Sounds fun.
How has it been. It feels like forever since we last talked.
Have you ever played a video where it angers you to a point that you just want to destroy it's very existence from the world? Like death of your favorite character, gameplay, story, etc? Im sure everyone can come up with a list or can name at least 1 game but oh well. Form my personal experiences I would say... -Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Good concept but it all goes to hell later on x_x -The 3rd Birthday... I'll miss you Aya ;_; -Clock Tower 1 (localized version). I said go up the stairs not down!!! D< -Final Fantasy X. I keep dying after hours of leveling up... or maybe I just suck at main final fantasy games. -Final Fantasy XIII-2. I dont want to have to pay for a DLC ending that should have been on the game in the first place. -Final Fantasy Type-0. I'll remember you Nine ;_; -Hakuoki. Why cant I date Shinpatchi?!! D< -L: The Prologue to Death Note. It's nice playing detective and all but... I just hate the story x_x
Oh I cant wait to see how this goes down. I cant wait to see them get the system banned! :D Am I fooling anyone? No? No? Not even you over in the back there? Ok good cause I wasn't serious :P I am not expecting them to get the system banned. If it does pass what will happen to all the existing systems that are sitting in the homes of millions? Will they go "Oh hello, we believe from our sources that you have a banned game system in your possession and we would like to take it from you". I am not a 360 owner nor I am a PS3 fanboy, I actually prefer the 360 for it's memory card usage thing that the PS3 lacks but there are more games I am interested in for the PS3 plus a whole selection of Japanese games sense it's region free but no system should have to go though this type of BS.
I dont really see much of a difference except for the sticks and a few buttons switched around.
I've wondered what Kingdom Hearts would be like if it was for the PSOne. There is a 50/50 chance of no voice acting. I kinda would like to know what you guys think what they would have done or what would've been taken out (besides PS2 graphics). I know it's a scary thought for some but it cant be that bad. I would've loved to play a PSOne version if it existed. PSOne games were still being released at the time so why not? I do think Atlantica might be taken out because I dont think swimming around and fighting heartless would be possible at the time but a Spyro game had proved that wrong in some way so it could have stayed.
They are promoting the movie. :)
about ****ing time! Im getting them all! :D
From Siliconera 05/15/2012
I dont know about you guys but.... I'll be getting a summer job just for this! O_O
Dat CGI.... so beautiful I hope they make it as a official wall scroll ;_;
Sorry Joshua fans but I could care less about Joshua talking a full sentences but OMG Im hearing Neku and my beloved Shiki in English for the first time in years! This game would have to do until NoA announces Fatal Frame Deep Crimson Butterfly for the Wii *crosses fingers* X_X
You can battle against previous gym leaders now? I wouldn't have expected it o_o
I dont remember reading Nomura saying the GBA original made him sad. I do remember reading it is one of the high quality and one of the best GBA games of all time. The graphics on 358/2 Days weren't that bad. At least it's better looking then the cardboard looking keyblades in re:Coded (I shouldn't have went there). If they were to remake 358/2 Days they might as well re do Coded a second time together in 1 single card/cart/whatever on the Vita (Oh please Nomura PLEASE release BBS and BBS FM on the PSN so I can let go of my PSP but ether way Im still keeping it when I get the Vita Lol)
I remember seeing Spanish dubs of the game that looks and sounds legit/official and I also remember seeing Spanish text on my cousin's game (NA ver.) a few years back but never really got much into it because I couldn't read a thing (at the time) and I didn't hear the voices so I've been wondering if I can play the game (NA Ver.) with the Spanish Dub or is it in some other version of the game? [video=youtube;KMT8dhxU2Tw][/video] If I cant then darn. I've been watching the Spanish dub of Death Note for a while till I didn't had the time for it anymore. Anyway if you have played the game with the Spanish Dub what is it like?
*crosses fingers for a Shinku no Chou announcement by NoA before I lose hope on the North American market of Nintendo*
Hmm... Im not sure if I should start playing PC games again just for LIMBO until I get a new computer sense my computer will be turning 4 in a few weeks or so but oh well here goes my questions. I can understand why you need more then 1 Disc but is the game fully installed so you wont have to use the disc(s) or how does that work? Do you need to switch the disc(s) like PS1 games? Depending on the game would it lag, crash, or becomes unplayable if I dont have the right requirements? (the main reason why I stopped PC gaming in the first place years ago) Hmm... I think thats all I have for now.
This is Sudu Neku for those who haven't been following or avoiding spoilers like I have. This little guy has a look that looks familiar. This is what I see Spoiler Snivy from Pokemon And this is what some people see sometimes which I can see why they look familiar to each other :) Spoiler Yoshi from many first party Nintendo games