PS1 which now my sister's kid owns it. Kinda a funny story, my uncle gave me it and now I gave it to my sister's kid not that long ago. History dose repeat itself.
Do you seriously want to know how I felt when I first heard the news? Spoiler about f***ing time ;_; I seriously dont give a rats *** if it doesn't have a CERO on the site. It's freaking TWEWY we're talking about! 3DS please! Im so freaking happy about this! I will not buy Dream Drop Distance if this isn't localized (curse you Nintendo with your region locking BS) but yes, the future of my Kingdom Hearts fandom will be decided if this gets localized.
Go here post on that dont post on my profile :)
7 months ago I left a RP site because I didn't wanted to be part of my life anymore because it always led me to the wrong things. I was better off not continuing and it lead me to a life changing journey. I even made a decision to put a stop to my anime, manga, and video game days because I spend so much money on them and would use my money on things that wont satisfy me so form now on Im going to use my money on more important things like trips my church plans to take us, there is one on December Im looking forward too :3 So this is my good bye. Im breaking old ties that wont lead me to any good. Leaving the KH, Pokemon, and Silent Hill fandom, including anime, manga, and video games. Back to my Fatal Frame obsession ("Project Zero" in Europe and "Zero" in Japan) because it's the only series that will be in my bookshelf after I sell everything (seriously guys try it. I recommend it, it's THAT good). Im going back to my life changing journey, to the amazing people and amazing friends I've made over these past 8-7 months since I accepted Jesus and became Christian, and to my "soul mate" as my friend keeps calling him. And I would like to make it perfectly CLEAR to everyone for the last time IM A GUY!!! XD So here I kill the part of me that loved anime, manga, video games and letting it become a Crimson Butterfly because Im now free from everything keeping me down and keeping me away from my happiness. Good bye everyone wish me luck on my new life. [video=youtube;onGVXKle6kM][/video]
Ohh, it looks so cool. Will the Audio Archive have the same format too? Ohh, will the Audio Archive have a make over too?
But If I were to get a job my paid check would be gone in 20 minutes because I tend to be horrible at saving money as I said. I guess you're right.
So my friends in real life including my online ones are freaking out for something I said last night like if it's the end of the world. So just the other day I would be excited about hearing new KH news but now I just seem not to care much about the release coming up in a few weeks. Suddenly last night I've decided that I wont be buying video games, anime, manga, figurines, (possibly posters/ wall scrolls) and anything else because they dont hold any importance nor will have an impact in my life nor they will be of use to me. Why did I suddenly had this decision you might ask? Well I've counted all the manga that I have and it's about $260+ worth, for video games I have $570 worth in my possession and could have been many more with the games I've had. All together it's $810+ worth of things. Recently when I finish a video game, manga, anime I feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. I can finished them quicker then anyone I've met online and in person, I dont rush on them ether, I take my time and I end up finishing them very early in 2 days or less because I have so much free time. I have been known to spend spend spend, or in other words being a victim of materialism. When I get a $20 bill it's gone the end of the day. Im a big spender and dont want it to run my life so I guess it's a good thing Im doing this early in my life right? I've been told it's a sign of maturing as an adult (not that Im saying it's childish to still like those things when you're one). I might even leave the video game world all together if this continues because lately not many seem to get my interest, not many seem to be having a good story, the last game that had my complete interest and satisfied me with it's story was Final Fantasy Type-0 and Zero: Shinku no Chou. I could care less about Xenoblade and Last Story (or was it Lost Story?). I've even fallen out of the KH fandom as well which will be very shocking to many of my friends... I will keep Zero (Fatal Frame) out of all of my video games that I might get rid of very soon because I love that series more then anything else (I hope you guys dont hate me for saying that sense this is a KH site but this is the only place I can talk about these things so.....). So anyway, is it a good that I wont be spending on things so often as I usually would and use my money for a better purpose? Good bye materialism and hello freedom and money for college next year?
Someone from the BCL Forums (great site btw) has the impression that Slender was inspired by a game called "Hide". A game where you go looking for notes. [video=youtube;ARWpBmgP0RQ][/video]
So this little game has been floating around the internet a lot this week and wondered if anyone else has played it. (video contains language) [video=youtube;EK-p_Fuo47Y][/video]
Well, in case you didn't know it's Saito from Hakuoki xD
Isn't "Character Booster" considered cheating? Oh, and just yesterday, Square Enix announced on their Official FaceBook Page that it's coming to North America. Same trailer as the EU ver. but it's just here for those who don't believe I guess. [video=youtube;8ugs0dAlBlg][/video] Official NA Site (identical to the EU ver. site)
OMG! Your Avi is from Hakuoki! :D
I dont know about you guys but I actually like it. I never really got a chance to play it on my PSOne and cant really get it for my PSP at the moment due to Zero: Shinku no Chou. I might have to put it on hold till I get a new computer if it makes it's way in North America. I do hope they re-release Final Fantasy VIII as well. Im sorry but it's a bit childish to like a game for it's graphics. The game looks great on PSOne and PC as it was years ago even though it has some more content then it did. :( Did I complain about Parasite Eve 1 and 2 not having updated graphics when brought over for PSP, PS Vita (soon to be compatible with) and PS3? Nope :P Think of it as Square Enix's way of bringing back older games for PC as they did for PSOne games. Anyway, I got the requrements from the official site if anyone was wondering.
I dont really have any desire to buy a Wii-U because I have no reason to do so until the new installment of Fatal Frame sense Nintendo now co-owns the series. I have a save file for Fatal Frame 4 and Fatal Frame 2 (Wii remake) on my Wii and I wonder if I can transfer them into the Wii-U sense it is backwards compatible. Fatal Frame is what I live for 99.9% of the time and the other 00.1% is Kingdom Hearts for some reason xD
Yes! Darkness rules all hearts! >D
Nope, it's original. I never cracked it open or anything. If it were the power then it would have been very hot by now. Compared to how the heat was yesterday it is a lot cooler now. If I were to put it back to it's original spot (as seen in picture 1) it would have been very hot by now like if it were to be sitting inside of a very hot car. It's new spot is away from the PC screen and speaker (as seen on picture 3) because there is nothing around it preventing it not to cool down.
To my surprise I was watching a nearly 3 hour concert online and it didn't failed me once nor disconnect me at all during the time. And it's not as hot as it would usually get by now if I left it there. The temperature feels normal and not very very hot :D
Uhh.... Remember that one problem I had not to long ago about my internet shutting off every few minutes then restarting? Well it came back to torment me once again, and turns out it wasn't my connection at all, it was my modem overheating. I've heard that this is the the most common issue for connection behaving this way and I dont really know how to prevent it. It's been on the same spot as it was for nearly 4 years since I've had it. I can show you guys where I have it placed. Here is how it looks like. Spoiler From the looks of it the ventilation doesn't seem to be good.. Spoiler I did put it on a stool away from the tightness as a temporary fix but that is all I can for now. Spoiler What do you guys think? So far it's doing alright and not restarting my internet. I had a Wi-Fi adapter attached to it on the top but removed it because I dont really use it that much anymore but when I did the metal part that connects on top was so hot it was like it was sitting in a heated car during the summer.