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  1. cstar
    Iridia noticed the look on Tellia's face and she finished filling up Hedgrit's thing of ale before she flew herself over towards the little one and sat on her shoulder. She was very light, almost like a but sitting on her shoulder. She watched her shifting and organizing and she said, "Sooo. What do you usually do for fun?" the fairy asked with genuine curiosity, hoping to distract the girl from her thoughts maybe.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 10, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. cstar
    Iridia shrugged a bit as she filled up a canteen, "Iunno. I've never done well with kids either. Or when I try I seem to upset them. Best thing to really do at this rate would be to leave her alone. Maybe offer a drink?" Iridia was quiet and realized how that sounded and she clarified, "N-Not alcoholic."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 9, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. cstar

    Kupo kupo kupo what is up fellow kids.

    I'm a lil' late on the spinnin and winnin, sorry man. Don't get on my chain, homie.


    Kaida won this one, kupo. 10 crowns at you.

    Kel won this one, kupo. 10 crowns at you.


    And I's not skippin out on that june monthly I owe ya, kupo. This time Steelio has to sit this one out, kupo.

    Ananta has won the monthly lotto, kupo! Make it rain wit these 30 crowns.


    Kupo OUT

    Post by: cstar, Jul 9, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. cstar

    Take could feel himself running on pretty much empty with magic at this point, and as a result he didn't know how well he'd be able to defend the others. But maybe if he could block a few more hits the rewards would speak for themselves, the boy took a couple more slashes before backing up and walking a bit away from Tinarah and Chrono before yelling towards Kefka to provoke him,"Is that all you've got clown? My grandmother right at this moment could throw spells better than you, and she's dead!"

    HP: 105/120
    AP: 11/44
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 1/3

    Post by: cstar, Jul 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar

    The sudden appearance of the clown was no laughing matter. And Take almost wished someone else heard that pun in his head so he could hi-five them but he had more pressing matters to attend to. Specifically, an attack that certainly shocked him more awake. He didn't like that pun nearly as much. A little nervous about the fact that the two heaviest hitters were gone, Take charged in and tried to get in a few attacks in with his keyblade, slashing at a couple spots on the clown before he quickly treated back towards the other two and cast Reflera on himself, feeling the wall activate to help out the others.

    HP: 100/120
    AP: 14/44 + 10 (Reaction Boost)
    MP: 0/30
    DP: 1/3
    Post by: cstar, Jul 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar

    Take hadn't expected the conversation to go in this direction, at all. Not that he was expecting any of this conversation to be any easier no matter what the topic was, especially since he knew full well she was trying to avoid talking. Implying he expected this to end in some happily ever after where nothing was wrong. He listened and felt like he learned a lot about the two, and felt only awkward because he was party to a conversation that otherwise would have been held between the two of them. It began pushing the topic towards their murdered mother and the state of their father and he felt like something was at least being gained from this conversation. But something felt off and he wasn't quite sure why and he couldn't place a finger on it until it just suddenly came to him. Tinarah was diverting the conversation from herself and there was really nothing he could do about it. When Chrono addressed him he focused towards him with full attention and he said, "I didn't know where the conversation was going to go, I was seemingly poking a hornets nest. I... don't mind as long as you don't mind that I accidentally pried myself into something I really didn't belong..." Take grabbed the handle of his keyblade and pulled it out of the strange water, watching it ripple outward in circles into the distance. He looked up at the two and said, "I wasn't expecting this to be perfectly summed up and put in a nice box with a bow on it or anything. I was just hoping something could get out there between you two... I think there was at least something with that..." he wasn't sure though.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar
    Zelph wanted to protest but knew it would probably be in vain. He let out a bit of a smile and said, "Well. If you'd like to sing. I'm okay with it. But you gotta promise me when I'm actually asleep you'll help Hedgrit and Iridia out. We all need each other." he didn't actually believe that, he thought he could probably handle himself fine, but he didn't want Tellia to be like that. He reached up and booped her on the nose and then booped her teddy before snuggling up and trying to close his eyes again.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 5, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. cstar
    Jasmine had way too many questions about how encounters worked if other people could be attacked because an AI triggered an alarm. Would that not send the golems after the AI? Or maybe it did and Dot just decided to be a jerk about it. It did not matter, now they were in a fight and Jasmine took a deep breath to keep herself calm. She listened to the other's questions, the red haired boy's particular comment struck her... maybe it was programmed this way? Maybe they were in some type of tutorial area to begin with? There was a familiarity to a game starting off in a prison but the memory was lost rather quickly in the fog of her mind. Jasmine reached her hand out nervously and, looking through her abilities, she only saw poison needle being useful with others seeming to be a waste of resources since she was not yet hurt. But because she noticed she had more of a capacity to heal herself, the girl ran in front of all the others as she fired off a poison needle.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar
    Zelph felt Tellia nearby and covered his face a bit and said, "No, stay away. I don't want you to get sick..." he said it almost at a whine but tried to speak in a way she would take seriously. He opened his eyes slightly to look at her with eyes of "listen to me".

    Iridia began willing up some of their empty canteens with water. Trying to wait a bit between each spell so she didn't become exhausted so early.
    Post by: cstar, Jul 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. cstar

    Take watched her reaction and sighed a bit in disappointment and said,"When would be a better time? WIth people dropping without warning and people disappearing... you both at least deserve to be on the same terms in case anything happens again." the boy uncovered his ears and leaned against his keyblade for a bit. He waited for a while before he realized nothing was going to happen and he said carefully, sounding a lot like he wasn't entirely comfortable talking about it, "My... brother Yasushi and I weren't on good terms when he died. We weren't... fighting or anything like that... but we weren't talking. We both lost my oldest brother Iwao two years before that and we... never talked it out. We both grew distant, and we talked to each other like we were both strangers to each other. He kept looking at me as if something was wrong, like he wanted to talk about it and never could bring it up. I didn't want to push him about it... so I..." the boy let out a pained sigh as he tapped his fingers against the handle of his keyblade and said, "There's a pain that never goes away... right here." he brought his hand up to his chest, "When you aren't able to clear something up with someone before they go. You end up having trouble sleeping at night thinking about it. In my homeworld, I had to silently bare that pain every day." Takehiko looked between and Chrono and Tinarah and said, "I care about both of you enough to not want something like... a powerful enemy... a bad illness... a fire... to be the thing that suddenly appears and leaves one of you hurting. There's never a good time to talk about these things. But if you wait too long to talk about them... one of you is going to live forever with that."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar

    The group seemed to travel together with this kind of plan in place for probably far too long. Take couldn't tell if it was a few minutes or a few hours with how empty the place was. After a while of the silence, Take stopped and simply turned and said,"Obviously this strategy of looking for it isn't working... maybe we need to have it come for us. Ya know, make them become the hunters hunted." Take stuck his keyblade in the ground to keep it there while he gave his left arm a check. He was surprised to find it was as if the arm had been nearly completely healed. He didn't dare take the gloves off because he was afraid he might hurt himself. He adjusted his gloves a bit and said, "On my homeworld when they were trying to lure out a dragon that had attacked the village and escaped nearby, they would send out some kids nearby to talk and play to hopefully drag the dragons attention. The kids were protected of course, but sometimes sound is the best way to go with it." he stretched a bit and heard a bit of cracking which helped him relax a bit. Then he looked at Tinarah and said, "You and Chrono need to talk." he grew quiet and said, "You two are holding each other like you're acquaintances rather than family and it... hurts to watch. Not that I think you both don't care about each other or anything. But no one else is here. Well, I guess there's me... but I can block my ears." he motioned to show his hands up and then he covered them, "Hands are the greatest thing."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar
    Kaida stood for a little bit to watch Ananta with the sandcastle and she was a bit confused what kind of a message Ananta was trying to push here. She remembered the comment she made about Aux but she shrugged it off. At this rate, as long as this 'it's better to create than destroy' message wasn't impeding their progress she wasn't going to comment on it. Then, after hearing Steel make a comment, she finally noticed the guy seemingly taking requests and walked her way over curiously. She also wasn't sure about anything she could request cause she didn't know the local music, so the blond simply smiled and said, "Play your favorite."
    Post by: cstar, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    Iridia flew closer to Tellia and gave her a poke on the nose and said, "It's okay, he's just grumpy because he's the shortest one in the group." she let out a mischievous grin and then looked over towards Hedgrit and said, "Zelph would want you to listen to Hedgrit after all. Right Zelph?" Iridia looked over at the sleepy half elf who stirred hearing his name and looked at the group and said, "Yeah whatever. Just make sure she doesn't eat sugar." he drank more tea and looked over at the beds above and grumbled before sleepily moving up towards the loft again, "Sheep sheep." Iridia began cleaning up the area and said, "Do we need anything filled? I can get us some water and maybe do a quick survey of the area to see if there's vegetables?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. cstar
  15. cstar
    [bumps this thread to oblivion]


    ...i think you should have added fairy godmother in there too tho, maybe be their journal keeper, ya know, the jiminy everyone forgets about until they remember he exists
    Post by: cstar, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. cstar

    Takehiko raised an eyebrow and Chrono's suggestion as he walked and said, "Maybe? Or maybe it's something super obvious that Torrin would expect us to just look at and say 'yep there's the darkness'." he pointed his keyblade around a bit though, misunderstanding Chrono's suggestion a bit like it worked like a metal detector or something. As he walked he directed a comment towards Chrono, "I mean, I don't remember a lesson about this kind of thing from Atmos... unless... it was in the extra reading?"
    he looked unsure and then looked towards Tinarah, "What about you? You were with Torrin and his good ol' evil side is this one of messed up things he did- woah that was... way more exaggerated and dark than it needed to be I'm sorry..." he looked over and Chrono nervously and then back at Tinarah, "...but was it?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar
    Jasmine didn't exactly appreciate the fact she wasn't being taken seriously with this, since she was pretty sure she was onto something with that. She wasn't even thinking anything sexual about it until she heard Inna comment on it and she scoffed in disgust and stopped and said, "If you're thinking perverted stuff because I'm jumping I'm not going to like being objectified every fifteen seconds. I mean honestly, do you stare at little girls drooling when they're in bounce houses? Quit being a perv."

    Strangeness seemed to occur soon enough after that, and once they found a weird... ball thing floating and speaking with them, her brain couldn't comprehend it for a moment as she tried to process everything going on. As soon as it was explained it was a video game, she started clapping her hands together saying, "That makes sense. That makes sense! That's why our bodies don't move by normal physics, we're in a video game. A simulation. These are programmed bodies!" she paused for quite a minute as she placed her fingers to her chin and said, "This amnesia is particularly kicking in when thinking further about this subject, so I'm not going to push it much further. But I was fairly certain virtual reality was purely a visual experience. And I'm not aware of a controller. Sooo something very odd is going on here." Jasmine pushed her hair behind her ear and aggressively walked towards the floating sphere as she pointed at it, "What's yer angle, Dot? We all woke up with lack of memory. I could barely remember my own fucking name and I can't imagine your creator's excuses for it are going to hold up in court and as far I'm aware this is kidnapping. So what the FUCK is going on? And how the FUCK do we get out of here?"
    Post by: cstar, Jul 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar

    As the world began to shake, Take looked as if he was taking a knee for a moment but with his keyblade not there, it was the quickest way he was able to balance himself without falling over. Then there was a loud noise and the world broke in half and the three young wielders were separated from Torrin and Boreas. Take slowly began to stand up again as he just barely caught onto bits of what Torrin said, but enough to figure out what he was trying to say. The boy sighed out and said, "Of course. Why would this be smooth sailing?" the boy turned towards Chrono and Tinarah to make sure they were alright before he looked around and said, "We should look for the source of darkness then. Not much point trying to get to them before calming this place down." he was speaking up to be heard over the loud noises and he hoped they did. The green-eyed boy summoned his keyblade and began to walk in the opposite direction of the split to hopefully find what they needed to find.
    Post by: cstar, Jun 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar
    Zelph crossed his arms and kept laying there trying to relax himself but even after almost an hour he hadn't fallen asleep yet. He decided to climb down from his spot after a while, knowing full well the others might not be fond of it, and he started brewing himself some tea with the supplies they had. When he was near the fire, that was when he felt warm and comforted and he started drinking the tea to warm himself up more. Feeling a lot more sleepy now, but a part of him wanted to stay alert and awake while the dead were walking. His head tilted down a bit and Iridia watched and said, "Ya know it's alright to relax, right kid?"
    "I can't relax..." he mumbled sleepily, "Not while we're still doing this. Not while I've gotta worry about Tellia being safe... I..." he felt himself dozing off again, he let out a not very well sounding cough and Iridia's eyes widened and she quickly cast a spell on the boy and relaxed, able to recognize this as a head cold. She looked at the dwarf and Tellia, "Are you two alright? Zelph's under the weather, but it's not that death disease or anything so we're alright."
    Post by: cstar, Jun 30, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. cstar
    "Listen, she's pretty easy to deal with normally. As long as you don't put her in high stress situations, she's fine. And I can handle myself fine, I'm not just gonna pass out in the middle of-" Zelph watched as Iridia flew up to him quickly and threw dust in his face. He covered his mouth and coughed and covered his eyes, "OW. ****. What was that... why...?" he looked up at her and didn't seem any more or less tired and clicked her tongue, "Oh. Uh. I didn't think half elves were immune to sleep spells."
    "Why are you trying to put me to sleep?" Zelph looked upset and angry and looked over at the rest of the three and growled and spat out hostile-like, "Fine. I get it. I don't like it. But I get it." he went to go and lay down at that and stared off for a bit before growling, "Now I'm laying down and can't sleep. So what the hell was the point of this?"
    Post by: cstar, Jun 30, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home