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  1. cstar
    Kaida up until this point has not paid as much attention to heat, but she did suppose once she saw Strato stake off his jacket that it probably was more on the tropical end of everything. Kaida took off her sweatshirt (even though it was short sleeved). She examined it briefly, turning it around to look at the back. Though she got most of it out, there was still a mark on her back where a bloodstain ended up being. She didn't remember when she got it, she didn't remember anyone spilling blood, but when she found out she basically spent an hour scrubbing it off as best she could. But without a washer of some kind it made it difficult. Which was a shame. Her outfit was brand new.

    Kaida's hair was also getting a bit longer and starting to get in her way but she tucked it behind and started rolling up her sweatshirt military style to put it in her bag. She tried to keep things as compact as possible. She readjusted her shirt a bit, since it was just a dull, grey tank-top underneath, and she took off her glove. She then looked through her bag and pulled out a bottle of sunscreen and just started lathering it all over her skin. She looked at the group and her voice managed out, a bit raspy from not having spoken for a while,
    "My homeworld didn't have a sun. I'll look as red as Aux's hair if I don't put something on it. Or... purple. I don't like remembering the purple days."

    She held the sunscreen out towards the others in offer for others to use and said,
    "I don't think clothes are really the most important thing if we don't even see locals. Maybe we should try to head for civilization instead."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar
    Kaida was not entirely sure why Ananta seemed to be on the protective end so suddenly. Did the girl think she was helpless and was not capable of her own decisions? Why would she walk in front of her like she was about to be attacked and what was she to gain from assuming that? The reason Kaida just went and waved in the first place was because their presence was already alerted and it was basically going to start out with these two aliens either speaking with them under more peaceful pretenses, or they would just become hostile immediately and attack. Either way, Kaida was prepared to confront it. And that's why it puzzled her more than made her feel comforted why Ananta walked in front of her just under the assumption it would be a hostile start. She was not going to assume the worst, maybe Ananta just was having moments back to events with No Heart. She understood. Or maybe, unbeknownst to her until the thought occurred, she looked far more out of it than she actually was. Kaida backed up from Ananta slightly only for Steel to speak up and use language that made it clear they were from another world.

    It was more of a twitch reaction based on what the Order taught her, but she almost aimed to scold Steel for being so overt about it. But then she remembered when Glen used a keyblade glider in Corona and smashed into Rapunzel's tower. That was being overt about it. Steel's was just more of a subtle thing that the creatures would either pick up on, or not pick up on. She had to teach herself to stop worrying about that, especially since at this point with the order of the universe itself being so out of wack, it might not even matter if they let slip to a few people they were not from here. But she did not want to make a habit of it. Stratos jumped in along with Steel's angle which worked out very nice for them. And it turned out these aliens were not from this world... maybe? Kaida remembered a vague conversation she had with Seiza once upon a time that some worlds were more like a chain of worlds grouped together, so it was possible that there could be an awareness of "other worlds" but not quite be aware of the scale of it. Kaida remembered not getting it at the time, but now it finally made sense. She made a note in her head to bring that up to Seiza later if this world turned out to be an example of that.

    The girl realized she was so distracted in her own thoughts that she did not realize they basically went through a bargaining stage for them to presumably do their dirty work in exchange for a vessel. Well, that ideally would be a ship but that was just vaguely worded enough where she realized they could turn around and do this mission and simply be rewarded with a unicycle. But Aux accepted the terms before she could even open her mouth to comment on that and the blonde just seemed to stare at the redhead with indignation for a long moment before letting out a sigh, giving up quickly on that. He could not read her thoughts and she was not exactly offering verbal support or ideas. Even now, when she could have just walked between and told them to hold on, she did not. Instead she just silently sat back and felt herself zone out again as she watched the two leave.

    So they were going to go and find some sort of blue creature that they had no visual reference of other than allusions to what Steel looked like. Without knowing it, Kaida started staring at Steel with this intense look which to anyone outside of her mind probably looked very, very weird. But she was processing his appearance. She was still not used to the whole wolf thing, but she was probably more used to it than most people. She came from an academy of keyblade wielders located on a world for shelter. She trained briefly in the same class as a girl who basically had the head of a fox and a tail and no other part of her looked like a cat. She tried to remember the girl's name, it was just a passerby. There was also someone with just cat ears, which was a little odd since he also had human ears and Kaida did remember asking if they could hear out of both of them and inquired about which pair of ears they covered when they went to a concert or something. The point was that Steel was not the first person she met with animal features, and he very well may not be her last. But at this moment he was the only one in the group who was, which caused a bit of a problem.

    Kaida thought it was weird blend did not seem to kick in for him here, maybe it was because of the other aliens? She had no idea. It must not have been an anomaly enough for this world to try and correct it to make it easier. Kaida clicked her tongue curiously in thought, not realizing she probably had been staring at Steel for a solid half minute now pretty intensely. The blonde then took a few steps closer to Steel and quickly roughed up the hair on his head, without even asking about it. once it was messed up she tried to make it look like bangs. Then she pulled his hood up (yes I'm assuming he has a hood) so it covered up his ears. It stuck the hood up a little bit, but didn't look that odd. Then Kaida reached into her bag and pulled out a nice pair of sunglasses she managed to pick up when shopping for clothes in Shibuya and she placed them on Steel's face so it was covering his eyes.

    Kaida stepped back to look at her work a minute and kept poking at his snout before she just finally shrugged, giving up and fixing up the hair again to try and make it look somewhat like he was maybe just a scene kid that dyed his hair. Though she felt like she was failing at that.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar
    [​IMG] "More like I keep you around because you're a better drinking buddy than the boy." Iridia giggled as she poked the glass and it filled up with ale. She conjured up a small thimble-sized tankard for herself and scooped the smallest amount from Hedgrit's, which looked like nothing was taken out, and she started sipping away before turning her attention in the direction of the house again.

    [​IMG] "You'll never lose me over something like that, Tellia." Zelph said as assertively as he could. He couldn't promise he wasn't bit, or that she wouldn't lose him, but there wasn't really a way at this moment in time anything could get inside the wound. Though he did start wondering if he should find some gloves to put on to prevent that. It wasn't his priority right now. After Tellia lit the room, he turned his head so she couldn't see the brief look of shame he felt over not being able to do a simple cantrip, but he turned back very quickly with a smile, "Nice job. Thank you." and he started looking around the house for potential supplies. Just before he did he turned and said, "Before going into a room behind a closed door, do the three knock test, okay?"

    The three knock test was when someone knocked on a door three times and backed away from the door and waited a minute to see if a crawler broke through the door. Over hearing the three knocks they could generally tell someone living was around. He always made sure to remind Tellia since it was important and it was better to set the zombies off quietly than to alert everything a mile around from screaming.

    ooc: i haven't described anything in the house yet cause i didn't know if i was allowed : /
    Post by: cstar, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. cstar
    [​IMG] Iridia looked disgusted at Hedgrit's implications with his sentence and just continued with the purification. She then cast a spell which caused the area to glow, and the three crawlers began to have grass grow around them and wrap around them. It pulled them gently into the ground as they disappeared into the dirt, and in place of their parts small saplings popped out of the ground. Iridia finished up the cleanup and stared and said, "Nah. But I could go for some ale right now if you're up for it." one of the useless skills in Iridia's spell list was that he could create alcohol. It wasn't amazing tasting but it got the job done. Fortunately for her, she also could summon water. Which saved water-search issues, but couldn't stop food searching. The only problem with the spell is that it made her tired if she used it too much and meant she was magically exhausted for the day. Which is why she usually summoned their water in one day and rested for the rest. But right now, she was fine with a small amount of ale. She only really needed a small amount anyway.

    [​IMG] "I am." Zelph replied not really feeling the need to elaborate. The elf showed no signs of injury except for his palm for the cut, which had no signs of blood. While it did heal quickly, it seemed to heal slower and slower each time he had to use that magic, which ever since the outbreak had been a lot more than he did before. As he got the door open, a little dust flew out and he rubbed his nose and mumbled, "Well that's nice." as he walked inside he quickly snapped his fingers to try and use a spell to get some light. It glowed briefly before disappearing again. The elf tried to hide his embarrassment and snapped his fingers again and tried to play it off like his lack of magical talent was more of an intentional quick flash and stop. He walked in quietly and looked back to Tellia to see if she was following.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. cstar
    "Hm... I... huh... I don't know. Loyalty? No... Honesty."

    "If someone killed or seriously harmed someone I love. I would never be able to forgive them."

    "I'm willing to give my life for my cause. But I'm not so keen to sacrifice others for it. A peaceful solution is not always possible, but I'd never sacrifice many for few."

    "A stone my brother Iwao made for me, along with lookalikes my other brothers got. It has a carved and painted dragon shape in it. I carry it everywhere so there's always a piece of my family and home with me."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  6. cstar
    [​IMG] "Ah yes. Me taking swings. Can you imagine? The giant wouldn't be able to handle any of this." Iridia replied as she flexed her tiny muscles trying to look intimidating and completely failing. She then looked towards the creatures and started another purification ceremony with her head lowered a bit out of respect but also trying to hide how sad she found this whole thing.

    Zelph walked up towards the door of the house and did a quick check to see if it would easily open or if it was boarded up. If it was boarded up, he got himself ready to body check the door, though he probably wouldn't do amazingly well considering he wasn't amazingly strong and didn't have a lot of muscle.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. cstar
    [​IMG] "I don't plan to. You don't seem to do well with children." Zelph answered as he continued walking around to look for Tellia out of concern more than anything. As he did, the fairy quickly flew up and made Zelph jump out of reaction and hold up the dagger as Iridia reasoned,
    "Easy. Easy kid! There ain't no fairy crawlers." Iridia's wings sparked briefly as she crossed her arms and looked towards the dwarf and the elf, "Everyone in the house is already lost. But, I don't know if there are any inside the house. There's also dead youngin in the kitchen that needs burying."

    "Did you see Tellia when you flew in?"

    "Yeah I called her over towards the window at the side of the house."

    "Okay." Zelph immediately looked a lot more composed as he walked backwards until he walked just past the side enough to see Tellia there and wave. Iridia looked at the Golliath's state and looked at Hedgrit, "What... couldn't get it's head so you went for the arm?" she hoped he got she was teasing but she wasn't quite sure.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. cstar
    [​IMG] "Very." Zelph replied with a bit of a smirk, "You see if you put your mind to it, even a dwarf can cut off someone's head." just as he was saying that, a crawler started sneaking up behind him and went to go in for a bite, but Zelph caught it just in time and managed to stab it in the head and it's arms could only weakly lay over his shoulders. The half-elf looked clearly a little wigged out that it was so close and he withdrew the knife and kicked what looked like a smaller Goliath, perhaps a child, drop to the ground. He took a few deep breaths to compose himself and looked over at Hedgrit and moved a strand of his hair that escaped during the fighting back behind his ear and he lied, "I meant to do that. Lull the crawler into a false sense of security." his eyes looked around for Tellia and when he couldn't find her, the boy looked nervous, but didn't immediately start screaming for her as he scanned the area. Just so he didn't draw attention.

    [​IMG] "Tellia, can you let your brother and Hedgrit know that the house has supplies, but it might not be clear?" The fairy tried to shift herself so Tellia couldn't see the child's body on the ground.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. cstar
    [​IMG] Zelph kept looking around to make sure a crawler didn't appear behind him before he started shouting, "The head, shortstack. Aim for the head! What's the arm worth?!"

    [​IMG] The child's body began to glow as it's soul seemed to float out and upwards and Iridia finished the prayer. She then flew past the child and looked around, knowing she would have to come back there later to get those taller to move the body or bury it. Iridia opened the window wider and looked out a let out a whistling song, hoping maybe the others would hear it. More specifically Tellia since she could hear the fighting outside.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. cstar

    Yeah we did the thing.

    Aislinn- 5 Crowns, 300 Munny (counterpoint equipped)
    Aux- 5 Crowns, 300 Munny (counterpoint equipped)
    Kaida- 5 Crowns, 300 Munny (counterpoint equipped)
    Luna- 4 Crowns, 300 Munny
    Stratos- 5 Crowns, 300 Munny (counterpoint equipped)


    Totals for everyone! (Yay!)
    Munny: 12,830
    Crowns: 34

    Munny: 13,573
    Crowns: 148

    Munny: 2,000
    Crowns: 33

    Munny: 7,300
    Crowns: 29

    Munny: 3,530
    Crowns: 53
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. cstar
    1. Describe yourself in three adjectives.
    2. Mountains or plains?
    3. Ocean or desert?
    4. You have to choose to save the king of the country at the cost of an entire village. While obviously the king is one of political importance, the village is a major economic zone. Do you save the king, or the village?
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  12. cstar
    1. What's your favorite color?
    2. If you were a genre of music, what do you think you'd be?
    3. What's your favorite subject in school?
    4. If you found yourself winning the lottery tomorrow, what would you do with that munny?
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  13. cstar
    Status Update by cstar, Jun 5, 2018
  14. cstar
    "Hello. Absolutely, feel free!"

    "Ooo... hm... I think it might be red. I really like the color red. I know I wear a lot of green but it's more the uniform. Ya know?"

    "Spring. It's when the leaves begin to grow again and is always welcoming after harsh winters."

    "I look up to all my older brothers. I'd even say I look up to my little brother. I care a lot about them, they've taught me a lot and got me through hard times."

    "I don't think there's anyone out there I... hate? There are quite a few people I can't see eye to eye with. The person I probably don't get along with the most is the high councilor on my homeworld, Hotaka. But that feels like it's often him not liking me more than me not liking him..."

    "Hm... I'm... afraid of becoming a stranger and distant from the things I care about and those I love and have sworn to protect."

    "Well ya know. Protect the weak, save the world. Slay the dragon, kiss the boy- girl. Kiss the girl. That ol' chestnut."

    "My family and my friends. Who are basically my family anyway."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  15. cstar
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by cstar, Jun 5, 2018
  16. cstar

    Melus was a little grateful that question was answered fairly quickly, and she liked the artwork for the cat quite a bit. It was a better scavenger hunt than looking for the word "cat" or something. Melus quickly made a note of their coordinates and listened to his question and she looked towards him and sighed, "If you want my honest opinion, we should try and take out one of the coats. Not because I think the other guy is stronger necessarily, but because I do not know anything about him or his power level. Sure, it would be easier to isolate the Echo lookalike since his partner is a Red. But the problem is that we could end up painting more of a target on our backs if he poses a challenge. We could get rid of one of the coats, oooor, we could go after some of the newbies. That still has the same complications as going after the Echo lookalike. Soooo, I either recommend we tell Luther to op-stay on the illing-kay and wait until we have a better vantage point.. we could take out one of the coats, maybe Aeira or Vallus. Or we can try and take out the lookalike now with a probability of failure. Your call at the end, I'm not exactly a run-and-gun type."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar
    [​IMG] "Shit. Well. Guess it is." The boy quickly tied his hair back and grabbed his blade and sliced is across his palm as a bit of blood dripped from it and he dropped it towards the ground whispering, "Tadael os si madyrn, shaelysti ti ail os jhylol aestali. Koli ti si mael sai vyraes syri Ai taesor. Shyr thys si byr. Byr thys si shyr." as soon as he finished the prayed, the blood on the ground seemed to vanish first and slowly but surely Zelph began to disappear as well.

    It took a couple of seconds but soon there was a screech heard from the human child zombie in the back as it was cut to the ground seemingly out of nowhere. Then a dagger appeared in the crawler's head as the creature went still. The blood filled the dagger and slowly worked it's way up to form a crimson shape, that of Zelph, who looked up to make sure the Goliath did not decide to turn it's attention towards him yet. Just in case, the half-elf flung a second dagger at where it's back presumably would be.

    [​IMG] The fairy covered her mouth in horror at the sight inside the house, she shifted her weight to break a small piece of the window and slip through, going slowly closer towards the child's corpse. She hoped it was too far gone for it to become a crawler, but it also pained her inside to see a child in this state. She summoned out a staff, which to the unstrained eye could probably look like a toothpick or a small bit of tinder from how small it was. And she attempted a purifying ritual prayer for the child. Hoping to help it's soul move on, but kept her awareness up in case it jumped at her.

    "Maiden of the shadows, welcome me into your embrace. Allow me the power to protect those I cherish. Blood for the void. Void for my blood."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. cstar
    Once the group had managed to set sail and away from No Heart, and managed to get themselves away from the realm of darkness and back to the realm they belonged, Kaida had not spoken much. If at all, for that matter. The blonde certainly was the furthest from a burden when she could be, taking turns rowing the boat on their journey with no clear destination. But she did not speak, tending to keep most of her thoughts to herself, and the only words she shared were just for clarification with others. Kaida had a lot on her mind, as she was sure others did as well. A lot of the time, but not most of the time, she was worrying about the others on their boats. She had no idea how separated they were and how long it would be before she saw them again. With what happened with No Heart, she did not know the status of everyone after the fight, and she hoped they would be able to heal up and get stronger as soon as possible. she knew if they were still kicking that they would make it through, they always did.

    Her mind was mostly on who was not living anymore.

    Her grey eyes focused most of their attention on slowly whittling a block of wood into the shape she desired. When it was not her time to row, she had been working on these charms. The pastime brought her comfort in a time of great mental anguish, and she found herself whittling more creatures than she intended and carefully stowing them away in her bag for later. At that particular moment though, her mind was a-rush with memories of Hikaru. She thought of the first time they met, when he was carrying an overwhelming amount of equipment and she was hiding away in the shade of a tree in the courtyard near the infirmary. The time Hikaru stopped Aux and Kaida when they first met and got into a fight. She remembered random walks she and Hikaru would take, usually when she was down. She remembered the day she got officially placed in the Order and how excited he was for her. She remembered... she remembered when she was called to his room and found out he was in a coma.

    Kaida was whittling the wood into a shape of a wolf while these thoughts lingered and she found herself looking at Aux. Though, whenever he looked her way, she would divert her attention so he could not obviously tell she was glaring at him while focusing on her thoughts. Her memories of Hikaru in the coma did not anger her, it was when he woke up that angered her. For now, a moment that seemed like a miracle once upon a time now was an intentional and calculated plan. One that had driven a wedge in this friendship before she would even be able to know why. She knew now what Hikaru's true identity was, and she knew now what happened to Aux and how he turned out to be their enemy. But it was not enough to comfort her mind. In a moment where they both were scared for Hikaru and did not know what to do... it was one of those moments where Kaida felt the closest to Aux.

    She remembered how the two of them were distressed that day, and how through that pain they both somehow grew closer together. And then Hikaru woke up... and Aux became distant.

    Kaida knew Aux was not under control in the moments where Hikaru sacrificed himself for them. But she still blamed Aux. If he had trusted her and explained how he felt... maybe they could have worked out a way to get Hikaru to wake up together. A way that would make it so Hikaru could still be with them today. A way that would have kept Aux from being driven away from them in a quest for power, gained though the use of darkness. Kaida was convinced that if Aux had just talked to her, back on that day, they could have solved everything. Hikaru would still be alive!

    As Kaida thought that, anger rushed through her and the knife sliced across what was probably her best sculpting work for a wolf's face she's ever done, and she sliced straight across the eye, messing it up. Kaida let out a grunt of disappointment at herself before she closed her whittling knife and put it away and stared at the wolf a long moment, dusting away some of the loose wood shaving and letting it disappear into the wind. Then she quietly tucked the wolf into her fist and brought it up towards her heart, with her eyes closed, as she struggled to hold back tears. She managed it though, and took a deep breath in when she felt the boat finally reach a shore.

    The blonde stared curiously at the alien creatures on the beach, and for a long moment she refused to get out of the boat as she processed the situation a little longer, looking towards the others to see how they were reacting. Kaida placed the wolf carving gently into her bag next to the other carvings of animals and climbed out of the boat. Once everyone was out of the boat, she noted how quickly it seemed to vanish before kind of sunk down to her knees and played with the sand slowly.

    Land. It felt good to be on solid ground and not on a boat. And this beach all things considered was gorgeous scenery. She did not care even the slightest at the aliens looked out of place. She was grateful to be on land, with soft sand under her, and the smells a tropical scent she was definitely not used to, considering her homeworld was the least bit tropical.

    Kaida drew a little heart in the sand with her finger before standing up and dusting sand off of her knees and sorts. She saw Aux seemed confused as to how to approach the situation, but Kaida knew it was best to just go with the flow at this rate. Especially if the boat was no longer existing as a means to disappear.

    Kaida walked over towards the bigger alien of the two and simply waved.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar
    [​IMG] The size of the crawlers was more than a little concerning to the fairy, and she really didn't know how to approach the situation otherwise. She decided to try and camouflage herself and get closer to the house to see if there was a window she could sneak in to try and find anyone who may be hiding in the house. She tapped very lightly at first, as if trying to politely knock.

    [​IMG] Zelph sighed defeatedly and said, "I just... really don't want to lose someone else. So I guess I'm not." he looked over at Tellia and simply gave her a reassuring smile and said, "We'll go for her." and he went on ahead just in case. Stealthing quickly through some of the brush. When he got a good look at the Goliath size of the crawler he bit his lip and turned towards Hedgrit and said, "So Gruff. Have you had the pleasure of taking down a Goliath before? Other than say in a drinking contest?"
    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. cstar

    As soon as a hole was blasted through the wall, Take was all on that like flies on glazed donuts. He jumped through the hole and taking after Torrin decided to have his glider vanish into his keyblade, and using his forward momentum Takehiko slashed in the direction of Xerek. Once he was standing upright he stood up straight and yelled, "Aha. You thought you could best us, but no one ever expects to be dealt justice by..." Take stared off as he tried to think of what his superhero name even would be.

    Kronk stared back at him while Take stood over Xerek and his response was to see if he could startle the guy by holding his hands out and yelling,

    Kronk blinked and rubbed his chin saying, "Bwam huh?" He snapped his fingers in approval and fingergunned at Take, "I like it. Superhero name with that onomatopoeia. I was expecting your name to be something like Falcon man or Keylord. But Bwam. It's got energy. I like it. I like it a lot..."

    Takehiko stared at the man before pointing the key at Kronk and saying,
    "Release the heroes from the hats!"
    "Weeeeell I uh. Can't do that Bwam."

    Take sighed a bit only to immediately be tripped down by Xerek. Take let out a yell in surprise as he landed flat on his back and Kronk grimaced a bit and commented, "Yikes."

    Post by: cstar, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena