GONNA UPLOAD WHAT I'VE MADE IN THE LAST WEEK IN 15 MINUTES. Which isn't much. 33 avatars. No tags. o; Enjoy. 150x150: VM/PM/Reply if you'd like a stock, or if you'd like to use any of these, or if you just want to discuss the terms of any of them. Honestly if any of these aren't up to KHV's rules, PLEASE DELETE THEM. I have my own copy, and I can give them to whomever asks and they can use them not on this site. I understand completely and I know that I've kinda been on the border-line of rule-breaking with some of these. But if they do break the rules, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I would like to know what is past KHV's rule-point, so I have a bar not to pass. Thanks~ Oh, and all the InuYasha references are from Ace wanting them. Not from my feeling Nostalgic. But, it did feel nice to glimpse at these and remember all those times me and my friends were together watching that. <3
Anyone remember this?
You know you want to.
DUUUDE POSTING AS MUCH AS I'VE MADE IN 10 MINUTES Sorry if it's not the same style as it normally is. I've been holding out on you, and I need to post a little more. School and everything it's like blarrrrrgh ew ew ew. Anyway, here's everything. If you want the stocks/originals just post on here the avatar or just VM/PM me. c: 150x150: Wallpapers/Tumblr Background things http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af199/IlariaShots/basicpad-2.png http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af199/IlariaShots/basicpad.png Taa-daaa~
Gonna waste time playing Conker's Bad Fur Day on the 64. c:
The moods we used to have on here? I liked those. :c
Because it's far hotter then me.
like a light in the sky Don't give up, and I'll fight If you show me a sign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiG1FnqBA2M Thanks GS, another amazing Dubstep song I'm obsessed with. ;-; Okaaay this is what I'm showing you today: 33 new images! :DD 150x150: Tag: Taaa-daaa~ EDIT: I'm doing this new thing, like in my signature. It's a picture of myself, with text of 'me.' If you'd like to request one, just PM/VM me! :D
Y U NO LET ME LEAVE?!?!?!? I'm serious. I was planning to leave for home this morning when the highway was closed for flooding. Are you joking. You guys get twice as much snow as we do in one winter then we get in ten years and you guys close everything for rain. ;-; I wannnnnna go hooooooooome. I'll just complain to you, KHV. c:
I'm going to New York for a week. What do?
Goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes. Heroes like Hercules. Honey, you mean Hunkules! I'd like to make some sweet music of i- Our story actually begins long before Hercules Many Aeons ago ...
Is all she said to me. So right here I stayed. 35 more avatars! Yippee! o; [WARNING: Some of these are a little graphic. Naked-ness is kinda frowned upon in a few places. JUST A FEW. But hey, it's useful to put this here, so I don't get banned. ;3] What is in this lovely bed: Yuri Fanart [Nothing too extensive, thank GS for the references] Headphone girls [Mostly from Minitokyo.net] Ecchi Artfan/Fanart Wallpapers I collected [Used with allowances] 150x150: <Check out my Photobucket link in my Signature to see these!>
Since we need something new around here, I thought that we could try to describe eachother through songs. Post from youtube, link or embed, and see what you're described as, easy as that. :3 gogogogogogogogo~
I just wanted to let you know, that Luxord is going to be heading to the Doctor; to get checked out. Seeing if he is able to stay home with his family, or is staying at the hospital for two months, the maximum. Keep your fingers crossed, he'll come back. :3 Thanks for the support~
by Two Door Cinema Club [Dubstep Remix] Is an amazing song. Thanks, G_S. <3 Anyway, I have some avatars and a tag to show you. c: What's in here: Sucker Punch Fanart, fanart, and more fanart Assassin's Creed fanart Vocaloids 100x100: <Check out my Photobucket link in my Signature to see these!> 150x150: <Check out my Photobucket link in my Signature to see these!> m e l t d o w n~ I really liked how it was coming out. I just hate the lower left, I'm not sure what to put there. /:
Spoiler I can do better. If you know where this is from, I love you forever.
who thinks everything from OMGPOP! is really cute? ;_;
If I stepped into the light. And left my reflection, Standing in doorways, And not look behind. [watch while looking at my avatars. <3] [video=youtube;mfiA_t3uP58]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfiA_t3uP58[/video] What is consisted in these: Ouran High School Host Club Beastly Flickr Photography Fanart Alex O'Loughlin <3 I watched Beastly. And fell in love. I wish people would have the same philosophy as Lindy did. I can't imagine someone doing that in real life. Anyway, 33 new avatars. Enjoy~ 150x150: <Check out my Photobucket link in my Signature to see these!> Taa-daa~