Sal. People will think it is short for Sally if it is female or Salvador if it is male, but it will really be short for Saliva (since you found it in your dog's mouth).
Rebecca Black...Friday...Black cats...She's 13...Friday the 13th...No good can come from listening to her song...Bad luck... Really, it's been there in front of our eyes the whole time.
I think Roxas' KHV Battle Royale was pretty popular back in the day, though I never read it. (Feels like an old lady, showing her KHV age.)
Funny, whenever I do my homework I think of Jimmy Neutron (Physics major here.) Too bad I don't get a lot of brain blasts though. xP
Actually, buffalo burgers can be pretty good. Also, I believe I greatly enjoyed an ostrich burger when I was younger. I think both can be found in places in the Midwest (I know buffalo is big around Yellowstone National Park).
Unless you get your stuff stolen by the In and Out Burglar.
Love how welcoming we Americans are being, talking about gangs and getting jumped. ^^ You should come to the Midwest instead, that's where all the cool people live. xP
Finals are even more frustrating when, for some reason, the prof decides the class is going to have one more semester test on the last day AND THEN a comprehensive final a few days after. But I'll soon be done with this insanity...
Sensing the level of darkness/light in someone was just one of the abilities Riku gained when he welcomed the darkness within himself. Though why they decided to make it his sense of smell instead of just saying he senses it, I have no clue.
Gotta say as an old member that's been lurking around here for years, they don't! Which I'm surprised because I thought us Fall '06ers were pretty good at promoting that. Unless, of course, the current premium members' name color has something to do with that (like a sarcastic joke), but I doubt it. Anyway, welcome back HK! ^^
Finally got around to beating Black (well, the first trip to the Pokemon League), because I didn't get the game until a couple weeks ago for my birthday (and I got both versions, yeah!). I really like the extensive plot added to this expansion. Definitely made the game more enjoyable because you didn't feel like you were simply doing the same catch pokemon and beat the League for the umpteenth time. Can't say I which one I like more as of yet, Black/White, because I haven't gotten completely through Black and I've barely started White. I will say, I think I prefer 3-on-3 battles more than rotation battles. Though I kinda am disappointed in many of the newer pokemon character designs. But still an overall wonderful game(s).
Can't say that I do... [video=youtube;t3h6kOLYGtI][/video]
Nuh-uh, you can't see me! I'm invisible! *Runs around in flowing cape* >>
Not bad, Mike. Now I'll just leave THIS here.
His last name is the "nickname" that his Grandpa always called him, right? (Been awhile since watching the show myself) My favorite episode that I will never forget is the opera musical one (based mainly on Carmen). Just so awesome. *Goes to look it up*
After eating plain milk chocolate, I always feel the need to follow it up with some colby/string cheese (must be the dairy relationship). And I always thought it weird whenever my younger brother ate bologna and peanut butter sandwiches.
#15 DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. The rest are trivial.
Currently, I am head over heels for "Heaven's Not Enough" by Yoko Kanno (sung by Steve Conte). Feeds into my current re-obsession with Wolf's Rain. Spoiler [video=youtube;peLlO1UCy6A][/video]
Love the game. Played it many times over. Lot of people don't like it since it is all boss fights and you have to travel so far to get to most of them, but that's why I love it. I appreciate the artistic side of it, sometimes I'd just ride around looking at all the scenery. I still have yet to play ICO and I hope The Last Guardian will be as good.
NOT eat a Klondike Bar. Biggest contradiction ever. *Sings Klondike jingle*