can som1 plz send me the music code for when you fight bosses?(not 13th struggle) i really need em cloudstrifes ones dnt work were u gt that code with like 6! 0's??? nd den number my ar max says invalid. also can som1 post the playas world charecter code and wot happens when your at the world of darkness? i dnt care if u cant use abillteis nd such just want somthing fun to do lol.
can som1 post the code for boss battle music always playing???
can som1 tell me the code for the like disco effect code? nd can som1 send me the music code for when you fight bosses?(not 13th struggle)
lol nice i thought it woz a women or somthing?
sorry but its for both kh1 nd kh2 i dnt really no were to post im new to dis sorta thing??
who's voice is it that sets off sora nd roxas with the keyblade you know the place where they have to do like a trial for the keyblade nd sora fights that big heartless(cant remembers its name) nd roxas fites the twilight thorn.
is der a code that lets you weild mulans sword? also will there ever be a code were you can play as an organaxation XIII person nd i cant find all the charecters codes for like mulan instaed of donal nd stuff could som1 help? i no im aksking for a lot but im new lol
Here are a few I made No Random Battles U9ND-DX0B-JHPNW ABTY-MK5N-32N21 LVL Up for +99 Skill Points ZW0M-2KD6-ATY3R TW3P-65FQ-9V3DX Later I can post a few like, Lots of random battles, all alchemy recipes, very rare random battles, and max casino coins what you know, is what they want you to think you know, because they know that you don't know about them knowing I think I thought about thinking a thought, but I lost the thought because I thought about thinking it... I think? lol d guy who psted this didnt make em u just update ur ar max with ur ps2 slim with the ethernet cable nd u get al the codes
sorry to be anoying guys but cansom1 post in pal the music change code with 13th struggle? i searched the forum but couldnt find it either that or im blind lol. nd i seee a few posts back peeps liked my idea of fusion lol thnkz nd they have had awsome ideas iswell all of u guys rules nd gals!!!!!!!!!!!woot! no 1 answerd from before :(
sorry to be anoying guys but cansom1 post in pal the music change code with 13th struggle? i searched the forum but couldnt find it either that or im blind lol. nd i seee a few posts back peeps liked my idea of fusion lol thnkz nd they have had awsome ideas iswell all of u guys rules nd gals!!!!!!!!!!!woot!
duno if dis is a gd idea but wouldnt it be cool if der woz another kh on the ps2 nd in this 1 u can fuse 2 keyblades to make 1 even more powerfull: for example take the oblivion and oathkeeper say like u use this new abilty nd fuse the keyblades... nd it becomes the twilight terror or somthing lol just a thought. :rockdover:
lol i no just a funny thought watching areith fight with her rod against heartless and such.:stupid:
hi evy1 can som1 post me the code in pal for tifa in your party. oh nd ermm i have had a gd i dea for a code that will probs never happen nd its have cid and aerieth in your team lol that would be a laugh.
Roxas cause he kicks ***!!! woooot!!!!
do you have a code to have yuffie in you team instead of goofy??
could som1 be botherd to post goofy and donald replacement codes like tifa and dat instead? ( ones that work for uk ar max) or if it takes to much of you r time could i just have a tifa nd yuffie and can youi get roxas????
can som1 put a list of uk ar max working codes of replacing donal and goofy codes? would like yuffie replaces goffy uk ar max code:)