Oh, well if you're makin' a new list add me, I was AkuseruVIII until this morning. Change is good, no?
Bye leaving people. I wish you the best on your travels.
No idea. I'm just gonna let it go. Not like it's my business anymore, right?
I don't want it back I just kinda miss it. It's stupid sentimentality that's all. I'm fine as I am now and I really don't care it's just one of those things that I do. Whatevs I better finish my homework.
Weird. I mean I'm always thinking it's me when I see the old username. I don't really know why but I almost regret it now. I guess being Akuseru so long kinda grew on me. Whatevs now you know how it feels.
Well, glad I could help with that.
Damn. I really wanted to know. I shouldn't have done that now it'll plague me with curiosity forever. Oh well, have a nice time.
Who are you now? I know it's not me, the original, but I'm curious now.
Maybe, but from what I saw as I looked on the confused readers, it looked like nra or Mish would have it. However I don't know. It could be *Oblivion* or Kitty. They were there too. It could even be CFF, okay maybe not CFF.
Yeah, I knew it would work for about two seconds, until someone actually tried it out. But still it was funny to watch. Like I said, I don't know who has it now.
I felt like it. I don't really have a reason, now I don't know who's using it. I think it may be nra but I'm by no means certain. Just so you know the new name is an acronym for 'the *** **** known as AkuseruVIII' It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Alice got it. I thought this one'd be left alone though. It was kinda obvious after I just gave away my account this morning. Oh well I'm not bored anymore. Bye.
So you know what I want. Now give me any guesses you have. I'll tell you I used to be a member here. I left but was not banned. I don't think any of you will know but I'm bored so whatevs. I've given a few clues so let the guessing begin. I have a feeling no one will though.
I know what mouse said I've been here before and I just left. Now I'm back, with a new name and yeah. No one listens or rather reads I said it was a joke. If you'd look at my reason for editing on the first post you'd understand.
I'm gonna be the best spammer ever. Here's some spam....................................................................... Spam Costumes Yay you can see all the spam Look at my reason for editing