I'm no where near a midget though...darn...
You - Breaking Benjamin
wow, you must have been pretty bored nine months ago. You can figure out the secret meaning there later :P
They could get that really short guy from Pirates of the Carribean :P
You drew people? Cool. But HA! You didn't draw me!!!
I want to see the gnome guy...the guy that steals all the stuff
HOLY ****!!! How do you know this stuff?
yeah, lost colony is my favorite
Well on that happy note....
No no no. He said that there is a sixth and it will most likely come out this year. Man, I finished the fifth like 10 months ago
But, unless Dual is lying and not spilling all of the beans than I think he's ok
Never heard of a movie. But the next book is supposed to come out this year right?
It was pie. But then Misty said Tetris so it's tetris. GET WITH THE PROGRAM
Under Pressure - MCR
Yeah, thats what I said. And that seems the most likely
Have you had any...uh...sharp chunks coming out. It could be that its just cutting you on the way out. LOL, your body is emo without you know :P
What the hell was that!?!?
I almost lost my respect for MCR there LOL
Sorry, but that trick is seriously as useless as the extending thumb thing
I'm pretty much a Batman without the kick-*** stuff. Bats are AWESOME!!!