Meh, I haven't messed about in Photoshop in a while, and my brain was about to burst with stress and stuff. Just trying to vent. * I noticed that the avatars are kinda screwy since I saved them all funny. So that's why they suck. And the fact I suck at this sort of thing. Oh, and this is what I was listening to while making all of this. It's so addicting. <3 Sig: [ I really don't like this one, actually. I was just testing out the new screenshots I got for the KH2 introduction. I hate how plain it looks in my opinion. ] Avvy: [ Use these however you please, it's not like they're anything special. And I doubt anyone will use these. D: ]
Thinking that I was going to get my new music on there that I downloaded last week, When this ruins my night: "The iPod "The Titanic" cannot sync music because there is no room left to sync." I suddenly thought, "It's that soon?"
Why must this be so catchy? [video=youtube;1Wytn-_MSBo][/video]
[video=youtube;GiUNsDVjCbo][/video] And it was probably one of the worst mistakes ever. D: But then I watched Poltergeist after. Made up for it. :]
Back like two months ago. I think. I never count these days. Spoiler To be honest, I think it was more like a tattoo idea more then anything. I think if I ever want a tattoo on my palm, I'd get that. Or the thing that Ironman has, but hey; that's just me. Anyway, I'm trying to broaden my horizon on portraits and look-ons so I can have some touch-up for it when I actually do take a class for Art. Psh, like that's ever gonna happen.
It's a really cute halloween movie. There's a guy I go to school with and his friends call him Igor, and I say to him all the time 'Pull the switch!'
Don't like it when you're not honest with me.
I haven't been here in a while, [Well, posted in a while] because I've been working and establishing a little life for myself since KHV won't always be there for me in the future. Some-odd weeks ago my English class starts the new requirement for the graduating class: the Senior project. Which includes an eight page research paper, a product on the topic of your research paper, and a presentation to it all to a panel of judges your senior year. I was a little stressed at first for what my topic was gonna be about, but then I decided on tattooing, since I didn't know much about it. Some people that I worked with for my paper were like :/gasp: at the thought of me doing tattooing as a topic; as for the reputation of drugs and such from rumors and so on. After a wide and lengthy research paper, I started thinking: Hey, it would be pretty awesome to become a tattoo artist. I know the pros and cons of a tattoo and how to do it, but I'd need hands-on and of course schooling on sterilization and such. But I could still do it. and so, I started looking up and telling people my interest in tattoo artistry. Where I come to my point: my family doesn't really like the idea of me being a tattoo artist. D: My immediate family, like my Mom and Dad understand that I'm independent, an can make my own choices. They support me. But my Aunts and Uncles don't really fancy the idea. They think it rather unethical. So, I ask you KHV. Do you see me being a tattoo artist in th future? D:
Don't you think?
[lol, stole from TKK] Post what you look like when you finish!
Is it the fact that it's on Brutal Legend? Or maybe the singer's lovely voice?
I've been reading the Vampire Diaries for the past few days. I finished the first book, and moving to the second later this evening, when I look up the TV Series on the CW since it says on the sexy cover that it's on the CW. I look up the cast, so I don't see any spoilers. And I found that Elena, the main character isn't like ANYTHING that the book explains her as. Producers should maybe read the book before maybe casting the parts, maybe?
Took for god-darned ever to do this. CnC would be lovely. We're having a KHV Competition to see who will stay up the latest. And don't worry about being pretty and crap. We're pretty much all gonna look bad soon enough. ::L:
And it's pretty damn good. :3
BWANANAWEEEAHHWENEH anyway, I'm going to camp for a week. Be back later. :3
I'm not sure how or why it's there either. Am I that clumsy?
La'rR3sist@nc3 assignment #1 Clan Logo: Cannot be a tag. And not banner-styled either. Can be collab or done solo. Be creative. Size should be small, yet not so much 300x300 or 350x350. In the assignment threads will go everything relating to that assignment. Like the entries. You can comment on them and everything. This is a means to organize. I will link to the assignments, in the list back at the clan thread. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was working on a logo of some kind, since that was an assignment. I'm not too sure how to make Logos, so I kinda just rendered text, and put a little pizzaz in it. ::L: I'm just entering to see what you think. :3 Spoiler Version 1. Version 2.
What do with it? May I ask you, KHV? What should I do with all this money?