Mecha Tama version 30 is sweet!!!
Here it is:
You can't go wrong with Caboose.
I'm not going only because I have to go out of state. The only part I didn't like in the books was the honeymoon part. Why did she (Stephenie Meyer) have to do the sex parts?
The best character ever:
I have read all of the books. I can't wait til the movie comes out tomorrow (I wont see it :( )
Matt and Daphne!!!
Quoted for truth... Mohinder and... what's her name.
Hey guys. The judges have decided (over Pm) on who won. The results are as follows: Vertigo Haven: Azure Flame Sho: Sho TDGW: Azure Flame So congradulations Azure Flame, you won. PM me the song that you want to make an amv with, 'kay?
Sora (Kh) = Sora's (Digimon) older brother. Their family was too poor to afford another name
Thanks guys, but the problem was that I couldn't get the videos onto WMM (I am broke and I tried to use Sony Vegas... *shudders*) but now... I found out how I can!!! YAY!! Here is what I was working on... Someone should ask to have this thread closed later.
Love the picture in your siggy! Bakuman rules!Also love your avi. Sylar kicks ass. Did you watch last night's episode?
I have the clips I wnat to make a movie. Now how do I get them to play one after the other?
If you change your name again, change it to "One who changes name too much"
qwop?????? Idkwtm.....
Not in the KH games
I become serious when I am bored. FACEPALM TIME!!!
*facepalm* Baka......
I like Naruto though all of the filler arcs were stupid (except the last filler arc). I prefer the manga over the anime.