I'm just gonna play this awesome Bass Flute. :=D:
And I was going against Ophelia, finally. So everything was goin smoothly, I took down the ***** towers that won't let you to the main enemy; I was going "This is really easy..." THEN, ****ing Ophelia sends 10 million ****ing things at me that won't let me even die and respawn right. So I was trying to get the troops out, and I kept DYING. And then, they attacked my base, and won. IN ONE SHOT. fml. EDIT: Sorry for the horrible title, my keyboard has been screwing up lately.
Or anything using this: gogogogogo
[Since flickr doesn't want to like my photos, I'll show you the most recent ones here.] WARNING: HUGE Pictures. http://i40.tinypic.com/2vxeg52.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/27wyvyq.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/20tge4w.jpg More will be posted, I just have to find them. EDIT: Added more. http://i43.tinypic.com/53ptfp.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/wv3as0.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/34t672b.jpg I'll upload more later.
"Hey Samm?" "..." "Come and get me, Samm!" "..." "Samm! Come and get me!" "..." "Samm! Come and get me!" "..." "Samm. Samm. Samm. Samm. Samm. Samm." "...yes?" "Come and get me." "..." "Come. And. Get. Me." "..." "Here, I'll spell it for you. C-O-M-E..." "..." Contemplating highly on wasting base guitar and bashing over brother's head. Y/N?
What's with all the 'Hey KH-V!' threads?
-Joshua Radin Made a few Avis Premium Size, because I like the size. Get over it. I was letting off steam. :/ Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts: Assassin's Creed: Misc: I know most of them are pretty grainy, that's because I suck. Excuse my sucky-ness. kthnxbai
An acoustic folk artist, with amazing talent. He has an amazing relaxing feel. I never thought that I would actually have anything beat Owl City in calming me down, but he has beaten that to a pulp. This is amazing, his two albums 'We Were Here' and 'Simple Times' have became my favorite albums ever, while himself has become something of my ultime fav. He's inspired me to learn Acoustic Guitar, while trying to write music. I got him from Pandora Radio, you should check that out too. [Oh, if you were in the Voxli convo where I was playing music, that is what it was.]
For the 213402934 time, and I still love it. <33 It's so cute. :=D:
I'm not sure what section this goes in, move it if I'm wrong. I'm currently reading Girly, as well as Lackadaisy and Strays. I check on Twokinds every once in a while, but they don't update as much as the others.
I drew something for him. The only thing I hate is the coloring. [I colored out of Digital. With Colored Pencils. :v ] CnC and all that Jazz.
1. What? 2. Xaale 3. Harriet 4. Jerome 5. The Fuk? Gogogogogogo
Confuses people. :3
and I dunno if I wanna be. >>
Tastes horrible.
I saw photography in Deviantart, and I fell in love. I did not make any of these originals, I just editted. Normal Size (100x100): Premium Sizes (150x150): CnC? c:
I'll just appear for a little bit. <:
Post a picture of your Bedroom, but if you don't wish to. <: Gogogogogo Spoiler
I can do it.
It was Texas Azteks vs Montreal Impact. It was amazing. I love Montreal. <3