Nice to hear it Xal...sorry I couldn't help but blah! Your back WOOHOO!!!!
That's another reason why I haven't killed them all yet. Bats are my friends because they eat misquitoes. (random)
Well dont look at me. I know nothing about it.
"I am sorry I cannot join you in your quest. I want to feel like an American! I want to feel the rush of killing someone for no reason...but my wife says I must be home for dinner" I cracked up so much when he said this
Us spider-haters got to stick together! But yeah, I've woken up with a spider in my mouth. It was weird...and horrible
I don't watch that stuff at all. I'm actually pretty squeamish. If it's not my blood then I dont want to see it, I'm not even sure if there is a lot of blood there but I have no clue. But I don't think kids should be watching it at age 3!!! If its something that they can mimik than it really should be iffy.
Terra's blade looks more modern than the other keyblades. It just does....
I would have demanded to squash it. If spiders weren't so important to medicine and all that I would have killed them all years ago!
My grammar and punctuation sucks so please sign these forms that I am not liable for any charges.
I thought it was six a YEAR? *faints* That is plain sick!!! Who does that!? Unless they gave you the satisfaction of squashing it!?!?
Who else thinks that George is awesome!!?!? (You know, the driver)
Oh my God! Poisonous!!! *cringes* ......I'm never leaving my mouth open again
SH! We can't have the fuzz find out!
Bugs are okay...except spiders. I have the worst arachnaphobia in the world
That makes me feel good sj. Thank you very much
I don't doubt that at all Roxma, lol
So what's been going on in my long absence?
You're part teacher? tsk tsk, my wishes are with you
Yeah, I just met one named angelsbiggestfan :P
I think you just gave us your boredom...DARN YOU!!!