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  1. Shikou
    Odd, Im starting to like it. Not sure if the camera will be upgraded but oh well. Not a fan of the colors but having actual buttons for Home, Start, and Select is kinda better. *sigh* I just hope games dont look pixelated like the DSi XL did. I do have big hands and remember having cramps when ever I would play re:Coded. I guess I should flip a coin.
    Seeing Maya on a bigger screen during Spirit Camera would be nice too.
    Post by: Shikou, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  2. Shikou
    If you dont have the advanced controls set up then....
    View -----> Advanced Controls
    You get 4 extra buttons on the bottom of the screen just above the normal ones. Just click on the camera and you'll snap a screen shot of the video. Keep this in mind, those extra buttons wont be there on full screen mode (well for me they don't).
    If you want to disable them (who would want to do that?) then...
    View -----> Advanced Controls
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 23, 2012 in forum: Technology
  3. Shikou
    Am I seriously the only one who thinks this would've been better if it had the 2nd circle pad? o_o
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 23, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  4. Shikou
    If anyone wants links with more details here they are
    (NA release date)

    I dont own a 3DS yet but hopefully the camera is better for Spirit Camera (not really sure if they'll upgrade it but oh well). I dont really like the colors for it. I would consider it if the blue was darker or a pure black one was available. I dont really think a 90% bigger screen is worth the extra $30. Plus, it doesn't have a second circle pad. Im good with the normal one since it comes in pure black. My mind might change if I can get my hands on one. Hopefully Nintendo learned their mistake with the DSI XL, the screen was pixelated compared to the DSi.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  5. Shikou
    No, I haven't. I've heard of it but I've never used it.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 20, 2012 in forum: Technology
  6. Shikou
    So I've read some stuff online on how to detect if your HardDrive is dying on you and one sounds familiar. Like weird beeping noises (rarely happens to me). My computer dose act a little sluggish at times. I used to use so many emulators during it's time with me in the past years ago like GB, GBA, GC, N64 PS1, and some I cant remember (I've heard emulators eat your computer and make them slower). I used to render many videos and use the computer at the same time (which I've heard is not a good thing to do). I did install Yahoo Messenger today and Skype few months back. It would be slow when I have a flash drive plugged in for a long period of time. I would sometimes fall asleep and leave my computer on all night then get back into using it when I wake up so sometimes it would be on for nearly 48 hours (I heard it doesn't really do much damage because I have a desktop). It was acting slow just now but I shut it off just so it'll cool down. If any of that helps then that is all.

    I have a Windows Vista, I've had it since 2008. I have heard it's best to get a new computer every 5 years or so but I dont know whats the newest windows computer (I dont want a Mac). I dont use my current computer for anything except for the internet, Yahoo Messenger, and Skype. I use VLC player for music and videos. I do burn CDs with Windows Media Player. I rarely do anything with it relating to gaming except recently Chain of Memories for GBA (JPN) for video game reviewing purposes and nothing else.

    If I do get a new computer, Im just really going to use it for the internet, Skype, burning CDs, and VLC Player and nothing else.

    So what do you think? Do you guys think it's time for me to get a new computer? Or should I wait a bit longer until it becomes un-usable?
    Thread by: Shikou, Jun 20, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. Shikou
    I've talked about this at the BCL forums in a topic I've made and wonder if I would get the same responses.

    For some reason I've always hated the "Greatest Hits" Labels. Even as a kid I hated how it looked on my copy of Digimon World for PS1. I have 2 PS2 games that has that on them and I want to find a replacement for them with the original black Labels. I dont know why I hate them it could be because they stand out from the rest and dont blend in.
    Has anyone hated getting those "Player's Choice", Geatest Hits", etc Labels?
    Or what are your thoughts about them.
    Thread by: Shikou, Jun 20, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Shikou
    It's nice that Nintendo is doing this but I think it's better to get the retail version. We dont really know how much memory the game would take. This is still a problem with PSP games because most are more then a GB big in size. I dont really mind getting digital download copies of video games if it was my only option like like Corpse Party or the PSOne Classics on PSN. If it's a game I would take to my grave (Hakuoki for example) because I would be too embarrassed to buy the retail copy of it then digital download is the way to go if thats the case. It is most likely that it will be the same price as retail.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 20, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Shikou
  10. Shikou
    It was down? I haven't noticed. x_x
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 19, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Shikou
    It seems to make sense to some because there would be some overshadowing involved.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  12. Shikou
    Kinda embarrassing.... but come on. I was 5 or 6 when I got my PSOne. :B
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  13. Shikou
    So we all know SE are working on a International version right? That gave us hope about it's localization outside Japan (which I hope it's true). Well, I've heard they are going to wait until they released Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
    That is the only thing that would make scene right? Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep got the same treatment when Final Fantasy XIII came out outside Japan so why not?

    If you dont believe me about the International version here is a link.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  14. Shikou
    I spot The 3rd Birthday :D
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Shikou
    774 Deaths! The only iGame I would play just because it is the ONLY Nanashi no Game ever localized! x_x
    And of course there is still Higurashi: When They Cry Ep1, Ep2, Ep3, and Ep4.
    There is Still Higurashi: When They Cry Kai Ep1 (my favorite btw).
    Oh and how could I forget Silent Hill: The Escape! :D
    Try all of these out <(^o^)>
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 15, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  16. Shikou
    Will our beloved Misty be doing pie charts and such?
    I would like to know if there are more dark skin users then light.
    Darkness all the way! Whoo!!! 8D
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 15, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Shikou
    I've been wondering of anyone here has posters or wall scrolls of the series. I have about 4... more like game mag pages. I've scanned them if anyone wants to see them. The first one is from Disney's Adventures mag and the other 3 are from one of the Game Informer mags.

    I have seen a wall scroll of Sora at a Japanese festival but I didn't get it because I didn't really liked the image that much.
    Thread by: Shikou, Jun 12, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Shikou
    It seems Saban Entertainment (Power Rangers, Digimon, ) want the rights for YuGiOh. Im interested how they would handle YuGiOh.
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Shikou
    I find it odd how so many people played this before KH1. Just saying. Im one of those people too so dont get me wrong. :P
    Thread by: Shikou, Jun 7, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Shikou
    This is indeed disrespecting the dead even though it is a cat that was road kill. Im surprised how it turned out yet creep out about those eyes looking into my soul D:
    Post by: Shikou, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: Current Events