Kaida stared at Stratos for quite a bit of time as she began to process that he did in fact, not know what ice cream was. It almost seemed strange that he didn't know, even her world for all it's shortcomings and what she would deem backwards lifestyle still had ice cream. Granted, it was usually a thing that was thrown out for birthday celebrations and things of the like. Realizing an opportunity for someone to try something new she was pretty sure they would like, Kaida's eyes found a person touring around with an ice cream cart and she grabbed Stratos' hand and began pulling him away saying, "Okay I know we should probably be looking for that alien but it has been a long boat ride with a lot of emotions and I want you to experience the joy of iced cream." when she got to the cart she let go of his hand and looked at the ice cream and was sad there was no pistachio and said, "I'll take the mint chocolate chip then. Um..." she looked over to Stratos and stared a long moment and said , "You seem like a vanilla kind of guy." she paused a minute after saying that and realized how that sounded and clarified, "L-Like the flavor I mean."
Sup. I'd love part 1
Kaida watched the had bobble a bit and listened to his questioning over what a honeymoon is and she shrugged, "It's something that was done on my homeworld, but apparently in some places two people who love each other get married. Some places have celebrations after the wedding where the two basically go on a trip alone together to celebrate their union." Kaida put the bobblehead back away in her bag and continued explaining, "A tourist trap is a place designed specifically to lure visitors in. They hike up prices of items because people will pay more when they've got all the energy around it. They're not... inherently bad. But one opened up on Central Haven for a little while and I gave up so much money to it because of the ice cream they imported in... mmm... ice cream..." she looked around to see if maybe there were ice cream stands nearby that she could buy some. Kaida had no idea what kind she would get, maybe this time she'd have pistachio. As she looked she commented, "It's such nice weather for it. You better at least know what ice cream is."
Purrah heard the voice of someone following her and seeming to speak directly to her, which she found curious. When they said they hoped she knew where she was going the catfolk looked in their direction and said, "Thissss one runs away from riot without a place in mind." but it did not take long for her running to end with a destination regardless, since she heard a noise of alarm that ended up drawing her that way just because she felt a safe enough distance from the other craziness, but she still had her personal mission in mind. As she listened in towards the interaction the cat was disgusted by the idea of... well she didn't know if he did anything wrong in accordance to Thrune and she didn't quite care. But just going straight to killing someone was crossing the line for her, and with a wave of emotions on her mind, slight inebriation, and probably a healthy dose of stupidity, the catfolk ran on in for the fight at the Dottari and slammed her fist into his face. Purrah attacked the Dottari. Did 9 damage Spoiler: rolls Attack: Roll(1d20)+4: 11,+4 Total:15 Damage: Roll(1d6)+4: 5,+4 Total:9
As the core hit the ocean, it seemed to quietly sink for a few seconds before the water above bubbled and there was a sudden shaking of everything. It almost felt like a smaller scale earthquake hit the area, and just as it did, the cave that everyone had worked so hard into clearing out was caved in again. It was quite fortunate everyone had been out by that point, though they probably could have dug themselves out once more since it just seemed to be the entrance that fell. Mora walked with the rest of them and was able to stand up a little straighter and without support anymore. She looked at everyone and smiled a bit and said,"I know it you guys kind of kicked off this mess, but you guys did end up coming through and getting everything fixed. All of you." she emphasized that point as she looked over at Chrono and then looked to the rest and said, "Thank you for saving my home, and thank you for saving me. I wish we didn't lose so many along the way but, I'm glad this did not turn out for the worst. And I've got a cool new weapon out of it... wait..." Mora backed up a bit and tried to summon out her keyblade again just to check, and it did appear once more, though it appeared out of a darker aura than a spectacular light. But Mora didn't pay that too much mind as she gave it a couple of swings. A little blue bird with the golden eyes flew quickly over and landed on Cerdic's shoulder with a suddenness that would probably freak out the man, but more birds could definitely be heard chirping now, in fact there seemed to be a lot more sounds from nature now, like there was life in the world again.
Kaida bought herself an orange and began pealing it then and there and grabbed a couple of potential extras for later. As she got herself a couple of orange slices she walked back over towards Stratos and whispered, "I feel like Ananta is very clingy and I don't know why... did I miss or do something?" she went to grab another slice and eat it but paused midway and rolled her eye, "You know, besides being in mourning? It reminds me of when she was trying to calm down Karina and was failing." Kaida ate the slice finally and chewed for a bit as wondered if perhaps Ananta's crystal sun somehow made it so she could not understand that hugging and trying to include them in things when they needed space was a bad idea. She also just... didn't know Ananta well enough to fully feel comfortable with home friendly and familiar she acted. Wanting to change the subject before Ananta somehow heard her, she looked around the place at more of the fruit, "Also someone said something about 'enjoying my honeymoon'. I don't know what's up with this place but I think we're in a largely caluclated tourist trap with the intent on exploiting an icon of the indigenous population... or it's... just a vacation spot and I'm overthinking it. But there's a lot of this thing called "hula"." The blonde then pulled out the bobblehead she bought from the store and showed it to Stratos while it looked like it was dancing, "It's fun. And kind of adorable."
Request completed! Spoiler: coloring before and after before: after: Spoiler: banner Banner Shape adapted from kubanek's chess piece vectors <a href='https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/chess-pieces-silhouettes_1069738.htm'>Designed by Freepik</a>
1. What is your favorite animal? 2. What is your favorite food? 3. What is your favorite color? 4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 5. What is/was your favorite aspect about your mother? Your father? 6. What is something you could never live without? 7. Wealth, Glory, or Passion?
1. What are you so afraid of? 2. What do you want out of life? 3. What's most important to you? 4. Are your strengths with a sword, with a shield, or with a staff? 5. What cheers you up on a bad day? 6. What puts you down on an otherwise good day? 7. Earth, Water, Air, or Fire?
1. Hot or Cold 2. Salty or Sweet 3. What's your favorite animal? 4. What's your favorite book? 5. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? 6. What are you so afraid of? 7. What's most important to you. 8. Are your strengths with a sword, with a shield, or with a staff?
Kaida did not like Ananta getting all up in her business the second she began to back off. It was most definitely because Kaida was clearly intending to fade into the background again to be with her thoughts. Having an arm suddenly wrap around her making her feel like someone was forcing her to be at their speed angered her a lot more than words probably could have described, at least not in PG language. But she also was not in a fighting mood, so as soon as she had to chance to keep away from Ananta, which involved her going and trying on new clothes, she separated herself and got a good look around at what the deal was with this world and try to get a good idea on where they should perhaps look. The shop was filled with knick knacks and t-shirts and it was at that moment she realized exactly what this place was: a tourist trap. Kaida shuddered a bit at the idea of it, but got a look at some of the postcards and got a nice look at some of the scenery and need-to-go locales. There were some mountains, volcanoes, lots of beaches. There were a lot of photographs of these dancers in leaf skirts and there seemed to be some sort of gimmick with what seemed to be tropical flowers. The girls in the leaf skirts were all over the place with head bobbles, calendars, t-shirts, mugs, key chains, snow globes (which to Kaida seemed rather ironic because of a tropical setting), license plates, there were even some dolls with the same design. It was frightening how much they were pushing this one thing that she wondered if it was someone who was famous on this world, or some sort of traditional clothing? Kaida picked up one of the bobbleheads playing a tiny guitar and watched it bobble back and forth as she realized the instrument was playing over the radio of the shop in order to set the mood. She giggled a bit in amusement at it. She kind of wished she could show Hikaru it, maybe he would have found the whole thing as amusing as she did. As she placed down the bobblehead she moved around the shop to look at some more stuff and found a map of the island and decided to go and pick that up and she saw the clothing section of the area and decided to give it a look. It was that same floral deal. Kaida had no idea why this was a thing, but looking around at the other people walking around, it must have been what at least tourists wore. That's how they could pass off. Kaida took off the extra belts on her shorts to make them look like normal shorts in the store and she looked around for something else to wear. There was a pretty nice sundress type thing that was white with floral patterns. Kaida liked it very much and remembered how long it had been since she wore a dress and got a little excited at the idea of it. She tried it on, and it went just over her shorts, but if she jumped it rode up a bit and her shorts could be seen. So she went with that look and bought herself one of the flower necklaces and placed it on. She also got herself a couple of those flower necklaces for the others. When she walked back over to the group she put the flower necklace on Ananta, then Stratos, then Steel, when she turned over to Aux she just kind of held the necklace out to him and then walked away again to look at other stuff. People probably thought she was snubbing him or something, which she totally was but the reason she ultimately did not try to put the flower necklace on Aux was because of how much taller he was than her. She would have had to have pulled him down and she was most certainly not in the mood for it. Kaida looked around for other stuff in the store to keep trying to figure out what was up with the place but it seemed a lot of the focus for this place was the beach and the ocean. She also began picking up on a few things, for one she was pretty sure most of the people here were not locals, they were also tourists. The locals were the ones they seemed to itemize with the leaf skirts, which Kaida finally found the item name to realize it was something called a "hula skirt" and that the flower necklaces she gave everyone were called "leis". Kaida decided to go ahead and buy one of those bobbleheads out of amusement, maybe when this was all over she could have it around as a souvenir. It fascinated her enough. She walked up to the cashier on the other side of the store this time, to keep just the slightest bit more time from looking at Aux's face or being pulled into Ananta's unwelcome grasp, and once she checked out, the cashier said something about enjoying her honeymoon? Kaida had absolutely no idea what he meant by that, did she look like she was on a honeymoon or something? She barely even thought about the odd things people did in other homeworlds. Once Kaida was done shopping she indicated to everyone she was going to wait outside and she left to sit outside and look at the rest of the shops. It was more of less all of the same with a few other stores mixed in. Kaida noticed there was a farmer's market type thing across the street that was selling fresh fruit and vegetables and just looking at it made her stomach growl. She took a deep breath to control herself since she wanted to wait for the others, but she could not resist the growl for long and she walked her way across the road to get herself some fresh fruit. Particularly eyeing some apples, though she considered getting an orange instead. Food.
Zelph felt Tellia's hand and could tell how her discomfort was, he nodded and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before beginning to head out the the room and soon the house with her. Once outside, Iridia looked and saw they were out and she made herself fly up to Hedgrit's bag again and slid herself inside and curled up at the bottom. The color in her wings turned to an orange and she stared off a bit, she did this usually to let the others know she was resting because of her magic, but she could help if there was emergency. So far there was only one time her wings turned "red" to signal she needed complete rest and couldn't help at all, and that was the third day she joined Zelph and Tellia, when she was very weak. She knew Hedgrit was a lot more recent and she explained her coding at some point to him, knowing he probably was annoyed it had to be explained but she gave him ale so what was he to do. Zelph looked at the dwarf and said, "Family's all gone. I took what was salvageable."
CURRENT SPECIALS: June Special: Pride Me Up, Cstar!: For ONLY 25 munny, I'll make you a LGBT+ Pride themed Avatar. Just send the Avatar form with the phrase "pride me up, Cstar" on top and feel free to pick what you want represented and I'll make it. Summer Special: Life's a Beach: For ONLY 100 munny I'll make you a signature with a beach theme. Just send the signature form with the phrase "life's a beach" on top and I'll cook it on up for ya. STATUS BOARD: LadyAzura's Avatar- In progress Beucefilous' image edit- In queue (1) Recent Requests: Beucefilous' banner & coloring request. COMPLETED & PAID FREQUENT CUSTOMERS: None yet, be the first! And here are our sponsors (pm me for your sticker here!): Gallery in the Cstars:
stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars "Hello there. Welcome to my graphics shop! I know, I know. You're pretty sure you have seen this before. But this is a new era, I've grown a lot, and it felt best to start fresh with a new setup and a new thread. This shop has a couple of extra things added to the last one, with some little bonuses. It's still the same fun place with the same fun stuff. Now, let's get to business!" stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars and stars stars and stars and stars and stars Offering to you in this shop: AVATARS SIGNATURES ROLEPLAY BANNERS ROLEPLAY GRAPHICS COLORINGS E-STARS AMVS For a preview at a collection of my work for most of my graphics, please check out my thread Gallery in the Cstars. I am going to still provide to you an example of each other works I offer up for people to make: Spoiler: Avatar Examples Unmoving: Moving: Spoiler: Signature Examples Unmoving: Moving: Spoiler: Roleplay Banner Examples Unmoving: Moving: Spoiler: Roleplay Graphics Examples https://kh-vids.net/threads/anchored-down-ooc.150135/ https://kh-vids.net/threads/the-serpentine-road.156036/ Spoiler: Coloring Examples original: https://maxx-v.deviantart.com/art/Terra-Lineart-193499368 colored: Spoiler: -E-Stars Examples Spoiler: AMVs Basic Prices (prices subject to change): Avatar: 100 munny Signature: 200 munny Avatar & Signature Bundle: 150 munny Roleplay Banner (Basic): 200 munny Roleplay Banner (Side & Horizontal connected banner): 300 munny Roleplay Graphic/Theme: Message me to negotiate price. Coloring: 100-150 munny (depending on complexity of request) E-Stars: 25 munny AMV (30 sec or less): 600 munny AMV (up to 1 minute): 700 munny Each additional minute for AMV is 200 munny. Addons: Motion: +50 munny Roleplay Opening for Theme: +500 munny Post Scheme for RP banners (sent as a code for a post macro): +10 munny How Payment Works: First purchase requires a 50/50 contract, you post the request and I give you a nifty little "like" and a spot on my "status/customer" board below. That is acknowledging that I have seen your request and have no problems with it and will begin working on it as soon as I receive half of the cost of the request. Once the request is completed, I will give it over to you and you will give the other half of the payment. This process is to ensure no one skips out on paying. Once you've become a "returning customer" (this requires three requests), you will be able to just pay after the request is completed in full. This can either be done through "Transfer Money" on the Bank tab above on KHV (please have the reason be "Gallery in the Cstars", or you can like my posts until I get the amount needed. Keep in mind each like on a post gives 2 munny. Refunds on 50/50s: I will take 2 weeks maximum to complete a request (exceptions for AMVs and roleplay graphics which will be discussed in private messages with the person dealt with). If it passes that date, I will return your half of the money and the request is yours free. If there is a technical problem on my end that makes me unable to complete your project sooner than the two week period you will be alerted immediately and a refund will also be processed. I make great strides to make sure everyone's request is exactly to their liking. As a result, once the final product and your payment is finalized, there will be no refunds after that. If a person pays through likes, I understand that in itself is just a mind-numbing waste of time, so if someone pays the 50% in that method, I will go back and like the equivalent sent to me. Request Forms: Spoiler: Avatar post this star with your form: Username: Images (Please send original source) or describe what you're looking for:: Avatar size: Text (put N/A) if none: Colors: Details: Addons: Discord/Skype (put N/A if you don't want to be contacted): Method of Payment (Transfer/Likes): Would you like to see the process? (yes/no): Spoiler: Signature post this star with your form: Username: Images (Please send original source) or describe what you're looking for: Signature size: Text (put N/A) if none: Colors: Details: Addons: Discord/Skype (put N/A if you don't want to be contacted): Method of Payment (Transfer/Likes): Would you like to see the process? 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(yes/no): I will contact you afterwards, please post this star with the request: "What do you mean by would you like to see the process?"- This means I will either send you pms of the product as I go along on your provided method of contact, OR if you are up for it we can skype call and screenshare while I edit so you can see the editing process. Chat a little, learn some tips of the trade if you're interested in that jazz. It's not required, but I know a lot of people who find the hands-on experience fun because they get more of a say on the creative process. Some people aren't up for it and that's cool too. I like to give people the chance at it.
I qualify for: -TWO?! (Castle Oblivion) -Red Skull -White Skull -Pink Skull
Iridia shook her head at the dwarf and smiled, "Nah, it'll be quite alright. I just needed it outside so I could work my magic." The fairy summoned out her little staff again and began doing the same ritual she did before, but this time the fairy started slowly falling from flight and began sitting on the ground with her hands against it and taking deep breathes. She was already magically exhausted and feeling tired, but she was stubborn and didn't want to admit it. Though she was bad at pretending she was fine otherwise. Zelph looked at the bear a bit and shrugged and said, "I don't see why not. I'm sure whoever did have it would want it to have more adventures." he kept looking around the house just to eye the place and see if there was more and said, "But I'm not gonna carry it for you." it wasn't like it was atypical behavior for a kid to get sick of carrying their own stuff but with how many times he had to go back for teddy because she left it back at the site (though it wasn't too far a walk) and he had to keep an eye he didn't want to have to have that responsibility.
Iridia filled up Hedgrit's tankard once more while Zelph ended up getting focus cause of more fun stuff. Zelph noticed his sister's annoyance at him reminding but there was a part of him that felt like if he did not tell her, it would be the one time she did not do it. Zelph began to explore the abandoned house beginning his search first through the kitchen, where he ended up seeing the body of the child and jumping slightly. He approached it cautiously but noticed a small flower was growing on it and new at the very least Iridia purified the body. He quickly looked around to see if Tellia was looking before picking up the body and running outside with it and placing it by Hedgrit and Iridia awkwardly and running back inside. He started rummaging through the area to see if any food was stored. Unfortunately for him, most of the stuff they would have loved to have eaten was rotting. The vegetables were basically hopeless. But this family stored their game pretty well. The boy started stocking up quickly in his bag all the food and supplies in the kitchen he could find before he heard growling and stopped still. He paced quietly in the direction of it and it began to be loud and frantic as he saw what must have been a human pinned under something and unable to move. At this rate they were infected and trying to kill Zelph, but could only accomplish so much from how it was pinned. Zelph whispered a small prayer to himself before he sliced his hand a small amount again and pointed towards the woman and the blood shot out like that of an arrow and pieced through her head as she stopped still. Zelph realized after a moment of looking that this woman very well may have been the mother of the child. He stared at her a long moment as he remembered watching when his father was dead on the floor and Ilythyrra was infected and telling for him to run and protect Tellia. Probably the only responsibility those two ever gave him and trusted. He couldn't say he got along with either his father or his stepmother (though Ilythyrra would be loathed for him to refer to her as such). The only reason he ended up being taken in by him was because of his mother's own death years prior. Zelph was approaching thirteen when his mother died and he was brought in by his father out of pity. His first name sounded plenty elven, which was why he stuck to just that. But his last name was Wildfeather, his mother's last name. That was unmistakably human. Sometimes when not in the presence of them he announced himself as Zelph Daerieth, but his father caught him once and he made a point that if he did it again he would be out on the streets. And by that point, Zelph had already grown attached to his sister, whom he met when she was aged five. But even still, it hurt to see how Ilythyrra seemed to suffer, and he was the one that ended up putting her out of it and getting Tellia out of there. He knew he would have to tell her soon that they were dead... he just didn't know how to approach it now that it had taken him so long to get there. The half elf continued his search afterwards and noticed that the woman had a bag filled with canned goods and emergency medical supplies, like she was getting ready to escape before the attack happened. He got excited and quickly began to loot before going once again on his search for Tellia, "Find anything exciting?"
Kaida began marching along with the others once movement began to occur and she listened in on the conversation thinking about what it would be like to have a crystal for a sun and a world perpetually raining. While she didn't think it was possible to ever wrap her head around the crystal part, she could at least understand a forever rain. She liked rain, not especially over one whether condition over the other or anything. But the sounds it made, and how everything seemed to cool off in hotter temperatures. It almost kind of made her wish it started raining right now. But as the blonde looked up at the deep blue sky of this new world, she realized that all things considered this was picture perfect weather even if it was tropical. Kaida eyed back at the beach and said, "Ya know, I've never had a beach day. I always wanted to, my master always told me about how his world was... kind of like this one. Tropical, palm trees, beautiful sand. Kind of wanted to visit it. Don't know if I ever will. Think it was called something like... Density Isles or something? Name's not that important." she was unaware that she had already been there and just didn't know it, since a battle with several heartless ended up holding the broken world as an arena. Kaida looked over at Ananta and said, "I'm not rushing to get into a bathing suit or anything like that. In fact after that boat ride... I'd... I'd rather just... not... water." she turned her head back over towards the ocean and sighed and remembered the whole thing with Hikaru again and she began pulling back behind the group just so she would stop herself from talking. She knew if she kept talking at this rate she might start randomly crying on them out of nowhere. And she didn't want that.
"No. It's seen as a bit of a waste on my homeworld to keep a pet. BUT a friend of mine unfortunately passed on and I've been watching over her cat, Nini. Does that count." "Um, I don't know if it's mutually exclusive, but my best friend's name is Chrono. He helped me be able to summon the keyblade and trained with me under the same master. I like his pocketwatch." "That I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to my little brother." "Oh my gosh. Okay you have to hear this. So one of my neighbors: his name was Jin, was trying to walk back with me home from a training day and one of the mountain goats on my homeworld ended up sneaking up behind him and let out this scream and Jin screamed back right at it. It then just seemed to try and communicate with him and we all just kept screaming at it back and forth until the adults told us to stop. It was amazing. Oh man... I hope Jin is doing well."