Friend Code is: 3179 - 7356 -7356 - 4559 Add me up, bro! Sorry, that took longer than i thought.
Hah! God, if only that would work. :> Okay, 3DS is mine. I'll give you friend code in a sec.
I honestly feel the same way. But my brother is a money wanter. Nothing i can do about that really. :\
I'll be sure to. He seems to like it, so far. I'll also probably buy his 3DS in like ten minutes. I'm trying make him lower the price, as we speak.
*epicbrofist* unfortunately, not yet. fortunately, my brother bought a 3DS XL so i'll probably be buying his 3DS.
Exactly, there are a lot more amazing characters. For some reason i feel really attached to Kida, in a non-sexual way. I love that, every episode...
meh*, not "me"
Oh lord, i know right? The story and character development and everything about it so amazing. At first i was all me for Shizuo, but once i saw...
asdjfks i probably said something derpy back then. I just might too, after watching some Durarara!!. Is that tomorrow? Good luck, then. I don't...
I think we might've once... Hey! What's up?
Seems legitimate.
You're following yourself?
Yeah, that's too bad. I'm going through something similar, but with my Grandpa.
Because of your Grandma?
Hm, true. I just may hold off of status posting for a while. How have you been?
Lol, i haven't used mine yet. I don't know what to type.
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. I decided to watch Madoka Magica first.
Yo! I see you're enjoying this status thingy? c:
Sounds like a nice vacation. Take care of yourself, bro, and have fun. i'll miss you ; - ;
So I am bored, and I need some anime to watch. Please recommend some good anime for me to watch, citizens of KHV.