'Cause It'd be wrong and lame.
Death hath no hold on me For I am Satan! Now go see to that annoying ***** Hitler. I win.
Banned for pulling rank Obvious suck up to those in power
Banned Just Banned Spider-Man ban him
New Rule- You all lose as of now. Face elimination and you'll be eliminated. I win.
A-Ban, Go Little Boy! Ban them!- WWII
Out od context banning. Band for not realizing it is me they all refer to.
Face it The Anne-droid cannot be beaten. You are the weakest link! BTW I win.
Ban of Mass Banishment BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! You're all banneded.
Link to the past I win! 0 0 __ __
Inside jokes for outsides Damn, my spleen came out.
By the power vested in me by the thread... I pwn and win and own at the same time.
Banneded For not making sense!
Vader! Attack him or her. Grammar rules!
I said you were 'cause it's funny. Doh, there's no proof. Slander is a funny word. The last part was under my head. Now it's lying on the ground next to my computer.
And The Winner Is... Meat! I hear people wanting something... me!
Ha I fooled you I am Chinese! I have the right to make fun of them. We can make fun of our own and queers just not black people.
Banned for telling the truth. Go illegal torture camps and kidnapping.
Copying is a crime So you're under arrest.
Domo arigato mister roboto Thanks. "Good Old Red China" eh?