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  1. DawnedDusk
    I don't think they could add anything.
    Usualy, Final Mixes like to set things up for the next game, but this one was pretty much made to set the next game up. Unless Nomura comes up with something important that was passed over in the game, I don't think there's anything they could do.
    They could release internet novels, like they did for Final Fantasy XIII, which told the prologue of the game, and aditional informations...
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. DawnedDusk
    An update just came out. Looks like they'll be more updates over the rest of the day, hopefully.

    Ven Part 6, Disney Town & Deep Space
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. DawnedDusk
    No problem, mate.
    Seemed like no one posted a link to this, and I was sure that some people wanted to actualy know what was going on. Heh...
    A simple playthrough isn't going to help anyone really understand the story if they can't understand the language.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DawnedDusk
    Part 4 and 5 of Ven's Story just got released, for those waiting for an update from her.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. DawnedDusk
    Here are some scans that came out about a month ago. They make this movie out to be pretty cool, and have an interesting ambience about it. Looks like Serious Business!

    This one is a photo of a lone Airbender surrounded by a platoon of Fire Nation mooks. The lighting effects are amazing.
    Scan 1

    A cool, behind the scenes shot of Noah as Aang, posing on set.
    Scan 2

    Mister Director Himself. Standing in front of Fire Nation armor on a Fire Nation ship. Nice.
    Scan 3

    It seems so interesting! I can't wait to see this adaptation, as I loved the series in the first place!
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. DawnedDusk
    No problem, mate. I think the order of the videos are a little confusing, though. First they come out randomly from all over the game, and then there's the intro, a little more random stuff, the first part of the Land of Departure, more random stuff, and then it goes in chronological order.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DawnedDusk
    I wasn't too sure how everyone was finding their information, as I couldn't find subtitles of this game till now. I didn't see anyone post this, or certain if this was s'posed to be posted in this subforum, but I found someone on Youtube who is subbing Birth By Sleep.

    So far, she's translated and uploaded all of Terra's story, and has a few clips of other events. Wasn't too sure if everyone knew this, so... Here's the link to her videos. I was going out of my mind looking for the game to be subtitled, and was scared I'd get spoilerfied searching on Youtube, haha.

    Strwbrymilk's Channel
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Jan 21, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. DawnedDusk
    I know this is really late, but Fly Biter is s'posed to look ugly. It was the personification of my dislike of Flies, and also my dislike of Venus Fly-Traps.


    Too, my concept of a Keyblade is a sword with a heavier-made end to it, as in the end of the blade/weapon will have something special to it that isn't too typical of a normal sword. I find guard to be something that most Keyblades have, but I never thought that it was a requirement.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. DawnedDusk
    This is indeed very interesting.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 26, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. DawnedDusk
    Wow, thanks.
    I didn't think anyone would like it this much.​
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. DawnedDusk
    Here are some fictional Keyblades I drew...

    Uncolored Versions.

    Set I

    Set II

    Colored Versions. I know they're messy.

    Set I



    Set II



    The End...?​
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Jul 25, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. DawnedDusk
    Chapter II

    Thanks, I try my best. Wait... Typos? The built in Spell Checker has been acting rather weird lately.
    This chapter isn't as funny as the last, by the way.
    Anyways, lets continue.

    ** I'll be updating this either once a day, or after someone posts. I don't like it if my chapter Auto Double-Post Merges it.

    Chapter II
    The Quiz and the Silent Strife

    (Pic by someone on DA who's name escapes me...)

    (Raikami's P.o.V)

    I looked at the group of three friends, scanning them closely. The oldest of the group was definitely the man with the silvery blue hair and the ocean green eyes. He had very elegant features, his face was a handsome shape, no facial hair, which was good. I hated facial hair. He had strong shoulders and a lean figure. He had a blank face, looking at me and waiting for my reply to their introduction.
    "T-thank you. My name is Raikami N-nadaku. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Strife, and Miss Kisaragi."
    The spiky haired boy let out a laugh. He had a lightly tanned appearance, with medium milk chocolate colored hair and the most beautiful blue eyes ever birthed. He wore a short sleeved uniform shirt that showed his extremely thin arms. I was kinda surprised that a boy could get that thin for whatever reason. He didn't seem unhealthy or anything, but I thought it was odd.
    "Are you kidding?" he scoffed, shaking off the moody mood he had just less than a minute earlier. "Mr. Strife is my father! Just call me Sora, please."
    "Yeah, just call us by our first names!" Kairi encouraged.
    "I'm s-sorry," I squeaked, attempting to sound innocent. I made as deep of a bow I could while keeping my seat at my desk. Sora chuckled.
    "C'mon Rai, this isn't feudal times! Stop being so formal." The spiky haired kid gave me a grin. The girl of the group nodded. I smiled back.
    The entire time I was getting everything cleared up, the silver haired guy (Riku?) was staring boredly up at the board, watching every stroke the teacher made with the chalk. He had his cheek in his left palm, which implied that he was right handed. Interesting.
    I wondered why he wasn't entering the mini conversation. Maybe he didn't like me. Who could tell what he was thinking? His hair covered his eyes for the most part, and the eyes are a window to the soul, which could tell you everything. Maybe that's why he let his hair grow over his eyes; so he would remain an enigma.
    He started twirling his pencil in his finger. It was a silver and black mechanical pencil that took .05 lead. He then reached under his desk and pulled out a black and white notebook. I wondered why, but then the cruel teacher gave me the answer.
    "Finish these ten problems in five minutes," she said in a bitter tone. "Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper and raise your hand when you're finished. You know the drill. The record is two minutes and five seconds, set by our 'ambitious' Mr. Valentine. Start." She walked away from the front of the board and then looked back towards me. "You are expected to to complete these problems too, Miss Nadaku."
    I glared at the back of her head for a moment when she turned around, but then scrambled for a piece of paper. I thought that I was fairly good at math, and the problems looked simple enough. I liked math anyway. I happily sped through the selection, even though I had been absent the entire school year so far.
    It was about a minute or two before I finished, and I promptly raised my hand, signaling that I was finished. I thought that I was the first one, but I soon realized that Riku's hand was also in the air. We had finished at the same time. I was embarrassed that my hand was in the air with his. I felt heat rise to my face. Again. I thought about putting my hand down, but he turned for a brief moment and looked at me. Maybe it was a glare. I don't know, I couldn't read his expression! But I know that it made me want to disappear...
    "We have a tie today. Astonishing," the teacher raved with sarcasm. "Too bad no one was able to to completely knock the 'prodigy' Mr. Valentine off of his worn out throne. You two broke the old record by twelve seconds. Impressive."
    I wonder why she kept using adjectives to describe the blue haired teenager. Mrs. Carubo quickly strode over to our desks in the back of the room and snatched up our papers, giving a nasty smirk at Riku before she returned to her desk.
    I glanced at Riku once more, only to feel a blast of negative energy coming from him. Was he angry at me? Or was it the teacher? I turned away and looked straight forward, feeling paralyzed by his silent anger.
    He was unobtrusively very terrifying, but unbelievably cool a the same time. It was a weird feeling.
    Eventually, everyone raised their hands and gave in their papers. Everyone but Sora. He has a frustrated look on his face.
    "Time's up," Mrs. Carubo blared. "Once again, Mr. Strife, you are unable to complete your classwork." She motioned for him to come to the front of the class. It looked like he had been through this before.
    The teacher held the wannabe whip stick in her hands anticipatively. Sora stood up reluctantly and made his way to the front. He held out his wrist like he did earlier when he had been eating cake. Even from the back of the room, I could see dark scars on his arm, and redness. She raised her wand and smacked it. Hard. Sora winced every time it hit. I winced every time it hit. The class winced every time it hit. Everyone except Riku.
    If looks could kill, we'd all be alive and well. But if auras could kill, everyone in a hundred mile radius would be pushing daisies. He looked unbelievably tense, as if his hands would break the desk he was holding in half. It looked as if he wanted to take action.
    Physical action.
    Mrs. Carubo delivered whack after painful whack to his thin wrist, which looked like it was on the verge of bleeding. Sora had his eyes closed, taking his pain like a teenager. The demon teacher had a satisfied, but blood-lusting look on her face. How could anyone be so cruel?
    'Humans are mean, hateful, and deceitful!' said a distant thought in my mind. It gave me a headache, but then the classroom door busted open.
    A woman with brown hair, tied up in a long, lovely braid tied with a pink bow and currently furious green eyes practically knocked down the door. Her eyes looked on the verge of leaking large amounts of water, her pink and dark red dress flapping angrily with her on her flight towards the demon teacher, who had dropped her whipping stick. A man with gravity defying, spiky blond hair, unique pale blue eyes, black clothes, and video camera followed closely behind the fuming woman. The man also looked angry, but not to the dangerous level the beautiful woman had.
    When she reached the shocked teacher, she raised her hand high and slapped her. You could hear it ring. The class ooed. I ooed. Even Riku ooed. Most of his tension had melted away within the five seconds it took for the woman to come in and take care of business.

    On to the next chapter.
    This one is very interesting, and sets the ambiance and setting (changed character history wise) of the story.
    Alot of you FF fans might like this. Or not.
    I don't think I wrote some of the characters right. I'm not necessarily a Final Fantasy guru, so forgive me.

    ** Eww.... It automerged doublepost-ed it... Someone please post so I can separate this.

    Chapter III
    Parents and the 'Back in the Day' Blues

    (Pic by Semokan on DeviantArt)

    "Miss Gainsborough?!" Mrs. Carubo yelled in red anger. "How dare you sl-"
    "Shut up," the blond haired man interrupted harshly. By the look of them, they were Sora's parents. It was apparent where he got his looks. Sora was grinning with surprise. His father gave him an apologetic smile and then put his game face back on. Then the Mrs. picked it up from there.
    "How dare you abuse my son like this!?" she said in furious tone, trying to keep her voice down.
    "Miss Gainsborough, I-"
    "That's Mrs. Strife to you!" she seethed. Mrs. Carubo cringed, then chuckled.
    "How ironic. Two of my best students got busy and made my worst behaved student since Zack Fair," she sighed. Mr. Strife gave her a resentful glare. "Anyways, they would never fire me! I have my doctor's in math and teaching."
    The brown haired woman put her hands on her hips and smiled. She motioned to her husband to do something. He nodded and showed her the screen of the video camera he was holding and played it. She gasped and reached for the camera. Mr. Strife raised it into the air and away from her grasping fingers.
    "You- You'll pay for this!" she yelled in fury. Mrs. Strife laughed sincerely.
    You'll probably be paying when you get fined and jailed for child abuse."
    The furious and red teacher let a frustrated scream escape her lips, and the stormed out of the classroom. Alot of the students gave little woots and were whispering excitedly about the idea of a new teacher. Riku was grinning, really, he was. Then he actually laughed. It wasn't like "OMG ROFLMAO, PWN'D!". It was a laugh of relief.
    "You were great, mom," Sora beamed, looking up to his mother. "You too dad." Mrs. Strife made her way over to Sora and gave him a hug that was obviously full of love.
    "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you..." she said quietly. Sora patted her on the back, not really sure what to do, but tried to comfort her.
    "There, there mom, I'm alright. It's just a scratch," he cajoled unnefectively. She instead turned to her husband and cried into his shoulder.
    "Cloud," she cried, "Sora doesn't need us anymore. He's even old enough to move out now..." She sobed silently into his shoulder like there was no tomorrow. Cloud looked distressed, and shot a glance at Sora, who simply shrugged.
    "Uh... There, there, Aerith," he mumbled while patting her on the back, identical to what Sora had just done. "Sora's not going to move out. Right?"
    Cloud gave Sora a stern look over his wife's shoulder.
    "Er... yeah!" Sora said hesitantly at first. "Yeah! I'm not going to move out any time soon, like Riku! I promise."
    Aerith stopped crying on Cloud and stood up straight, looking alot more confident.
    "I don't know what's happened to me. I mean, I saw you injured and it all went down from there. I'm sorry."
    "It's not your fault that you're an amazing, protective mother," Mr. Strife said soothingly. "You take this tape to the principle and get that woman fired. O.K.?"
    He handed the video camera to her and pushed her towards the door. Riku and Kairi got up from their desks and made their way over to Sora. I followed Riku.

    (Sora's P.o.V.)

    Kairi appeared out of nowhere and glomped me. I hugged her back and spun her around and into Riku. Her caught her by the shoulders and placed her stably next to me. He then put his arm around my neck and pulled me into a nougie.
    "No more abusive teacher, Sora!" he laughed. "If your mother haddn't come in here and owned her, I would have myself!" He seemed really happy. I wondered what he would have done to 'own' her.
    I finally struggled away from is super grip and rubbed my slightly swore head. He smiled.
    My dad looked unemotionally at him.
    "How are your older brothers doing, Riku?" he asked, with a slight hint of amusement. Riku rolled his eyes discreetly. Dad always asked him the same question when he saw him.
    "They're doing good," he sighed. "Kadaj is engaged. Loz and Yazoo are O.K. too, I guess. Father and Sephiroth are up in the Mountains doing some kind of research..."
    Dad always disliked Riku's older brother Sephiroth. His brothers Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo too. I wondered how he felt about Riku. He definitely had some similarities to his brothers, but he wasn't cruel like them, and had blue silver hair, not gray silver hair, and his eyes were more blue than green. They still looked like siblings though, and Riku was the youngest of five. They all use to live in their mansion by the sea, but Riku moved out by himself as soon as he was old enough. I've been the to the mansion millions of times. It looked like a freaken haunted house! Well, kinda. It was well groomed and polished, but it felt as if ghosts lived there.
    What was most scary was that his younger older brothers would come out of nowhere and 'attack' or scare us. It must have been hard growing up in a house like that; always on alert.

    Last time I was there, we had no trouble from the troublesome threesome. But when I was alot younger, one time, I got kidnapped and tied up by them, and Riku had to come save me. It was terrifying. They told him that they would hurt me for every minute it took him to find me. It took him thirty minutes. I had a million cuts and bruises all over my body, but I didn't want Riku to see me cry. When he found me, he was crying himself. He apologized like he had almost killed someone, and promised that, "I will never let anyone hurt you like that ever again." Then, we got the hell out of there and went to my house. He guarded me like gold all the way there.
    My mom wasn't at home, and my dad was asleep in the back yard. He woke up the moment we entered the area. He was furious about what happened to me. He got up and went to Riku's house; with his sword. I explained to him on the way that it wasn't Riku's fault at all, but the fraternal triplets that were his brothers.
    Wen we entered the house, sitting on a chair facing the main entrance doorway, was Sephiroth. He was terrifying. And tall. And he had a very long sword on his hilt. I felt Riku tense up next to me at the sight of him. Dad did too. Slightly. He stood up and made his way towards us, giving a 'loving' gaze to his little brother Riku.
    "Dear Riku," he said, placing a thin hand on the kid's head, "Father wishes for you to see him. It's about your friend, and your brothers are there with him. Go immediately."
    "Yes sir," Riku said obediently while bowing. He left quickly and disappeared deep inside the house. Sephiroth then turned to me.
    "I was asked to formally apologized on behalf of the Valentine House," he stated. "I am very sorry."
    He placed one hand across his chest and one behind his back and did a slight semi-reluctant bow. When he was at this lowest point of the bow, he gave me a glare full of spite. I was paralyzed in wide-eyed fear. He then smirked at me and returned to his normal tallness.
    He smiled at my father, who was giving Sephiroth his own glare.
    "What a cute kid," he said practically. "He looks just like Aerith. You should be proud."
    "Thanks," he replied quietly. "His name is quietly."
    Sephiroth chuckled.
    "Sora. What an interesting choice. He gets the lovely Aerith's looks and your name. I see your family has a sky theme."
    "Where are you going with this?" my dad asked sternly.
    "No where. I was just making conversation," he said innocently, shrugging. Dad took my hand and headed for the door.
    Now looking back on that day, I finally realize how much Riku looks like his brother. Especially the shape of his face and eyes. He learned how to glare like him too. I'm guessing he really got his looks from his father, but I'm never seen him, so I don't know.

    "Is Neku going to celebrate his birthday today too?" I asked out of curiosity. Neku was my twin brother... Even though he seemed to hate the fact tha the was.

    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. DawnedDusk
    There's not much I can say about this story. It's pretty good in my opinion. I've written about 15-20 pages already. In this story, there are quite a few cameos. ;D All I can say is that it's PG-13 for violence, language, and romantic situations. I had to re-write a part in the Prologue because it was way too suggestive for posting, but it's all good now, hehe.


    "We must hide you, milady," cautioned a red haired servant. "They have taken the lives of your noble sisters, you are indubitably next!"
    "Where do you want me to go?!" yelled a brilliantly golden haired goddess in strife, while putting on a robe and slippers and rushing out of her bedroom after her faithful servant. Thunder was cracking every second. Lightning filled the darkened hallways. "Can't I just fight them off? How strong can they possibly be?"
    The servant stopped.
    "Strong enough that they defeated your mother just minutes ago," she replied somberly. The was silence. Even the thunder stayed silent for that brief moment. The servant grabbed the goddess' hand, running down the hall.
    "What am I going to do!" yelled the teenager in despair
    "We're taking your father's chariot," the servant replied. "I bored it yesterday. I felt that this would happen. I'll fly you over to the other side of the world and ask your brothers for protection."
    The back door opened. They sprinted out of it and into a stable. Looking around, outside, it was a sea of black and gray, with frequent flashes of of gold and silver. Inside the stable was a silver horse attached to a silver jeweled chariot that could easily hit more than two people.
    The orange haired servant seized the reigns and motioned for her master to get in, which she did promptly Bringing the reigns down on the horse, it neighed and took off; out of the stable and into the sky.
    Looking around, it was still a sea of dark gray and faded stars up above.
    The golden haired goddess looked at it all and started to cry into her servant's shoulder.
    "Uh... There, there, milady. Everything will be alright," the servant cajoled. "Your brothers will take good care off-" The Chariot was hit. Hard. "Hold on!"
    A giant beast of darkness had hit the side of the vehicle, and was pursuing them at top speeds through the sky.
    "We'll never make it!" wailed the distressed goddess.
    "I have a plan B," said the servant finally. "I didn't want to have to do this."
    "Wh-what is it?" asked the girl shakily while looking to her, concerned.
    "I'll erase your memory and send you down to he human world. They won't find you there."
    "Eww!" she gawked. "The human world?! That nasty place?! Humans are mean, hateful and deceitful! I don't want to go there!"
    "You'll have to."
    The servant placed her hand on the goddess' forehead, and a silver light pulsed. The goddess closed her eyes and fell to the chariot floor. Letting go of the reigns, she crouched down onto the floor next to her, casting unspoken spells on the teen. Finally, after one last spell, the goddess disappeared from the Chariot in a flash of brilliant white light.
    She got a hold of the reigns and stopped the Chariot. The horse whined in protest but obeyed. The four legged demon was right behind them, flashing it's big white teeth.
    The brave woman turned and smirked at the monster and said, "I never thought I'd see you again, Yashaluos."
    The monster laughed a deep, rumbling laugh, like the thunder itself. But then it's form melted and changed from that of a monster to one of a man about six feet tall, with mid length silvery black hair and an Asian looking suit that buttoned all the way up to his neck.
    "I just couldn't stay away," he said trivially in a voice of a young man. "How about we have a bloody good time, like the last time I was here."
    "Like... a party?" asked the orange haired woman in an almost amused, but confused tone. The man replied by materializing a sword in his hand. It had the form of a demonic wing, and had a blue green eye in the hilt. He looked down at it in slight question.
    "Someone's been using my sword," he mumbled, but returned his gaze to the servant, this time lustfully. "I did say a bloody good time, didn't I?"
    Yashaluos disappeared from view in a gust of wind, and reappeared behind her and ran her through with his sword. She gasped. The demon let go of the sword and placed his hands on her shoulders, talking into her ear.
    "Now this seems familiar. When has this happened before? Was it... Rekarike?"
    Thinking fast, the servant grabbed the blade that was sticking out in front of her and thrust it back and into the demons stomach. He instantly loosened his grip and she pulled away form the demon's grasp. There wasn't very much room to run. The sword was still in her stomach, dripping blood.
    "Ow. That hurt," he complained, rubbing his stomach. "But the deja-vu is too strong to pass up."
    "Shut-up!" she yelled. Yashaluos gave her a fatherly gaze.
    "Sakamiku..." he started, "at this rate, I can't take you like your sis. Soul Eater is being greedy and eating more of your soul than he normally does. Oh well," he added, shrugging.
    "What do you mean... 'Take you like your sis'?" Sakamiku asked weakly, gasping for breath. The demon grinned.
    "You know what I mean," he replied slyly and winked. She gave into her anger and charged him, grabbing the man's throat.
    "How dare you?!" she yelled in rage while the demon simply looked unphased. He reached behind her back and pulled out the sword. Sakamiku instantly went limp and fell to the chariot floor. The sword was covered in a wispy, transparent, glowing blue substance and blood. Yashaluos licked the sword clean, relishing the taste.
    "You greedy *******," he said out loud, talking to the sword, "leave some soul for me to devour next time. But first... I have to find the son of a b who's been using you."
    The demon transformed back into a beast and lept off into the sky.


    Chapter I
    The Cake and the Newbie

    (Pic by Semokan on DeviantArt)

    (Riku's P.o.V.)

    "Happy, Happy Birthday,
    You're Number One!
    Happy, Happy Birthday,
    Hope You'll Have Some Fun!

    "Happy, Happy Birthday,
    Make Your Big Wish!
    Happy, Happy Birthday,
    Open All Your Gifts!

    "Happy, Happy Birthday,
    Eat Up All Your Cake!
    Happy, Happy Birthday,
    Hurry For God's Sake!"

    I sat a big slice of home made chocolate cake with a candle in it in front of a kid with wild spiky brown hair and true blue eyes with a wide grin plastered on the front of his face.
    "Chocolate?!" he exclaimed. "How'd you know, Rik?" I smirked at him and pulled out a list and proceeded to show it to him.
    "Hmm... Maybe this list entitled 'Things Sora Wants for his Birthday' showed up in my mail box about a month ago." Next to me, a girl with maroon red hair chuckled and held out a present.
    "What a coincidence! I got a letter just like that too!" Sora grinned again and took the present. He proceeded to trying to open it first, but Kairi smacked his hand, which Sora retracted and rubbed, looking disappointed.
    "Nuh-uh," she scolded, "you know the order: blow out the candle, open the presents, then eat the cake!" I laughed at Sora, who looked like a sad puppy licking his paw.
    "I thought I was supposed to be Number One... ]: "
    "You are," I assured him, "but after you follow traditions." I pointed at the lit candle, flickering unobtrusively in the light of the classroom. We were at school. We always served each other cake and gave a present on a friends birthday while singing the song at school. It felt good that things were back to normal. Sora was thinking the same thing.
    "I wish for... Things to always be this way," he wished sincerely with his eyes closed. He blew out the single candle. We all smiled. None of us would be here if it wasn't for Sora.
    Breaking the feel-good moment, Sora snatched the present off of his desk and ripped the wrappings to shreds, revealing a beautiful picture frame with a photo of Sora sitting on top of me, pinning me to the ground, (I had a killer look on my face, while Sora was grinning at the camera), and Kairi was cheering in the background. It was the day that he Finlay beat me in a no weapon, judo wrestling match.
    "w00t! Kairi!" he cheered, "Now I can re-live the moment of victory over, and over, and over!" Sora shot a proud look at me. I glared back. He backed down. I thought so.
    The school bell rang, and the birthday boy gasped. "Nuuuuu!" he yelled. "I want to eat my cake!" Sora seized the fork and took a quick bite. His face instantly lit up. "This, Riku, is your best tasting cake yet!" he declared while raising his fork in delight. I took a small bow and returned to my seat.
    "Only the best for you, Sora."
    The teacher walked into the room, old and stuck up. Th class stood up on her arrival, as usual. Sora had hidden his cake under a book and joined the rest of the class. The only reason that we stood up was because she'd give us all detention if we didn't. She was old school. Literally.
    She nodded her head and everyone sat down. Sora got back to devouring his big piece of cake, hiding behind his textbook.
    "We'll be having a new student today," announced Mrs. Carubo. "She's a student from a far away village, so I expect all of you to welcome her warmly." She turned to the door and motioned for someone to come in.
    A girl with a small figure hurried into the class and took a spot next to the teacher. She glanced around the room nervously, taking a look at everyone individually Her eyes fell on me, revealing that she had two large, expensive emeralds for eyes. That's how notably beautiful they were.
    "Go ahead. Introduce yourself," Mrs. Carubo urged while nudging her. She looked even more nervous and turned pink.
    "M-my name is Raikami. Raikami Nadaku," she squeaked and bowed, her long, golden hair falling before her.
    'She's c-cute,' I thought to myself while scanning her profile. Then I quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking at me look at her. Nope. Everyone else was too busy looking too to notice me. Well, everyone except Sora.
    He looked at me slyly while stuffing some more cake in his mouth. He knew all too well that I didn't look at anyone longer than five seconds unless I was glaring at them, sizing them up, or if it was a girl I liked.
    I was just about to deny him when the teacher yelled, "Sora Strife! What are you hiding behind that book?"
    Sora stopped in his tracks.
    "I'm not hiding anything behind the book, Mrs. Carubo! :3 " Sora replied innocently. Kairi laughed quietly at his misfortune. The teacher stalked over to Sora's desk with a flexible rod in her hands. Sora made himself small and hid behind his book he was using to hide his cake, which was mostly eaten, as she got closer.
    She snatched the book away from, probably expecting to see him reading some kind of dirty magazine, but instead, there was an almost finished plate of chocolate birthday cake.
    "Mr. Strife!" She started." How dare you eat cake in my classroom?! Chocolate too! Explain yourself!"
    "It's m-my birthday," he mumbled. The teacher scoffed.
    "What are you turning? Six?" she quipped with a smirk. I hated her. Sora looked down.
    "Sixteen, actually," he corrected with a hint of pride.
    "Well, you could have fooled me," she said bitterly. The class chuckled discreetly. She held out her hand, which Sora reluctantly gave. She proceeded to hit his wrist with the stick thing till it started looking painful. The Keybearer winced the whole way through.
    After Sora's 'beating' for eating cake on his birthday, the teacher turned to me. She disliked me almost as much as she liked to pick on Sora.
    "Mr. Valentine," she started, referring to me by my last name like she usually did, "I'll assign you to take care of the new girl." She smirked at me and returned to the front of the classroom. She knew I hated social relations, so she made me have to take care of the new girl. I was boiling, but I kept a calm face.
    The girl named Raikami made her way towards us. I glanced towards Sora and Kairi. Kairi was nursing Sora's injured hand by kissing it, like a mother kissing her child's boo boo. I removed my black and white bag from the seat next to me, (Sora called my 'man purse' -_-'), and the newb sat down discreetly.
    "Hey. I'm Riku Valentine. Student Body Vice-President," I started. "That's the President," I pointed over to Sora, "And Secretary," I finished, motioning towards Kairi.
    "Hello," greeted the red-head. "My name is Kairi Kisaragi." She then nudged Sora in the ribs, telling him to introduce himself. He gave her a glare and grunted.
    "I'm Sora. Sora Strife..."
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Jul 24, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. DawnedDusk
    Since no one replies, This will probably be updated even if it doesn't look like it.
    Just a heads up to anyone reading.​

    Wakka tossed the unconscious teenager into a two seating wooden boat roughly, causing the craft to tip.
    "I'm not paying for the medical bills if he falls in the water!" called Tidus from his own boat as he was stepping into it and watching as Sora rolled in Wakka's. The orange haired young adult chuckled.
    "Riku's going to pay!" Selphie called, already rowing out to the part of the island that consisted of most of the houses and schools in the community. There was another section that consisted of shops and work areas, that was connected to the housing area by a by a train tracked bridge.
    "Why me? I always pay for everything!" the silvery blue haired teenager asked cynically while stepping into his old boat.
    "You're rich, mon!" Wakka finished up, making everybody but Riku laugh. The small fleet of teenagers in boats sailed to wards the docks on the other side.
    By the time they reached the long, boat filled Destiny Island docks, the sun had just set, leaving an orangish glow just above the horizon, and the sky above a midnight blue. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful cloudless night. The street lights were on and the people were going home from their jobs or very late after school activities.
    The five teens stepped out of their boats and tied them to the dock, stepping out in the process. Wakka painstakingly hauled Sora out of his boat.
    "Sora kinda got taller, and he's alot skinnier. Buuuut it feel like he put on fifty pounds!" exclaimed Wakka while trying to lift the unconscious teen over his shoulder.
    "He hasn't eaten for an entire year, causing him to loose a bit of weight," said Riku in a mater-of-factual tone. "But he only seems heavier because of his clothes; they're magical. Those types always seem alot heavier to those who aren't supposed to feel the weight or wear them."
    There was a crypic silence.
    "How do you know that, Riku?" asked Wakka, an amused look on his face. Riku stood there, trying to find a valid answer.
    "Riku, you're such a stalker," laughed Tidus, poking the reddening teenager. The others joined in, chuckling. Riku pushed their hands away.
    "Hey, I don't stalk people!" he argued, forcing the red back down. It was really too dark to see his frustrated expression anyway.
    "Well, I highly doubt that Sora remembered to tell you that he got magic clothes that increase his weight. I doubt that he even knows that himself!" Kairi said while smirking. "And you do seem to know a lot about what he's been doing all year..."
    "He hasn't even been awake for a year yet!" Riku replied, flaming. "He woke up just a few months... ago..."
    "Oh my gosh! You HAVE been stalking Sora!" gasped Selphie, causing Riku to redden again.
    "Heh, I bet ya even kno' the exact date, eh?" Wakka asked while putting Sora on his shoulders. The blue haired teen didn't reply.
    "Lets just get him to Kairi's house," he finished bitterly and started walking, while everyone else grinned and followed his lead.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. DawnedDusk
    This is my fan-fic, Restored Existances. It takes place in certain character's P.o.V. right after KH2 ended, and it's taking alot longer to type than it did to write. I have a whole note book filled with this story; and I'm not even nearly finished. This was about a couple of pages (I write small), so I'ma continue writing this. ​


    (Sora's P.o.V.)

    With her panthalasa charm in my palm, I took the hand Kairi gave to me, attempting to pull myself up while keeping my promise. Instead of that she fell right on top of me, into the cool, sea water. Everyone laughed, but we both blushed many different shades of red and quickly got up.
    I shook my spiky brown hair, ridding it of the still present salty water. Then out of nowhere, she practically glomped me, squeezing me with everything she had, as if I'd desapear if she let go.
    "K-kairi, I was just gone for a few hours!" I tried to say, lacking air. "And y-you're hugging to hard!"
    "Oh!" She let go of my waist, as I gasped for life. "I just... Didn't think you'd come back," Kairi mumbled slowly, tears forming in her azure eyes. I didn't know what to do.
    "Kairi, d-don't cry!" I cajoled nervously, trying to calm the red head down. "I promised I'd come back to you, remember? I'll always keep my promises. Just like the charm. See?"
    She clutched the melange of shells tightly, recalling the promise we made more than a year ago.
    "Yeah," she smiled weakly, wiping her eyes. "Sora, I'm-"
    She was abruptly cut off by Wakka, followed by Tidus and Selphie screaming 'Sora, Kairi and Riku' all in different orders, coming across the beach at top speed. I grinned at the scene. Old friends were always a warming sight.
    As they got closer, I noticed Tidus and Wakka's mischievous faces. I took a step back, and they tackled me head on into the sand.
    "Get offa me!" I yelled and laughed at the same time, wrestling them off.
    "Sora, you moron, where have you been?!" Tidus laughed while covering me in sand.
    "We were wonderin' if you and Riku went off an died or somethin'," Wakka admitted sarcastically. Riku made his way over to where we were plotted in the sand, chuckling to himself.
    "Well, it's a good thing to have you both back. Especially you, Riku," Selphie stated, while giving the silvery haired teen a fan-girlish gaze. Suddenly, Tidus and Wakka gave him a quick look and started whispering to each other.
    Apparently, Riku heard what they had said, cause he took a few steps backwards and turned on his heals and got the heck out of there with a look of fear on his face. The two other boys got up and started in hot pursuit of their prey.
    "If you lay even a finger on me, I'll kick your butts into the next world!" Riku yelled, running down the shoreline.
    I sat there wondering what the heck was going on, while ridding my clothes of sand and standing up. Riku had escaped them for a while, but then he tripped on a log camouflaged in sand. He had put that there over a year ago after he had tossed it on me. I laughed. Served him right. Tidus and Wakka failed to notice it too; they tripped and landed right on top of Riku.
    "Get the hell off!" he yelled. "I'm getting sand in my clothes!" The two trouble makers grinned at each other, raised their hands, and started tickling him. Actually tickled him!. Riku burst out laughing, rolling in the sand, trying to get the two teens to stop. It was hillarious to see him act like that. He was usually so uptight.
    "Cool!" I gasped while making my way over to them. "Calm and collected Riku, ticklish?! How come no one ever told me that?!"
    Selphie laughed. "You're supposed to be his best friend!" she yelled. I ignored her and joined in the party.
    We tortured him till he cried, "Oh man! Now you're all going to get it!" He jumped up, knocking us all over and took out his Keyblade, The Way to Day, and pointed it at us threateningly. It looked strikingly like a demonic, twisted bat wing, with an eye in the handle. What made it change from looking demonic to looking interesting was the white and dark wing for the hilt of the handle, and the angel wing in the blade, forming the whole form of the actual Keyblade. A heartless logo was dangling as it's keychain.
    "Calm down, mon!" Wakka pleaded at the sight of the mysterious weapons. "We were jus' kiddin'!"
    "Where'd you get that thing? And where did it come from?" Selphie questioned. I smiled.
    "Two can play at that game, Riku." I took out the Kingdom Key. It's silver blade gleaming in the sunlight.
    "Fight! Fight! Fight!" everyone cheered, pumping their fists. Donald and Goofy gave each other weary looks.

    (Narrator's P.o.V.)

    Both boys got into their fighting stances and prepared to fight. They were both worn out in some sort of way already; Riku from that part of fighting with Xemnas when he had hit him with his Arial blades, and and almost broken leg from fighting with the Dusks; Sora had a lot of his energy drained from almost losing his heart to the same Nobody, and a lot of little cuts and bruises, as did Riku.
    Sora, as usual was the first to strike. He ran up to Riku, and swung his Keyblade at him. Riku ducked under it, and followed up with a Blizzard, temporarily freezing Sora in place, not even having to say the spell. He jumped back, dodging another blow from the semi-paralyzed spiky haired hid, and used a dark aura on him. It hit him head on and inflicted a good amount of damage, but also freed him from the ice.

    (Sora's P.o.V.)

    Riku ran up to me as I was trying to recover, but I quickly blocked it then tried to counter attack. He once again dodged, but this time, he jumped high. I took advantage of this small opening and used Fire, aiming my Keyblade at him in the air.
    "Fire!" I yelled, and let my magic loose, channeling it through my blade. He heard me, and instinctively used a dark shield, just a split second before it got to him. The fire licked around the barrier, creating a smoke screen in the air. But then I heard the shield break, and a flurry of blue fireballs came out of it; more dark auras. It was too late for me to react, I had taken a few painful hits before I could defend myself. I was knocked back and rolled in the sand for a few yards before I came to a stop, holding my Keyblade tight. I heard the spectators 'Ooooh' and gasp.
    "Owww," I complained, rising to my knees. Riku was smirking, standing tall above me. I raised my Keyblade quickly, trying to catch him off guard, but he knocked it out of my hands with his, and it disappeared with a crystal like sound as it hit the sand. I sighed and looked down.
    "Looks like I win."

    "No way. Not again..."

    I didn't say that, did I? I felt a sharp pain in my heart and I quickly winced, not that anyone noticed. But then, I heard a voice in my head.
    'There's no way I'm going to lose to him again,' the familiar voice declared.
    'Roxas?!' I mentally gasped.

    "I'm not losing to you again." I felt my mouth form these words slowly against my will.
    "Again?" Riku questioned, amused and shrugging. "And what's with your voice?"
    My voice sounded just like Roxas'. Had he taken full control over my body? I couldn't move. All I could do was sit, or float- whatever- and watch as he summoned his Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion and stand up, ready to fight.
    'Is this what happens to people who are fused with the soul of their Nobody when they themselves aren't Heartless?' I thought smartly to myself.
    "Gwarsh, Sora," Goofy started, "When were you able to use two Keyblades without being fused to one of us?"
    I shot- I mean Roxas shot an annoyed glance at the dog.
    'Why are you doing this?!' I asked loudly to him.
    'To win,' he answered flatly. 'I'm not going to let us lose to Riku.'
    'You don't need to win all the time!' I exclaimed.
    'Well, if you win most of your battles, people won't want to fight you, because they'll think you're too strong for them. See?' Roxas answered. 'And I don't want to lose to him again... I lost last time, and he erased my memories. So I'm going to fight him now; for REVENGE!'
    I mentally laughed. 'Oh, I see.... But next time, can you ask me before you take over MY body...?'
    he answered. 'Well, this is my body too. I have the right.'
    'You wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me!' I snapped.
    'I don't exist!' he snapped back himself.
    'Um... I still don't get that. Well, at least tell me if you do.'
    'Whatever,' he sighed. 'And by the way, you're going to feel like a sack of bricks in the morning.'

    (Group P.o.V.)

    "Well," Riku started, "If that's how you like it..." The silvery blue haired teen's ocean green eyes flared with competition as he took his fighting stance. Sora did the same.
    'This doesn't feel like Sora,' he thought. 'More like someone else...'
    Both boys charges, Keyblades first. They both parried each other's blows fiercely and jumped back. Sora charged again, but Riku slashed diagonally when he was close. Sora leaped over the teen quickly and swiftly, and landed behind him unobtrusively. Before Riku could turn around, Sora hit him hard with both Keyblades on his injured left side. Riku surprised and hurt, caught himself before he could fall.
    Riku frowned. He ran up to Sora and aimed for his arm, but Sora blocked it with the Oathkeeper, and attacked Riku with the other Keyblade. Riku, thinking quickly, sent a dark aura at the incoming Oblivion. It went flying and landed handle-up in the sand.
    The two opponents looked at each other briefly, and made a dash for the unattended blade. They reach it and grab it at the same time, and look at each other again. They parry their own attacks once more, but Sora improvises. He kicked Riku hard above the stomach, knocking the air out of him temporarily, and yanked the onyx Keyblade out of the glistening white sand.
    Sora, smiling, charged a final time at Riku, who is slightly winded and backing up away from the dual wielding Keyblade kid. He tried to return the charge, but his damaged leg was obviously holding him back. Just before they clashed, their weapons disappeared in a quick, familiar white light, and they collided painfully into each other and into the sand.
    "What the--" Sora said, rubbing his head and wondering what was going on.
    "Get offa me!" Riku yelled, pushing the blue eyed kid off of him and sitting up. They all looked up, confused.

    "You guys should be ashamed of yourselves," came a high voice from behind them. It was none other than the small but formidable King Mickey. He had the Oathkeeper, Oblivion, and the Way to Dawn in his hands.
    'You can have your body back now!' Roxas said quickly, and Sora started to feel control again.
    'Hey! That's not fair!' Sora rebelled.
    'Oh yes it is!'
    "Fighting when you're already hurt?!' And you guys let 'em!" he started to lecture, waving the Keyblades around like speaking to some naughty children. "I left for just a minute to go to the bathroom and call the Gummi Ship, (which will be here in an hour, by the way), and you fight!"
    "They were just playing, then got all serious, your Majesty. We didn't know!" admitted Donald in disappointment with himself.
    "Gawrsh... We're sorry," Goofy apologized.
    "It's our fault," sighed Tidus.
    "Yep, we pushed Riku and Sora inta fightin'," Wakka agreed.
    "Yeah, we should have stopped them," Kairi frowned.
    "Same here," Selphie concluded.
    The King smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head. "Gosh, guys," he started slowly, looking modest. "Don't blame yourselves like that."
    "Hey," Riku asked, walking up to the mouse, "How'd you do that? I mean take our Keyblades away from us without touching them?"
    "Practice," he replied flatly, dematerializing them.

    (Sora's P.o.V.)

    "You two need to go home and get bandaged up!" he exclaimed after looking over the two Keybearers.
    "Oh yeah!" I said with enthusiasm. "When I walk home-"
    'You mean limp...' interrupted Roxas.
    "Or limp home, mommy's gonna-"
    'Mommy? Wow Sora...' laughed Roxas.
    "Uh... I mean Mom's gonna flip!"
    There was an almost awkward silence, which Kairi reluctantly broke with a guilty and sorrowful look on her face.
    "Sora," she started, not looking me in the eye, "Your mother went missing on a hiking trip up to The Mountains a few months ago. She was presumed... dead. I'm sorry." The scene hushed, all eyes on me.
    "Dead..?" I mumbled, barely audible. "I don't have any parents now. W-what's going to happen to me now? I don't want to be an orphan..."
    I didn't want to cry in front of all my friends, but I truly couldn't help it. Grief was pressing on me. I felt light headed. All the sounds made were the waves, and my discreet sobbing. The world spun, my vision blackening and I fell unconscious.

    (Group P.o.V.)

    "S-sora!" cried Kairi, kneeling down at the teen's fallen body. The King of Disney Castle let out a sigh.
    "Poor boy..." he started. "He has nothing but friends now. No direct family here."
    "We're his family," stated Riku solidly. "And what do you mean by 'No direct family here'?"
    The mouse smiled and shrugged.
    "That's the King! Keeping secrets again!" laughed Goofy.
    "Speaking of family, where is he going to stay?" asked Donald. "He can't live all by himself."
    "How about he stay at one of your houses!" Mickey brought up. There was another awkward silence.
    "Well... My parent's won't let anyone stay over for the night, considering what happened between my sister and one of her boyfriends, heh..." Riku admitted, scratching the back of his head innocently. Wakka gave him a sarcastic look.
    "Wha' happened?" he asked, grinning widely.
    "You, um, don't want to know," Riku replied quietly, but his voice laced with amusement. The group gave a quiet, nervous chuckle. Everyone knew the 'rumor', and Riku had just confirmed it.
    "My house doesn't have any space," Wakka lied, breaking the new layer of silence that had fallen. The group looked to Tidus.
    "D-don't look at me! I'm not taking him in! Have you seen his room?" the Blondie blurted out. Everyone sighed.
    "My parents won't let any guys stay over!" Selphie said loudly while dodging looks from the other teens. Then everyone's eyes fell on Kairi. Her maroon colored hair was glimmering in the setting sunlight, and a nervous look adorned her face. She flipped her hair innocently and looked down.
    "Heh... I guess my house is free?" she coughed. "He stayed over before, and my parents aren't even exactly in town..."
    "Then it's settled!" the King declared. "Sora stays at Kairi's house until... Gosh, he finds some place else to stay?" He shrugged, waving the thought away.
    "So, why you're here, why don't you tell us what you all were doing since you've been gone," Selphie said.

    So the King and Riku told their story, skipping around all of the bad parts and the things Riku did to his friends, what he and Mickey did in the Darkness, and what they were doing while Sora was asleep. By the time they finished, the King's Gummy Ship had arrived.

    "We've got to go. There are things that need atending to. Jiminy's Journal needs to be looked over, and some questions need solving. Gosh. I just realized all the work that still needs to be done! Donald. Goofy."
    The Gummi Ship's door opened, and the Mouse hurried into it.
    "Gawrsh, poor Sora. I hope he feels better when he wakes up." said Goofy.
    "I wish he was awake to say goodbye," Donald admitted. Everyone said their goodbyes and the brightly colored rocket blasted into orbit. Everyone turned to look at the unconscious teenager laying in the sand.
    "Well... Lets get him to your house, Kairi," Riku started, with an apathetic tone to his voice. "I'll carry him."
    "N-no, mon. Lemme do it! You're all beat up!" Wakka argued. Riku sighed and shrugged.
    "Have it your way."
    The islander lugged the spikey haired teenager over his shoulder as the others made their way for the boats.
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Jul 22, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. DawnedDusk
    Um... Yeah.
    Maleficent gave it to Riku. The thing you need to think about is who gave it to her.
    There are definately some other flaws to this aparently well made theory, but... Yeah.​
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. DawnedDusk
    It's my first lip-sync video, and first job using Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0.
    I think I did a very nice job at it. The resedents of my house say it's nice, and a few other people think so too.
    Here it is...

    The Good Life by Sora ft. Axel
    Thread by: DawnedDusk, Jul 22, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. DawnedDusk
    I said that they were equal.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. DawnedDusk
    The World Ends With You for the win.

    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. DawnedDusk
    Atleast I'm not alone in the lack of PSP club.
    Post by: DawnedDusk, Jun 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates