*Points to recent winner of America's Got Talent (sounded akin to Frank Sinatra)* So...yeah, you are at least talented. ^^
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours by Stevie Wonder Oh to have been alive when Motown kicked off...
-_- No comment.
First rule of KHV: Don't talk about KHV. For shame!
Four years? What a newb.
Yeah, but some people when given an inch, want a mile (or given a cm, want a km). ^^
Ah, yes. I remember shedding many a tear during such union events. Mainly because no one ever wanted to marry me. *Foreveralone* xP
I actually like the look. The outfit is a pretty good update to his KH2 style and the short hair shows off his wonderful face (What...?). I mean, he looked cool in KH2, but I never entirely liked the long hair...looked like a tail from the back. And like everyone has been mentioning, we don't know the conditions of the "dream reality" Sora and Riku will be testing in. So, we don't know how exactly their appearance of age will be determined.
That "unicorn" looks more like a buck (male deer/elk) to me. xP
I'm sure a better vid or set of pics will crop up, but here's what I found: [video=youtube;NhddU-usO18]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhddU-usO18[/video] Riku's hair! I think I like it.
That time when you played in piles of fallen leaves while waiting for the school bus.
If this is anything like the "Lake Placid" movie(s), there's ALWAYS another/bigger one out there.
Flyleaf is awesome. And I think Misty would be the ultimate admin. *suckingupastonotgetdestroyedbyherMistyness*
I wish you were sine and I were cosine because together...we'd be one.
I raise you one Michelle Pfeiffer.
The awesomeness that is the 90s cannot be contained in a single thread, but it is fun to try.
Spoiler: cats [video=youtube;qNEraxj559Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNEraxj559Y[/video]
I love my two year old nephew because he picks up on everything people say. Like now he says "nice" sarcastically whenever he drops/breaks something because that's what I always say.
I just watched it. Not bad. I liked the original series and I can say this is pretty good for a remake (so far). Snarf sounds too much like a little kid to me (though he might be considered a kitten in this, idk). I too am trying to figure out Lion-O and Tigra's relation (something was said about a bloodline so maybe they're half bros?). Not big on Panthro's character design or the whole tech thing (at least, the big mechs seemed weird to me). I'm just glad they started this series with everyone clothed (twas a bit awkward in the original when they weren't xP).