okay i post to request a code and 2 major code making legends are in nd dey dnt no or cba to help?.. rite but *sigh stil can any1 post the pal code to weild xaldins spears the one thats been posted is to short for armax ? can som1 post the full code?? l
ermm is der a pal code fto weild xaldins lances and if der is isnt it possible to weild the organxation 13 members weaps? i need the full code becuase this code:21CEF660 00000845 is to small to compltely fill in can som1 post the full code plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can any1 help??
ermm is der a pal code fto weild xaldins lances and if der is isnt it possible to weild the organxation 13 members weaps? i need the full code becuase this code:21CEF660 00000845 is to small to compltely fill in can som1 post the full code plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hehe i suppose :(
lol der are kinda hard :) but yerprobz will require all code makers and converters to be able to get near lol of making this code
lol yer hwk is so exiting lol (jks durhh :) ) so you in year 10 i am just done 1st sceince exams lol bio nd physics nd soz i no i shouldnt discuss this lol .(better get back to the subject :) ) Do you reckon that there will be a code to play as organxation members p.s and for a super special awsome code zemnes or zehnort(same guy lol) for them to be playable and weild keyblades :)!!
so ermm cloud you working on anything intrestin g you can tell us lol :)??
yes roxas can weils the way to the dawn :)
hehe thnkz cloud lol :)
cloud i know this is a stupid question but what does b and w stand for lol :)??
how do we do this and whatdoes dis mean lol?
thanks maximus nd has any1 gt the code then to play as auron??
need a big massive favour hoping som1 can help.:) is der any other play as codes (ive gt duel roxas,normal roxas,mickey)
Can som1 post this new code to weild the way to the dawn ive seen like some of the code but it has ?'s in places and i dont know what to put in them? can som1 plz!!! post the full new working code and the requriments plz much aprectaited! :)
im trying to get to the cave were wakka is lol the 1st part oin chapter 1
well ive treid but lol dis is the funny thing when i lok for the numbers i can only find 2 wich are 5 nd 3? wich means 5 nd 3 are definatly in it just not sure bout other 2 :( lol well i used my ar max cause already completed nd dat with secret enging iswell without cheats just feel like playing through it again but i bought the key nd soo i have to look for the red sqaures on the map??
I think ff8 its my fave nd it would be soo kwl to see high graphic details of the game but not to high grahpical nd dat just enough so the ps2 can handle lol i dnt wanna waste my money on a ps3 just to get a few knew ff games.
what are the cipher numbers on the besaid door ive searched it up but i get the jap version of 6998! i want pal version of the cipher numbers can any1 help :( ? it is the 1st time u go to the door not 2nd
hmmm k ohwell so any1 got a funny code they know dat dey could post :)
so der stil no code to weild someones elses weapon without it desapering in 3 hits????? if der is could som1 post it? :)