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  1. Rena88
    My childhood was awesome[ly disturbing].

    Thread by: Rena88, Oct 11, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Rena88
    I had a dream last night that I was playing Terraria (and doing quite well). I've never even played that game irl...
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Rena88
    The whole thing's on there, but in parts. Was just a suggestion towards a start.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Rena88
    Never heard of it. xP

    But seriously, what a great classic. I love psycho Ben Stiller and I've always wanted to bounce on The Blob.
    Just search "Heavyweights part 1" on YouTube if you're really desperate to watch it.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Rena88
    I'm sorry, thought I spotted an oxymoron. Don't mind me. xP
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rena88
    In the natural world, this is probably normal for lions.

    But in the Disney sense, I don't think Kovu is actually related to Mufasa/Simba/Kiara/etc. (at least in the end result). He was supposedly adopted by Scar sometime during the first movie (even though Kovu looks pretty much like him). Though, it makes it hard to sift through something like this when there is like a 20 to 1 ratio of female to male lions. (A lot of people always point out the fact that Nala's father is never shown, so naturally...) I always enjoy looking back at old Disney movies and seeing the things I didn't understand as a child.

    Basically, Kovu is the son of Zira and some other male lion...
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rena88
    In every episode of Psych there is a pineapple somewhere. And don't be surprised if some of us crack up in laughter at the mention of "three-hole punch".
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Rena88


    Nope, but I love the feeling of clotheslining someone (especially if they're usually overall stronger than myself).
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Rena88
    I'm completely psyched (psycho?) for Psych! Hopefully this season will be as hilariously enjoyable as the others (of course it will!).
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Rena88


    What kind of tag?

    Regular, pass-ITstatus-on tag?
    Freeze tag?
    The type of freeze tag where someone not tagged has to touch you (or crawl between your legs >>) to unfreeze you?
    Laser tag?

    This lack of specifications saddens me. I'll be playing Red Rover instead.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Rena88


    He lost an eye? I thought the eyepatch was just because he wanted to be a pirate. Guess that clears up the fact Port Royal was Luxord's territory and not Xigbar's. How disappointing.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Rena88
    This must be how the audio transcription on YouTube works.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. Rena88
    Such a silly game this is.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 3, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. Rena88
    They just lay low after awhile.
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 3, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. Rena88
    Obviously, it ends with you. *stupidjokeaccomplished*
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Rena88
    This is more of an overall phrase used by multiple characters: "Sora, Donald, (and) Goofy." Drove me nuts the more I heard it on KH2. Could've switched the names around a few times.

    Post by: Rena88, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Rena88
    Referring back to the original thread topic: Isn't that what Twitter is for...? "I'm in a specific city/town/village/country"..."I'm on the toilet"..."I'm on a horse." Don't make KHV another Twitter...
    Post by: Rena88, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Rena88
    This thread makes me smile. ^^
    Post by: Rena88, Sep 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rena88
    How about a kitten asleep in your hoodie pouch pocket? My sister just got a new kitten and I carried it around like a joey (baby kangaroo) for awhile.
    Post by: Rena88, Sep 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Rena88
    I think it is safe to say none of you will be doctors. Though some of these notes seem a bit sloppy, they are all legible. Yayforstereotyping! Though it doesn't seem Dr. Doctor has presented any sample...
    Post by: Rena88, Sep 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone