on final fantasy 6 on the ps1 what is the blitz input code how do you do it. plz i need it i decided to paly it again but i 4gt how to do it. sorry to be a bother to ervy1
hmmm?? well i live in the uk so i have the uk 1 or europe or w/e lol but i wil see wot codes i gt though because my kimarie hase nova blast???
Is super smash brawl for the wii going to be realesed in the uk????
i dnt have the code but dont you mean the code to have 9 drive bars?? cause thats the max you can have i think?? take it theres gonan be no riku code then *sigh ohwell im not that botherd soo any1 gt new codes????
wots wrong wid me shortning my words??????? you would have to be stupid to not be able work out wot they mean??? dosnt take much of a genius to read!
kk thnkz guys nd cloud so ur saying som1 gonna post a working pal code to play as riku??? if dey can find it
hey cloudstrife what does it mean dat ur riku code is 90% we dnt even get close without it glitching nd without being able to play as him in the other worlds? also is der a code for riku(boss) in your party?? ya know the 1 in the land of the dragons where he is in his cloak maybye steallnig a few digits from that code might help?? i duno
so does dis mean u can have a helping tifa fighting an enemy tifa kwl nice!!! lol
lol thnkz a ton i hope they work on my armax nd imglad som1 finanly answerd me!! thnkz again
hehe kwl nice answers guys
can som1 give me these 2 codes:boss music always plays nd lol is der a code to have that steambaot willy version of pete to replace donald nd goofy?? does any1 know the codes??? at all
so no1 can help me have the code for boss battle music always playing??????
kwl nice choices i see a lot of people like oblivion
dam lol ohwell guess i wil need to be patient for a while. also quite a few posts back you posted a notepad documten about items nd using it for kh stats wich code would dat be??? i no you add the number in the slots were it says but were is the code
Would this be including Roxas cause if it woz i mean come on you think he would stand a chance! but maybye he might win until one is left nd its demyx nd he runs of saying: run run run away lol or if it woz larxene she would give a soz to be rude nd use a swear but she would give a *****y coment nd do here funy laugh.
hmm prety nice although somtimes i dnt like having negative combo nd fenrir cuase i like the long combos.
Go roxas he owns all! i mean he woz part of organaxation XIII and being the last member nd quting also being able to weild the keyblade iswell9thnkz to being sora's nobody) but i wish dat roxas didnt have to go back to sora he woz good would have liked himas a main charetoer throuhg a whole kh game.
kwl nice choice guys lol cnt wait till some1 post's that keyblade you get for completing winnie the pooh although its handy for getting goofys nd donalds extra weapons from drops lol
Mine is the sleeping lion the keyblade i owned the last set of batles with nd sephiroth all on expert mode lol
lol y dnt ya either have the latest ar max disc or if u have a server thing nd ps2 slim,nd take out the ethernet cable from the computer plug it in the back of ps2 slim nd start the ar max disc nd it will say would you like to update it or somthing but u do need a memory card to save the updated codes though :( when u do have the codes there is kimaraie with nova nd seymore in your party