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  1. cstar
    2 ap, 2 hp, and mp gift pl0x
    Post by: cstar, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. cstar

    is this...

    D-did Mortimer just kill Gooby
    Post by: cstar, Jun 15, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. cstar
    [​IMG] "I'll carry her but she can relax here while I eat. I'm sure she doesn't mind the fire." Zelph replied as he started plating their food. Iridia slowly emerged from the bag and stretched a bit and flew over and grabbed a small potato that Zelph held out for her once he saw her up and she started nomming on it without saying anything since she was still waking up. Iridia looked over and said, "You didn't say anything to her when she asked if you wouldn't leave her."

    "I don't want to promise anything that I might not be able to keep." Zelph replied as he started eating. He chewed for a bit and said, "I don't like giving her false hope... but I don't like making her cry..."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. cstar
    [​IMG] Zelph let out a sigh, like he couldn't win here no matter what. He finished cooking up Tellia's food first so maybe she would eat and then go to sleep afterwards and he could have some time to not think about this. As he started cooking more, he thought about cooking a little for Iridia too. Iridia didn't exactly need to sleep too long or eat too much to recharge, which is why she usually did the night watch, but he liked to cook a little for her anyway. Though he couldn't figure out how much was too much at this rate. He knew she didn't eat meat though. As he sat back to stare at the fire and looked over at Tellia to see if she had calmed down yet, but he hadn't said anything in response to what she said so he didn't know.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. cstar
    [​IMG] When Tellia asked about her parents, he sighed a bit. He knew he hadn't told her about them being dead, but he had not once made a promise about meeting them anywhere. He had hoped she had caught onto at least that much by now, but he felt like he was repeating this point a little bit, "They don't know we're heading to this city, they could have gone the other way. It's possible we won't see them again, Tellia." he flipped the bacon over and got started on roasting some potatoes. He looked over at Hedgrit and asked towards him, "Do you want more potatoes or more bacon, old man?"
    Post by: cstar, Jun 14, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. cstar
    Kaida pondered Ananta's question about doing that on other worlds and said, "I've heard other worlds do it but uh... I'm the last person to ask a question like that. We didn't have traditional mothers and fathers on my homeworld. I know the woman who gave me life but I wasn't raised as her... "daughter". And I don't know who my... "father" was. We picked our names ourselves." Kaida looked at the others and looked a bit shy, "I-I know that sounds complicated, I'm sorry. I don't really talk about my homeworld all that much. I consider Central Haven more of a home than I ever felt where I was raised."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar
    [​IMG] Zelph got a fire started up fairly quickly but he had to spend a little bit longer than he'd like looking for wood to keep it burning. Once he did he set up a surface to heat up so they could cook on it. When it was hot enough, Zelph couldn't help himself as he pulled out some of the bacon and watched Tellia as he placed it on the surface and it began to sizzle.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 13, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. cstar
    "Mmm, not always. But I at least understand you were trying to help. I'll consider that next time, but I can't promise you I'll let ya know everything that's troubling me." Kaida shifted her hand up to place the yellow flower back in and she reached into her bag and said, "Yeah, focusing more on the alien is probably a better idea at this rate." she pulled a whittled snake out of her bag first and held it out towards Stratos, "But I wanna give you this first. I made it for you." she looked a bit at it and said, "I hope it wasn't an odd choice, I tried working on scales. I think I did okay."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar
  10. cstar
    Status Update by cstar, Jun 12, 2018
  11. cstar
    [​IMG] "What? Is a big strong dwarf like you not able to get some bricks?" Zelph asked as they got inside and he placed Tellia down gently and said, "Well at least get a fire started then so we can cook something." he then looked around to find some bricks and got himself a few in a bag before he climb up the ladder with it. But he was struggling a bit more this time with the bricks than when he was carrying Tellia which was something Zelph was expecting Hedgrit to open his yap about.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 12, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. cstar
    When Ananta walked over, Kaida stared at her for quite a long time unsure of how to react. She still had the squirrel in her hands but she had tried to hide it when she noticed Ananta was so close. She stared a little while, and it probably looked like she was angry for a minute, but it didn't take too long before Kaida turned towards Ananta and held her hands out clearly as if to give her the whittled squirrel. And she bowed her head in apology and said, "I'm.. sorry... I know my snap was too far. I... feel a bit the same about some of it. But not all of it. And I'm sorry I got you upset. But uh... you need to work a bit on that space thing..." she sighed and looked up and said, "But.. the friend part was untrue. I've just... been annoyed at you watching me looking like a ticking time bomb but... I was working on whittled charms to give to all of my new friends... this one was the one I made for you."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar

    "Doris? It's name is Doris? That's like... the least intimidating name I've ever heard. Oh no, watch out for Dor-"As soon as Take said that he was hit extremely hard and was winded. When he finally got himself up again he held up his keyblade and said, "Alright you oversized fancy piece of headware. You wanna fight? Come at me!" As he said he activated his paladin form and he began glowing and a shield appeared in one hand. He began banging it pretty hard to draw the attention yelling, "COME OOOOOOON."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar
    I think we all know what my favorite part was today.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. cstar

    2 Crowns, 300 Munny (+1 from counterpoint)
    2 Crowns, 200 munny(+1 from counterpoint)

    munny- 750
    crowns- 9

    (Now at 7/10 solo missions)
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. cstar

    E3 2018

    Square Enix:

    Presentation: There was no live show, which already makes Square's conference 1000% better than their last one. But it was extremely short. I kind of wish they had a live show to at least pan out the time. I hope there's more KH stuff at Sony. Otherwise, conference was fine.

    Tomb Raider- Looks great and some of the skills are like, assassin's creed level ****. Poor Laura and always starting in these freak accidents.

    FFXIV Stormblood- I own this game, it was gifted to me, I just never got to the DLC. I should really go back because this game still looks fun as hell.

    Monster Hunter World x FFXIV thing. Not sure. Free trial's out for y'all who wanna play FFXIV tho.

    Captain Spirit: My thoughts are still the same, but it's free so maybe I will play it.

    Dragon Quest XI- I like the music and aesthetic and it good square fashion the fights look good.
    Don't know much about Dragon Quest tho.

    FF Brave x Dragon Quest thing: no thoughts went so fast

    Babylon's Fall- Timeline went too fast to read, but it has a cool aesthetic. Doesn't seem like my thing yet but I'll wait for gameplay.

    Nier: I didn't mention this yesterday because i didn't think it was that big a deal but new additions or something for xbox.

    Octopath Traveler: It's a switch game, it's probably good but I'll never play it because it's switch.

    The Quiet Man: Holy **** graphics

    Kingdom Hearts 3: This was pretty much the same trailer but with some scenes described in the orchestra trailer we haven't seen yet. There wasn't much to get excited about other than the fact more Roxas stuff has been explained.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Gaming
  17. cstar
    Kaida did not mind Aux talking as much. It wasn't like he was talking 15 miles a minute. When he brought up her being a jerk, Kaida held her hands up defensively and said, "Hey. I didn't ask for this. I jumped in with these guys after Central Haven fell. It's not my fault everyone can't handle a good dose of bluntness." she paused a minute and sighed and said, "Look I'm... working on it. I just wanted to give Ananta some space before I apologized. I took my anger out on her... but it wasn't her..." Kaida opened her bag and pulled out a whittled squirrel and held it up, "I uh... actually made this for her... and was going to give it to her later..." Kaida suddenly heard guitar playing and looked over just in time to see a bunch of glass breaking at the coffee shop while the blue dog was playing the guitar and Kaida blinked and said, "That was also not subtle..."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar
    Kaida blinked when Aux said that and smiled sniffling and saying, "Oh my god that is the corniest thing I've ever heard you say. It sounds like something he'd say. Wait.... did he..." Kaida placed her hands under her chin and raised an eyebrow and looked amused, "Did he steal that from you? Is that the big secret?" she giggled a bit and said, "I don't mean to make you feel bad for it. I like it. It's a hundred times better than the brooding."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar
    Kaida stared at her palms as they held the two charms. She feel like this simultaneously made things better and worse. Better about the Aux situation, worse about missing Hikaru. She closed her palm and held them both up towards her chest and said, "Don't be a martyr for my sake. I still feel like this is my fault... no... no this is all No Heart. We can get through this." Kaida opened her palm and took the lion out. She pulled one of his hands off of her shoulder and placed it back in his hand and said, "Please. Please keep this. I made it for you after all. I want you to have it." she looked at it and said, "I mean, I could clean it up for you... carve off the charred part until it gets to the clean part under it..." she paused and closed her eyes, "I... I miss him so much."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar
    Hello, kupo! Welcome back to the moogle lottery! We haven't rolled the weekly in quite some time, but with the start of part 3 we got quite the boost in posts! Remember our new rule where a previous winner can't be entered two weeks in a row. So unfortunately AJ couldn't join us (but for the fun of it, we did count he got 11 tickets)

    Kaida has 14 tickets
    Kel has 10 tickets
    Aislinn has 9 tickets
    Luna has 10 tickets
    Ananta has 10 tickets
    Steel has 10 tickets
    Aux has 11 tickets
    Stratos has 12 tickets
    Ignis has 11 tickets
    Beuce has 9 tickets
    Now let's get rolling, kupo!


    And the winner is... Steel, kupo!
    Steel wins 10 crowns

    See you next week, kupo!
    Post by: cstar, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge