Heh. That's it, you gotta see what I'm thinking. "Xaldin, is that a Z sound or a SH sound? Heh Tom Cruise jumps on Oprahs couch." That's my thought process every time I see you.
Scientology WTF?! Yeah Roxas is cooler than most but Xaldin has the definable charm we all like. He starts all "I don't get it." Then he's all "**** you!" It makes me laugh. Xaldin watch any links I post they will all be here to educate you in Megamerican pop culture. One day you might just become adequate.
For good measure-____
You like? I'm the megamerican of the forum. Suck on that flagaphiles!
Look Who's Riding My Coattails Now!
someone missed the Lil' Bush commercials I see no one got the Putin joke.
That's my signature style. But it'll teach Xaldin alot about us in America. Putin the W back in Comedy W Central.
Xaldin... Watch this it'll tell you all about America where the Devil lives according to Chavez
Wah! Is an inflection to express surprise in China. That's why I call all them crazy... I called myself crazy.
Spanish lesson One Cola=Glue I know that's entirely wrong. But, but, meh!
All I want for Christmas... I heard about a kid who asked for coal, as a Christmas present. He's obviously a sword maker and needed it to make steel.
There are 19 A's from the end of the year and a bunch of portable boogers. Also, there was some dirt in it.
I gots a report card and guess what's inside.
Nightcrawler. *Vamp* Whoo Hoo! Partay! *Vamp*
It's like thread on steroids! (Name the infomercial for a prize) Yeah I came here about... a few minutes ago(10-30 mins) and there were like five posts I come back now and it's over 100 posts. I'm contributing to the problem yay.
Who? I know, because my time and relative dimensions in space let's me do that.
Yeah I'm in health and I pretty much fit the description of clinically depressed that they give. You know the whole lack of social skills, tired all the time, lack of motivation, and all that. I say I'm just lazy and apathetic, 'cause I'm too happy to be a depressed person. Or am I? Whatevs, just thought you'd ought to know. Also... Tomorrow is Saturday.
Maybe the whole thing where Ven and Co. fight at the meeting place is totally unrelated to Xehanort. Okay not totally, but think the Nobodies by default all wear the coats. Where they get those? I dunno maybe Ansem Seeker of Darkness has the same deal. All humanoid Heartless might have that same outfit. I dunno if this makes sense but it opens a few more possibilities. Like skin suit man or Spidey as he's sometimes called looks like dark possession Riku. Maybe that one's the real one and the old dude is the possessor of some sort and the spidey is just a host but something happens so they can separate like that. I think this makes no sense but I thought of it and had to post. I want some input 'cause this is one of my weirder ideas. Er, that's all I got.
Silvermorning is a she, I think. And yes we must help. Those things are funny. More jewelry for me!
TAFKAA8's MISCELLANEOUS AND HAPHAZARD PRODUCTIONS BEFORE YOU START- As some of you know, I used to be AkuseruVIII(Until July 2nd) a frequent reader and sometimes writer. I'm don't think I'll need to go and repost old stories but all new chapters will be done by me, not the new Aku. Alright here it is. A short list of what I'll be writing in this account. Now that all the formalities are out the way lists time. Yay for lists. UPDATES- News- July 11th, 2007 I'm putting things up on fanfiction.net on the 18th or 19th of July. I'll be posting pics in a separate gallery once I can find my scanners power cable. I'll have a poll to decide what I'm working on next for those who care up when I finish either One Over Ten or Reminiscence. (I'm thinking of altering the names so I'll keep you posted.) If anyone needs or wants anything just post or PM me or whatever. News will change but I'll keep an archive of old updates somewhere for those who are behind in the future. July 15th, 2007 Not much more than last time. I'll be finished with chapter five of Reminiscence soon. I need a new name for it. I think I'll post a poll later or something. His Story will be started after I finish Reminiscence or One Over Ten. I'll work on Dance Dance once I've gotten the other of the two finished. So I'll always be working on two things at once. If anyone has any suggestions just say, it shouldn't be a problem with the number of readers I have though. I've put up a link to KHTDR:MS in this and this is in my sig so if anyone cares to know that's ow to get at the story. I haven't had it all aligned into one thread but it doesn't truly matter. Fanfics- Kingdom Hearts The Dark Realm: My Story Chapters 1-5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12-14 Reminiscent (The poem inspiration) Reminiscence prologue Reminiscence(It's a sequel) One Over Ten Organization XIII and The Pick of Destiny(Not related to Tenacious D) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Other- Kingdom Hearts The Dark Realm: My Story- Authors Notes Pics- NONE YET Fanvids- A Memorial(OrganizationXIII) Coming Sooner or Later- -Updates on... -One Over Ten -Reminiscence (It's a sequel) -Organization XIII and the Pick of Destiny Anything else- No not really just PM me with any questions if there are any at some point. Also, PM me with anything else like ideas for anything or complaints you'd rather not post. That's all for now. Special Thanks- XarenTheTwilitAngel Thanks for letting me steal you're character Zaria & Axel's#1Fangirl Thanks for helping me get back on the right track 2Foxxie4U Thanks for the laughs, they're worth more than you know keyblader_twilight Thanks for the encouragement earlier AerithRose Thanks for helping out on KHTDR:MS There are no posts about that. I can't get back on my old account either. No quote for you. But I thank you just the same. Thanks guys.