to go." Zelph replied as he began standing up. Iridia's skin and hair started turning bright red and said, "I want to help them!" "Chill." "NO." Iridia screamed as she began darting off. "Can we just leave her to die? I say we leave her to die." Zelph huffed as he unhooked a dagger from his belt and it flipped slightly as he grabbed it to ready it.
As the plan seemed to kick into place, Take also got on his glider and just kind of sat there and waited without much response, just in ready mode to go when they were told it would be best to head in. He still didn't know how he felt about this plan and he was worried they were gonna leave the warehouse and find Tinarah, Boreas, and the duck in those hats. He just hoped he was proven wrong. As he stared at the distraction he blinked in realization and looked over at Torrin and asked, "What if they want us to go in the warehouse and we get trapped? Remember the last time we followed their obvious lead and ended up the dolls exploding in our faces."
Iridia got a look at the creatures and clicked her tongue slightly in annoyance before she flew back towards the group and confirmed, "Yeah, there's a couple. But they haven't caught our scent yet and seem to be invested in a house nearby." she looked nervous and rubbed her hands together, "Maybe we should try and get to the house first and let those inside know? We could offer help fortifying their place and have somewhere to stay the night. It's been a while since we had a bed." "No way. We are underarmed as it is. We should be using their house distraction to our advantage and trying to keep heading west. It is probably just a human home anyway. They would not have any offered magic." Zelph rolled his eyes. "Aren't you a half-elf?" "I'm just saying, humans make a lot of noise. We could use them basically as the bait and head on out. I am not going to risk my life for more strangers. Not after what happened last time..." There was a pause of silence as Iridia chimed in, "Last time... you saved me." "And I am grateful for the help and advantage you have been able to give us. But I almost lost Tellia and nearly got eaten. I say we move west." Iridia crossed her arms visibly upset and said, "I'm not saying we take them with us, I'm saying we help them out and have a place of refuge for the night." "I'd feel much safer further away from the undead. Thank you."
"Maybe. Oooor, you could save it for a day you feel really sad or really scared." Zelph suggested, "Isn't it nice to have treats on days you feel a little bad?" he kept braiding her hair and tried to sit down and get her to sit on his lap so they could keep low. As he did, Iridia flew on forward to go and check out the area. She found herself a spot in the trees and tried to hide more in the leaves. Her body camouflaging slightly to the color. While some trees retained normal health, a lot of the exotic trees in the area were dying due to lack of care from those who used to treat them. It pained the little fairy to feel how they were dying or getting sick, but she had to be more worried for herself and her group for now. Zelph kept his eyes out looking behind him, ready in case they were flanked somehow. He kept himself in a good position to restrain Tellia if she got out of hand, but hoped for the best there.
"She's not sick." the black haired elf replied bluntly as he calmly looked forward at the view to make sure there weren't any creatures trying to sneak their way over while they were defenseless. Zelph placed his hands gently on Tellia's shoulders and said softy, "You need to be quiet. So does your friend." the elf took strands of Tellia's hair and loosely braided them as he whispered, "Or he won't get bacon later. And we have bacon." "Should I fly ahead and scout?" a small voice managed out before she flew out of a bag Hadgrit was holding and hovered just above his shoulder, "I think the kid's gotta watch the baby so we can't have him scouting the place." "Hey, who are you calling a k-" "It could have just been injured travelers. And I'd rather not be on high alert if it's not a crawler after us." the fairy flew slightly higher as dust trailed behind her, making the dwarf's shoulder sparkle like it was covered in one of those types of glitter that just never quite washed out.
Yo it's the girl below's birthday everyone hug the turtle!
And another voice actor in the "yeah I did kingdom hearts" role call
ooc: please stop posting these really short one sentence posts please, there should be more substance and you can ask more than once question in a post. "My homeworld is just filled with huge mountains, probably bigger than any mountains you've seen on your world or any other world. The bottom is very barren so most of the vegetation grows on the mountains. It's rather cold, but the village is built in a part where it's just below the snow caps and is still a bit too cold for snow to form. Everything is built with the idea of it being fireproof but also easily replaceable should it need to be, most of the houses are built into the mountain, but many of the people on the disposable end of the village live in houses that are freestanding and aren't the most invulnerable to fire."
"I don't usually have leisure time anymore, but when I did I would go 'adventuring'. Ya know, when a little kid would explore a forest near their home and find small things to get entertained by? I also liked to just take someone's stuff and just move it over somewhere else. Like if someone had their keys on the desk, I'd move it on top of the dresser. Or move someone's pocketwatch from their right pocket to their left pocket. I still do that. Sleight of hand I think that's called? I'd say my family was an average size for my homeworld, I have two parents and had four brothers. So including me it was a family of seven. My uncle lived with us briefly for a while too, but that was only when his house was destroyed. Now he lives on his own again."
"Oh. Sorry. My name's Takehiko Hidaka , but you can call me Take. I'm 16 years old and I'm male. Not really the most amazing with introductions I'm afraid."
1. What's your Hogwarts House "I... wasn't entirely sure what this was about, so I did some research and took a test and. Well, apparently I am a Hufflepuff or something? I like badgers." 2. What do you like better, dinner or dessert? Or breakfast? XD "Eating food is always good no matter what meal. That said, I find myself quite really liking sweets now that I have the chance to try them. I'd probably pick dinner though, because its the only meal I feel full." 3. Do you enjoy music? What kinds? Do you play any instruments? Do you sing? "I like music, but I don't go outta my way to listen to it. I think the type I listen to is classical? It's whatever my friends are playing at the time. And I can't sing. Well, more like I don't sing. I can probably carry a tune I just don't like to." 4. Do you like to read? Or do you prefer a life of action? "Well, I can't read. Teaching... litter race sea? It wasn't on the 'need to knows' of my homeworld. So I'm always for a life of action, might as well learn on the field."
This is inspired by Tale's "ask me about my DND bard" thread. I'm currently having problems where I think of too broad concepts and the world building and don't think much about basic kinds of questions that should be on the simpler end of things. Or even just questions that may be irrelevant when thinking about what kind of a person they are. I'm also gonna try and answer the questions in character as if talking to a very trusted friend with some of these deeper questions. Since realistically the character might not answer them but I wanna get a hang on realistic dialogue writing too. Thank you in advance!
As the machine shut down, the portal fell apart and the darkness began to quickly spread out across the world and return to the hearts of which it was stolen. The darkness no longer lingered in space, instead the seemingly perpetual mist of darkness was finally gone. Some birds began to chirp happily outside despite it being the middle of the night, and everything seemed to finally be peaceful. Like the aftermath of a long and windy storm. Slowly, but cautiously, the black haired girl in the cave was lowered to the floor and she began to stir, sitting upwards and looking around for the others, groggily, "Ugh... what happened... did you guys finish it?" Mora shifted to try and find the spot she was shot in by Ria. The wound was still there, leaving a scar that might always linger there, but it wasn't sucking away her energy and that made the girl sigh in comfort as she tried to stand up, stumbling a bit because of how weak her body was since her strength was still returning to her.
I don't actually know how I missed an entire talk about ASMR but I've been listening to it for years! Um... 5 years actually. But what I didn't realize was that I've enjoyed the feeling of ASMR for years before I knew what it was. So before I found ASMR I found myself watching unboxing videos because the sounds made me feel really relaxed. I watched makeup tutorials before that for the same feeling. The earliest memory of any "tingles" I can think of is 6th grade, when my math teacher would put on these video math tutorials for us and the instructor in the videos would click his tongue I think? (Maybe it was a lip smack I don't know). I would get excited for the tutorials because of how relaxed I felt... don't remember learning anything else though. Might be why math classes put me to sleep now actually. Here are some of my personal favorite channels/videos that I sometimes go back to regularly. Heather Feather (she doesn't really post as much anymore, i believe it's irl stuff. here's her sksk video) Goodnight Moon (she has a fantasy style series on her channel with her own world and characters, here's the first one of her's I found.) Ephemeral Rift (his stuff is a little out there and might wig someone out who might not be into the concepts. here's one of his more relaxed concepts. but it has eating sounds if you don't like that!) FredsVoice ASMR (I love his stuff but his channel has kind of begun to be consumed by the 'rude english gentleman' character he plays, so if you don't like being talked down to, I understand. There's also some videos for helping with asmr immunity which I don't think I've gotten yet but they might be helpful for someone.) yanghaiying (I really like her stuff because of how... unpolished it is. I know a lot of people like background noise taken away and keeping it polished. but I really like how these videos flow. here's my favorite of her's though warning there is a random phone ring at 8:56 so if you get super relaxed and that makes you jump I'm sorry) Anyway, I don't actually know if I have specific triggers but I definitely know when the ASMRtist gets all up in my left ear it works. I don't know why my left ear yet and I may never know. I find myself more into the RP ones because it distracts me from my thoughts and helps me sleep a lot more. I guess I like paper sounds, but not overwhelmingly so.
Hello everyone, welcome to the month of June, kupo! We hope you're getting ready for that summer weather wherever you are, but before we get ready for that, it's time to roll our last month's lottery... if i May... ...kupo? Anyway, as is always the rules, everyone who has posted in this month gets a chance a ticket, which means everyone has the same shot at winning. The only exception is that the person who won the previous month's lottery isn't pulled. So AJ is out this round kupo. Everyone has been sorted in alphabetical order based on the way of the first post. Let's get rolling, kupo! And the winner is... Steel! Steel wins 30 crowns. See you next month (or well, the next weekly lottery, kupo!)
I just wanna ask, since I don't know if staff already discussing it, if there are going to be new ways added to get munny? As far as I'm aware the only way you can get it at this time is from like achievements and from post achievements... but once those points are used the munny is kind of... gone? I haven't reached all the posting achievements but I've definitely reached all the "like" ones and used up pretty much all my munny day one. Is it going to be something given out for events? Are there new landmarks you can hit to get munny? I'm REALLY hoping this isn't a "hey guys you want more munny? uuuuse your money" things cause that's just... bad. edit: I JUST found out from this post that you get munny from posting so there's one part answered maybe
Melus did not have a particular preference to whatever route they took. But when Alex mentioned how he wasn't exactly strong, she realized that applied to her as well, so she was grateful he ended up picking sight. When he mentioned catching up, she smirked a bit. She knew she wasn't the slowest person, but fortunately for her she at least could make her own guts of wind to help herself go faster. The brunette summoned out her harp with a bit of air and began playing a small tune to get the wind to rush with her as she ran down wind. She continued running, she let herself drift up slightly in the breeze to carry her to her desired destination, not really paying attention to see if she was messing up anyone else who had to walk against the wind. When she arrived at the middle of the city, she stopped and plucked a few strings on her harp and looked around at the walls and asked, "So, is it graffiti of a cat... or graffiti of the word 'cat'? x x
Takehiko wasn't exactly sure how to feel about her conclusions but he didn't feel it right to impose. He didn't really think there was anything he could do to help the way her thoughts seemed to force itself to connect to the other world and this one. The way she couldn't break out of that mentality of being afraid of one version of a person, and then having to work with the other version of the person. And trying to come to some sort of terms about it. Maybe she wouldn't, maybe she couldn't break out of the mentality that got planted in her from all that time. He could relate. As he pulled up near Torrin and listened to the exchange and subsequently Torrin's plan, Take looked over and said, "But there could be more hats nearby that reprogram them. More importantly, they could go after us. I think we need to find a way to lure out one of them, save them, and then plan to get the others." he looked among the group there and pointed towards Machina and said, "Maybe him first."
As the extractor began it's process, the humming completely stopped. Almost as if the entire machine decided to just shut off and stop cold. But then a higher pitched noise slowly made it's way from being relatively silent to a near-discomforting louder noise. The core began to spin faster and darkness began to be absorbed into it, beginning to rip the creature apart. It let out a noise of pain as it tried to back away from the machine, growing smaller and smaller as more darkness was absorbed out of it. The shape began to look human again, slowly taking on a shadowy looking version of Chrono before color appeared again. Ria tried summon a portal of darkness but the portal itself began to be sucked over to the other one and he looked over at the group in fear, as if trying to find some way out before he clenched his chest and fell to the ground saying, "No... stay!" then gasped out as darkness began to swirl around his body entirely. It began ripping him fully apart from there as he glared towards Chrono specifically, then the others shortly after. Ria sighed as he faded fully into darkness, "I guess I really should have this place cave in sooner." As the final particles of darkness left Ria, three hearts glowing in a soft light emerged and floated in the spot he once stood. Daeni felt a slightly pressure leave her as another heart floated out of her chest to join the other three. One of the hearts that appeared when Ria faded floated slowly over towards Alder and floated a moment and flickered briefly towards him, before it began to float away out of the cave. The other three flickering and following shortly after. If anyone followed them out of the cave, the four hearts began to float up towards the sky until there was a flash, and four shooting stars crossed the sky all together in the same direction before disappearing completely. In the cave, the darkness continued to swirl as it seemed to create a portal to the dark realm. One that was very large and very vibrant with green and purplish colors. In almost an instant, everyone's memories returned to them. Gently, not painfully like many returned memories had caused before. Mora still laid on the floor, comatose. The only thing left to do was to turn off the machine to close the portal and return the darkness to everyone's hearts.
As the team struck at the creature, either by attacking it's body or by cutting at it's tendrils. The creature let out a cry of pain as it let go of the final two. It backed away in pain as a reflex, and just as it did so, a small alert appeared on the screen of the machine simply saying, "EXTRACTION READY" with text towards the red button saying "start" and text towards a blue button saying "cancel".