Kaida stared off a bit as she listened to his response, she probably looked emotionless if only while she was trying to process how she felt about the situation. She really appreciated him opening up, she didn't think she had ever heard him this honest about his emotions before and that... meant something. Kaida looked over at Aux finally and sighed and said, "You don't remember what I said to you the day I went for my second mark of mastery? The last day before this chaos began?" she turned fully towards him ignoring the mission to say, "Hikaru would rather have us doing something with our lives rather than moping around." Kaida looked pained and said, "I don't... blame you for Hikaru's death..." she didn't realize it but tears were streaming down her face, "I think he knew it was going to happen... but I can't look at you without thinking you're going to be the death of me." she felt the tears and wiped them away and tightened her fist up to get herself angry just so she wouldn't cry, "I can't look at you without knowing you didn't trust me enough to talk about how to help Hikaru back then.. I thought we were on the same page... I-I thought that we were getting somewhere from just the sparring and the fights... then Hikaru woke up... and you weren't the same." Kaida felt the tears go through anyway despite her trying and she managed out through almost a squeak and she couldn't contain herself anymore as she covered her face, "Hikaru was doomed to die the day you took that remnant... and I couldn't do anything to stop it... because I was so Order focused... Hikaru died because I couldn't save you both..."
"Yeah, I can carry her. My strength is an unfortunate side effect of my disease of a human side. Also elves are pretty light unlike you dwarves." Zelph mumbled the last part under his breath as he tried to walk faster than Hedgrit so he didn't have to look at him. He was a bit tired himself, and it hurt his hands to hold her because of the cut on his palm but he wouldn't let himself show it.
"I'll sell you off as a pet for a few hours..." Kaida mumbled under her breath, she looked over towards the direction of Steel and said, "I don't think he'd take kindly to it either." Kaida kept walking, trying to not go too fast for the three to think they were following them. The blonde stared forward and shifted her hair and asked, "...Aux... when... Hikaru returned your light to you... did you get those memories back he said he had that were yours?" Kaida crossed her arms and turned her head away and asked a little quieter, "...did you get any of his memories?"
"Do you think a little girl would part with her dog that easily? I don't think she understands monetary value, but you can give it a shot if you want..." Kaida replied as she watched them walk away towards a coffee shop a little ways down the way. Kaida started walking towards and said, "I don't wanna lose the others but I don't wanna lose that dog. If any of you wanna get them I'd do that... I'm not going near Ananta yet... I'm somehow more irritated looking at her than Aux. No offense." Kaida waved her hand as she headed towards the coffee shop.
Zelph let out a sigh in defeat and as a twisted bit of revenge, Zelph grabbed her by the shirt and lifted her up very quickly and let her go in midair before catching her on his back and grabbing her by enough support so she wouldn't fall. He then looked at Hedgrit and held a hand out, "Okay little one are you tired too and would like to be tossed and carried?"
Okay so today I watched E3 with a call going on for pathfinder so I wasn't able to fully pay attention to everything like I could with EA. Which is unfortunate but I got a general gist of everything. --- Microsoft Presentation: I don't think there was a single point I was cringing during the microsoft presentation, they just keep cutting from trailer to trailer to trailer with the occasional speaker and nothing was too bad. So it was already infinitely better than EA's was. Halo Infinite: Trailer looks nice but my feelings for Halo are nada and they really didn't go into it afterwards they just kind of threw the trailer and that was that. I'm sure Halo fans were okay with it. Ori: It's one of those games that looks stellar and looks fun but not one I'd actively go out in play, which is how I feel about a lot of this style. I'll probably watch a let's play of it at least once though. Shadows Die Twice: Not really interested in this game at all. I thought for a minute it was Dynasty Warriors? Maybe I need to chill with that. Fallout 76: I'm gonna elaborate on this more in the bethesda section since it was the same trailer and a few more things were shown there. Captain Spirit: I've kind of lost my love for the Life is Strange franchise overall but I've always loved the music and aesthetic. But I think because of the age of this kid I might be into it a little more. But I won't get it and will definitely watch a let's play of this though. Also a note: the animations on the face looked more off than usual. I hope they fix that. Crackdown 3: I don't really have much to say other than I admittedly thought it was gonna be a Saint's Row game at first. I should work on that. Metro Exodus: Uh, this is one of those games I've put into the "really? ANOTHER post-apocalyptic setting?" group. It's probably not fair but I'm getting tired of this genre. Though this trailer was definitely one of the more memorable ones of that category. I think it was the monologue. Kingdom Hearts 3: Okay so y'all know I'm going into this one. First off I just wanna say how ****ing adorable Sora was in this trailer, like, the islander comment kicking this off while it slowly dawned on my this was a frozen world announcement trailer was great cause... I think if it had been introduced any other way I would have complained about there being a frozen world. There was some good stuff in here like Olympus having a crowd, the shield sledding looked fun, and of course my girl Larxene is back. And of course, we had that surprise at the end that is making all the fans scream in agony and I TOTALLY CALLED IT. I hope there's another trailer or two tomorrow but I'm excite, especially since I can play this game since it's on Xbox! Forza: It's Forza We Happy Few: This is one of those games I keep swearing I'm interested in but I forget to look up stuff for it. It feels like a nice psychological horror mixed with.. uh... for me bioshock? It looks creepy and the idea of it is cool since I'm all up for that dystopian stuff. The Division 2: I don't remember this playing Session: Thought it was Skate. Happy for another skateboarding game. Will keep an eye on it. DMC 5: Okay I don't play DMC but I was hyped for all my friends for this cause it look great and it's nice to get a sequl to the games and not the remake tbh. Dante looks hotter than usual. Jump Force: Okay we're gonna own this game because of my brothers so I will probably play it but I'm not super hyped for it. Dying Light 2: Hello welcome to post-apocalyptic game but a little more interesting because of "choices in game". Won't buy it but will gladly listen to the inevitable youtube videos trashing the choices matter promises... or praise them if they're really good. Battletoads: Brother is hyped. I'm indifferent. Gears of War: Brother is hyped for sequel. I think the pop one looks cute. Cyberpunk 2077: Forgot this game was being made and it still looks fantastic but despite being in love with dystopian cyberpunk concepts like this I have no passion to get it. But I don't blame others for being excited. -------------- Bethesda Disclaimer: I don't actually remember much about the conference because I was in combat at this point in the pathfinder session so if this looks barebones up until Fallout76, that's because that's when I could pay full attention. Presentation: It was cringier than EA, but more in the overall, not in the magnitude. It started with a concert which might have been linked to something but I didn't care. Something something distracted by twitch polls. I can't find a list so I'm just gonna talk about what I remember. Eso is great I like me some sweet sweet elder scrolls mobile games. And i love blades. No but I am probably gonna play this one since it's free. Fallout 76 looks interesting other than the fact it's in West Virginia. I don't know how you can make West Virginia more of a wasteland than it already is. I love me some mountains though so I'm okay with that. Also there is multiplayer now a la it sounds like Ark: Survival Evolved. I'm fine that, my brother loves that idea, so I'm probably gonna play it. I might even sign up for the beta when the sites are no longer crashed. Country roaaads. Elder Scrolls 6 like... exists I guess.
"Yes. That's the one. I wouldn't be fooled by appearances. Who knows what kind of horrors it could unleash upon an unsuspecting crowd." Kaida replied, just in time for her to ward this creature go swirling super fast into the old woman from earlier, watching as the poor old lady was smashed into a pile of fruit. The blue creature's head popped out of a watermelon, while the old woman's was shoved into it. Kaida winced visibly at that and whispered, "I-I meant something a little less... well... like what just happened." she watched as the older girl who she ran into earlier tried to help pry off the watermelon and get the blue creature out of there with the little girl. The old woman just looked more confused, and not very irate. Kaida felt like she would have been.
I suppose I have no problem with it being both. It'd be cool to know when it's out for japan
One of the fun things about this whole Kingdom Hearts III coming up is figuring out who will be the 7 lights and the 13 darknesses. And while I'm not really partial towards looking into the 13 lights, one of my personal favorite theories has been figuring out who will be the 13 Xehanorts. In Dream Drop Distance we ended up with a plot line going through the whole thing where Lea wakes up in Radiant Garden with other organization members and notices that Braig and Isa are gone. He goes through trying to figure out how to wield a keyblade and ends up discovering that Isa has become one of Xehanort's thirteen. "Isa..." It's been subtly established since back in 358/2 days that Lea and Isa were best friends that slowly broke apart due to their lack of emotions or perhaps Isa's drive to just keep up with the goal for Kingdom Hearts in KH2. But with a line such as "Which would you rather suffer the loss of: some make believe friendship, or a real one?" Lea and Isa at that point viewed their friendship pre-nobody as more "real" and as a result that connection kept the two in at the very least decent contact with one another until ultimately Isa had to dispatch Lea for trying to help Kairi rather than helping out the organization. As a result, while I'm not sure what the current feelings for Isa are for Lea, Lea most certainly still is connected to him because... well at one point he was his friend despite their current circumstances. He's gonna want to help Isa. So... let's go in on a bit of setup. "Which one will it be?" Sewing the SeedWhile there is just the possibility he knew it would be easier to go with Isa because of his loyalty up until the end other than the others... I feel like there's another motive here. Knowing full well there's a connection between Isa and Lea. I think it's a backup plan, the man with backup plans. I don't think he was initially thinking "I want Lea as my 13th". He still wanted Sora, and Lea unexpectedly interrupted those plans. Xehanort had amusement out of it, smiling as Isa went to go and attack Lea. He did not do that with the intent to interrupt how the story had turned. He did that to get Lea to know he indeed had Isa. This was the seed planted for Lea to try and save Isa from Xehanort. He successfully saved Sora (and as a result saved Roxas), but he couldn't save Isa. And he always brings his friends back. I think Xehanort now knew he had another piece he could go after. An unexpected one that had a deep attachment to friends. And now Lea's goal is going to be without a doubt to help get Isa back. The Recusant's Sigil Here's one of the things I think everyone's kind of reluctant to remember, but I have trouble forgetting now that it's a thing. The sigil is basically Xehanort's way of tracking something he desires to track. And one of the unfortunate things Lea has done is that... he had everyone memorize that his name was Axel. Axel includes the sigil. As a result, no matter how much he keeps telling people his name is Lea, everyone associates him as Axel. Now that he's defeatedly allowed people to keep calling him Axel, he's unknowingly allowing himself to keep Xehanort's sigil. So Xehanort is going to be able to keep track of Lea through this whether he wants to or not. This may seem like nothing, but it's also the reason they're probably still able to keep track of Sora, because of Roxas and his own sigil. It may not be the case, but it's odd that it's a little harder for them to find people like Mickey and Riku. But that's the problem with the sigil being a thing. Now He Has The Makings Lea is now able to wield a keyblade, which already puts him a step above someone like Isa or Braig. It was the reason he was going after Sora in the first place was because an ordinary boy was able to wield a keyblade. Well, here's Lea. He's not necessarily ordinary, nor really is Sora, but he's now a wielder. Some people say this puts him in the Lights category but I'm hesitant to include Lea or Kairi in that equation yet. He's now going through some pretty nice training in order to use the keyblade and be able to fight, which Xehanort might as well let happen. Heck, maybe Xehanort could sense it when he barged in to save Sora. What I think is going to happen in KH3 I think most of the plot is going to be dedicated more towards Riku and Sora's ends with occasional pans towards Kairi and Lea training. I think Lea is going to get antsy about saving Isa. And when they're reaching the final war... I think at that rate the lights are going to have the following: Sora, Riku, Mickey, Aqua, Ven, Roxas, and Xion (possibly Terra). In this theory, I'm going under the assumption that Xion has become her own person and become their 7th light. Only because I don't think Terra can escape Xehanort until the end of this fight. It could very well be that he got another for the 13th and lost Terra and as a result he ended up with another empty 13th slot. Either way this opens near the final showdown and while the rest of the group is fighting the heartless, Lea is going to try and get Isa out of there before big fight in some sort of behind-the-scenes way. Maybe he's stealthy going in while the others are distracted and trying to get Lea away from the fight. Xehanort at this rate would probably be able to speak through Isa at this point in order to try and tell Lea that he'll "let Isa go" but only if he "gives himself up instead". I think Lea is the sacrificial type and would take a moment of hestiation before eventually going for it, and releases Isa briefly to ease Lea into a false sense of security, before Master Xehanort gets over there and puts a piece of his heart into Lea and takes back Isa. And that completes the 13 that Xehanort otherwise would not have had after losing Terra. Making it a last minute "wait really? we thought we kept him from getting his 13" and instead Lea is lost. I don't know what the fate would befall Lea and Isa afterwards. And the events may not play out this way. But I feel pretty confident this is how he gets his 13th. --- Have any comments about this? Want to point out any problems or any additional ideas for this theory? I'd love to see them expanded. This was written out at @Heart ❤ 's request but this is a theory I've had for a couple of years. If other people have written out a theory like this I promise you I have not seen them. It might be more concretely written if others have had it.
We used to have one for the other games and I don't know if there's an addon for counter of some kind, but it would be really cool to go to the front page and see a countdown now that we have a release date. I remembered that being a thing and got the idea for the suggestion based on Cat linking a countdown timer. c:
Kaida looked to Stratos and said, "No uh. This isn't tourist trap. That last shop was. This is just a market." she knew that wasn't the most important part there. As she stood there waiting she watched as the little girl and the blue alien seemed to start... dancing? Kaida stared confused and asked, "Is... are they just... why are they...?" she didn't think this was the kind of place but maybe it was a local thing? She hadn't the slightest idea.
Hah. Called it. Take that "November 2018" people.
I watched the EA one today with my bro, and this is probably gonna be the regular thing for most of these with the exception of Bethesda because I'm gonna be playing pathfinder at that time. But I figured I'd give a good sum up of my feelings on it all. Even if no one really cares: --------- Presentation- The presenter, I couldn't remember her name, was fine but the way she tried to play to the crowd just did not work in the frame of a conference like this and as a result wheen she started chatting up with this one guy in the crowd I had the worst cringe I've had watching anything e3 related since the screaming lady in the bethesda conference a few years back. Most of the presenters otherwise were fine, I could tell that the woman presenting Sea of Solitude was not used to this and very nervous and was a little bad at spacing out which info went where in her speech but that could have been a language thing. Overall the presentation was acceptable. Battlefield V- I'm not really a fan of this genre but Battlefield is usually the one some people in the house play out of CoD and stuff like that. I still think the graphics are cool and I especially love the set design for how the houses fall apart. That snow fall was perfect. Nothing really called out to me in . FIFA 19- I'm not really a sports game players so I just have no idea whether this game looks fun or not. But out of the sports games, FIFA looked the best to me graphically. Also I just wanna note that whoever makes the compilation clips for these games is incredible because they make it look fun even though I don't wanna play it. Star Wars games- Jedi: Fallen order was announced and I'm obviously going to be looking at it as it develops as an interested Star Wars fan who wants a star wars game I love. But there's nothing about it for me to say at this point other than the host was cringey again. Battlefront II- They announced clone wars stuff with Obi-wan, Anakin, Grevious, and Dooku. I'm indifferent at this time as someone who has not played battlefront my brother Liam was upset that his homeboy Windu is not in it yet. Brother is excited about new squad system. Oh and command posts are back. woo. Unravel two- My personal favorite game showed off at the conference. It looks fun, I really liked the gameplay that they showed off. And it came out today, I'm not gonna buy it yet, no money. But that's basically the only game I would have been excited for, and it was a "now out today" release. Sea of Solitude- I'm pretty unclear what exactly this game is even about or how it's going to play. But it looks pretty and I'll keep an ear out for more info regarding it because I like the main character's design. NBA- I don't have anything to say other than that it looks good and that those compilations are sweet. Madden- Same as above, but that EA sports segment was kind of awkward bringing out the champion with the belt like that. There was like a 5 minute ad before the Anthem segment and it was the worst thing I've ever seen them attempt and I keep blocking it out apparently? It was boring. It wasn't exactly a game with flashy or interesting gameplay it was a tower defense game and it went on far too long. Anthem- I like the overall idea of it, but I'm not hyped for it. I like the customization and how the gameplay is but my brother and I really wanted to see some gameplay from perspective of the interceptor and the storm. My brother is super excited for this game because robots and he wants to make one look like an EVA-01. Also Anthem won't have lootboxes which is nice. A summary: -I'm not currently hyped for anything coming up out of EA that was presented here. -Conference did not feel like a waste of time however.
When Tellia started playing up her exhaustion, he could totally see through her bullcrap and gave her a 'seriously?' look at rolled his eyes, "You're a big girl, and you got to sleep in today. You can walk a little longer." if she pushed more, he'd probably cave more out of guilt for not doing anything. He looked at Hedgrit and said, "Well, we could try and keep heading a little more west, but I think the girls are down." he knew Tellia could hear him and Iridia mumbled out from the bag, "I'm soooorry." but it was muffled.
Kaida's eyes widened when she saw Aux summon out his keyblade and she quickly grabbed it and looked him straight in the eyes and said at a hostile whisper volume, "Have you gone insane? Why are you summoning out your keyblade and looking ready to attack this thing? There's a little girl right there? Are you gonna try and hurt a little gir- actually. This is in perfect character for you I don't know why I'm confused." Kaida let go of his keyblade and said, "Put that away." she turned towards the direction of the blue alien and observed before she responded looking at Stratos, "If you wanna walk up to her and start talking, go on ahead. But I think it'd be better to wait until he's not immediately near her and swipe him then. What I'm saying is we're probably gonna be in for the long hall."
Take was a little more amused than he probably should have been how this Kronk guy seemed to just do all of the work for them. A shame, he didn't seem like all that bad a guy. He kind of wanted to learn a little more about Bucky the Squirrel. But then as they seemed to wrap stuff up, there was a giant hat. When Torrin asked who would even wear a giant hat, he thought a little about it and snapped his fingers and said, "That giant heartless with the red eyes could. Anyway yeah, let's do this." The boy ran forward and quickly decided to go and use some magic this time. He cast one of the more recent spells he learned, Fatal, and let out a bit of a gasp as he felt himself be drained before he charged on in with a couple of broad slashing attacks. HP: 80/110 AP: 16/56 MP: 30/30
When she heard Ananta's voice and tensed up as she felt the green haired girl clawing her way into this situation and it made her pissed the blonde stopped short in the middle of her walking and she turned to Ananta and said with a low voice, "Get away from me. Stop talking with me with this familiarity. We're not friends, I've made plenty of give to make you feel comfortable. But the closest I consider you is something like a co-worker." Kaida finished off her ice cream and wiped her face and threw the flower Ananta gave her back at her, "Give me space, or I'll forcefully make my own space." Kaida began her power walk to leave when she ran herself into a taller woman that looked like a local, the woman looked a bit frantic and simply said, "Watch it." while Kaida held up her hands and apologized and backed away. The black haired woman walked her way over towards the direction of the old lady. Following her was a little girl with a red wagon filled with a bunch of randomly assorted items which kind of looked like she was preparing for a performance. And sniffing around her was... a blue dog. In that moment, Kaida realized their target objective was here. She let out a sigh of despair and took twelve steps back over towards Ananta and said, "We'll uh... we'll talk about this later..." and she made her way back towards Stratos and Aux and said, "The coincidence fairies hath arrived..." and she pointed as casually as she could towards who she assumed was Stitch.
Kaida rolled her eyes at Aux's bewilderment over the winging it thing and she said, "Look, even if we didn't. What would we have to go on half the time? It's worked out fine most of the time. Also, I'm pretty sure we covered this in Pridelands." Kaida thought about the comment Aux made and licked her own ice cream cone and held the other one back towards Aux and said, "Come on, Aux. She even managed to grab cookies and cream flavor. Your favorite." she waited a long moment and got annoyed by his attitude and growled out, "Unless you're just really liking turning your back on everything you love lately." she realized how hostile that came across and her eyes widened and she looked away, eventually holding the ice cream out for Stratos to take since Aux had not yet and she sighed and reached into her bag and pulled out a map of the island and looked around and said, "The shelter's not far from here. So I'll get a head start... unless something happens otherwise..." and she folded up the map again and walked to leave.
Buying stuffeses Spending 10 crowns for 1 magic Spending 20 crowns for 2 defense Buying the Lady Luck keyblade --- Math time! 250 munny left 3 crowns left 17 defense 30 magic Summoner job unlocked for Kaida!
When Ananta placed the flower in her hair, she shifted it back so she could see what it looked like before putting it back on and saying, "Thanks Ananta. That was sweet." she took a couple licks of her ice cream and watched Stratos recoil back from the cold and giggled and said, "Be careful not to eat it too fast or it'll hurt. I think Aux called it a brain freeze once?" she looked as if to try and confirm with Aux before she felt her mood set off again. She listened in to Ananta talking her clothes and sitting down, while Stratos made a comment about the outfit not blending in most places. Then she heard Aux yell about something being small and blue and realized he was already on the hunt. Kaida looked over at the others and said, "Maaaybe we should... help with that." and she tilted her head in the direction of Aux while she started making her way back slowly, holding the ice cream in both her hands. As she walked up to Aux, she reached up and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "Aux. Chill. What happened to you being the calm one?" Kaida looked at the old lady and said, "We're looking for a small blue..." she remembered them saying it looked kind of like Steel, but she couldn't imagine wolves were walking around everywhere here so she added, "...dog?" "We don't usually sell yule logs this time of year, dear." "No. Dog. A dog." "You want a hot dog?" "A SMALL AND BLUE DOG!" Kaida finally yelled out ending up giving into the frustration as well.