I like it though.
Spoiler WARNING: Doodle involves blood. <: Oh, guess who is who. c:
But this one is good, I swear! D:
199 Posts to go. <:
And I like how this one came out. <:
And I think I did well. I just seem to have one complaint. I can't seem to make the dark lines inside of her hair as dark as the others outside of it. It pisses me off some, actually. :B|:
I love you. For some reason, I wanted to tell you that.
I mostly type with my eyes on the screen, but sometimes I glance down.
I really like her in the series. Not in this sig though. >C
God this is so horrible. >: CnC anyway. :v
To San Francisco, Double Dutch disco, Tech TV hottie, do it for Scotty Do it for the living and do it for the dead Do it for the monsters under your bed Do it for the teenagers and do it for your mom Broken hearts hurt but they make us strong and Guess the song. <:
At least he got his chance.
And it wasn't the Beetle's version. ::L:
I've recently started writting again, and it's an all original story. You'll have to see what it's like to understand the two girls I'm showing you. Jude is on the Left, she's the main character. I was planning on coloring; but I rushed to get this up. The one to the right is Jane; she's Jude's best friend. :B
*laughs evilly* I love doing this. :B I guess Leon-ess would be good at Pool if he was a girl? ::L: I had to watch a lot of tutorials for that damn hand. B| I feel accomplished to have it done though. :B
I'm kinda mixed emotions right now. I don't know which one to choose from.
And me and my cousin were dancing the Soulja Boy, since no one else would do it. And by the first chorus I fell on the floor and hurt my bottom. >: But I got back up and danced some more. <:
I love your new theme. <:
Pads today. And I was just looking at the box, bored as I could be, When I saw at the very bottom: "MADE IN CANADA" ...:/8D: