O.o Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *pokes* XD
Really? I don't see where I've improved. But then again I dunno. :/
Okay. You could also try facebook.
MMkay. XD ..............
Ah well....
Lol I'mma Brony
Twilight Sparkle. <3 XD hi
Oh really? I have a lot more.
[IMG] Lol
Ah. Cool. XD
Your score: 36 0 - 10 = low 11 - 22 = average (most women score about 15 and most men score about 17) 23 - 31 = above average 32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35) 50 is maximum Female Male Imagine that. Then again I am Autistic. Though I have Asperger Syndrome. XD
Oh really? And what is that? XD
Facebook xd
[IMG] Also, LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Well kind of. They were in the navy. XD
Time to make a clutter file. :noworries:
Well I don't have any dept perception so the thought of driving scares me.
The Navy was at school today. It brought back grief.
What version do you have? If you have 2.6 the files needs to be in avi format. If you have Windows Live Messenger the best file to work on it is mp4. If using wlmm go to save movie and select for computer.