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  1. DawnedDusk
    Thanks alot!
    Glad ya like them...
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 17, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. DawnedDusk
    Hey people. Here's my newest pictures that I've drawn in the last few months. They're mostly things that I've drawn at school so... yeah. Please remember, Im kinda still an amature artist, obviously not as awesome as the other posters.

    This is my first drawing of Naro (Sora's emo son), Corin (Riku's light dwelling son), and Amarea (Roxas' snoby daughter). I drew this at school in all of meh spare time.

    My colored pic... It looks nice, I guess. Very messy, and Amarea's makup is horrible...

    Naro's Keyblade, Bond of Darkness. I'll color it soon :P. (school)

    Corin's Keyblade. I colored it, BUT my dad 'accidently' deleted it. -_-' (school)

    The colored version of Riku's Way to the Dawn Keyblade that I drew. It's kinda messy.

    A pic of Sora (17 years old...) laying in the grass... My ONLY sucessfull drawing of Sora. (school)

    A very random pic of Riku in an apron... (school)

    An uncolored version of Riku at age 20... (school)

    A colored version of the previous pic. I LOVE this one. :D (school)

    There's the pictures I drew. Please coment!
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, May 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. DawnedDusk
    Wow... That was beautiful. It was sad and very descriptive.
    I will never look at Demyx, Vexen, Zexion, or Marluxia in the same way again.
    If I could ever confront Marluxia, I'd probably now be afraid of him.
    Can't say more, my sister is pushing me off the computer.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. DawnedDusk
    Are you going to finish this...?
    Please do, I love your stories.
    So.... yeah.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. DawnedDusk
    They said that he's IN HIS 20's!
    That means from 20-29.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. DawnedDusk
    Heh... This is how I think it goes.

    I. Vexen
    II. Xigbar
    III. Xaldin
    IV. Lexaeus
    V. Luxord
    VI. Saix
    VII. Xemnas
    VIII. Marluxia
    IX. Axel and Larxene
    X. Axel and Larxene
    XI. Demyx
    XII. Zexion
    XIII. Roxas

    I say Vexen's the oldest, because he's ALWAYS complaining (in the manga) how he isn't respected enough, and how he should because he's the eldest member or something like that.
    Xigbar's prety old, I guess, because he even calls himself old, and has many scars.
    Xaldin's not young. End of story. He doesn't even sound young. He HAS to be old.
    Lexaeus is in shape, and probably on the verge or already in his 30's.
    Luxord seems at the end of his 20's.
    Saix seems a little older than Xemnas, probly because to me he seems slightly more mature. (not really though...)
    Xemnas is a little under the middle mark, he seems fairly young.
    Marluxia seems around the same age as Xemnas, but younger, with slightly less maturity.
    Axel and Larxene are probly just the same age, that's why it's so hard to tell.
    Demyx... There's no doubt that he's either 19 or very early 20's.
    Zexion is in his late teens for sure. (He's short)
    Roxas is 15.

    Ther ya go.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DawnedDusk
    It looks like some kind of Grim Reaper, if your look at it right.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. DawnedDusk
    Wow... This is awesome.
    It somewhat motivates me to finish FanFics that I've already started, and ones I've thought of starting... but I'm only a two-week 14 year old, who still isn't even in High School yet.
    I guess I could try though. Thanks for starting this Roxas.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, May 5, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. DawnedDusk
    Yay! I'm glad you posted this.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. DawnedDusk

    Just felt like posting... Heh.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DawnedDusk
    Heh... Oh my.
    How could you...
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. DawnedDusk
    Thank you so much!
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. DawnedDusk
    I didn't draw them, be sure of that! It's from
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. DawnedDusk
    I randomly felt like putting most of my pictures on here, so people can criticize and give their opinions on how bad (or good) my drawings and pictures are. This includes a bunch of stuff.
    I'm an amature, so don't kill me!

    This is ALL in chronological order, so (hopefully) it'll get better!

    Yeah, I WAS a Neopets fan! (don't kill me!)

    Here's a comic I made! :P

    A pic of meh Neopet!

    I made this when I became a WoW fan...

    My FIRST KH pic...

    I made this last year somethime...

    This was made for a fanfic I WAS going to make, but never got around to...

    A Roxas Sig I use from time to time... Took forever to make.

    A character in a fanfic that is to be made...

    Some random person I drew...

    Heh... Nuff said.

    An old AND ugly version of Nexiver, from the same fan fic as Ceroxavin (spiky haired girl)

    A almost succeeded attempt to draw Sora!

    Wannabe Roxas Chibis...

    A BAD pic of Riku...

    An uncolored, new and improved version of Nexiver.

    A colored version of Nexi.

    A chibi version of Nexiver and his sword!

    Riku and Repliku in a wannabe comic...

    Way to the Dawn pic.

    A pic of Riku! (I think it's awesome!)

    And that concludes meh art gallery.
    PLEASE comment!
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Apr 15, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. DawnedDusk
    Wow, that was hilarious!
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. DawnedDusk

    Now THOSE are funny! (especialy the one about Roxas stealing a car with his Keyblade)
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DawnedDusk
    Zexion: ...and THAT's how the little Nobody got his heart back.
    Riku: Yay! Read me another story Zexy!
    Zexion: -_-' *Someone's gonna die for this...*
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  18. DawnedDusk
    I play that game! :D Buuut I have a butload of characters. I'll just post the one I'm working on now.

    -level: 12 (:P)
    -race: Human
    -class: Warrior
    -professions: Mining and Enchanting
    -realm: Argent Dawn
    -weapon: Merc Sword of the Whale, Haggard's Axe
    and Bard's buckler of the Tiger
    -name: Rivendel
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Gaming