The Supreme Dalek created a 3D visual of the hospital. A large group of lights already reached at the second floor of the building and were descending quickly while there were two down in the first floor. "THEY CANNOT STOP US."
@iCat: Your reaction upon hearing news of David Tennant's death. 180.
Your typical day in gifs: 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
"There is a major rift in time and space within an area of the universe known as the Medusa Cascade. It has been twice sealed off by the Doctor, but like any seal, it can be reopened. Should you somehow reach this place, unseal the rift. With it opened, a great deal of temporal energy will leak since it is directly connected to the Time Vortex itself. The energy there is limitless and never-ending, such as how time is limitless and never-ending," Davros explained, "And if that energy is harnessed properly and completely, then, theoretically, one would be able to extract and have access to the every thought, dream, and memory of every lifeform that has ever existed throughout time. Imagine what you can achieve with that in combination of your own abilities over the desires of others."
Resisting a joke on the word Hooverville.
To all: You are all locked up in individual rooms. There is a panel in the center of each room with a button for every other person in the other rooms. Pressing one of the buttons will send a live grenade into the room of the person you selected. Pressing all the buttons at the same time would cause the grenade to drop on yourself. The panel can only be used once and when used, it will shut down and the door will unlock unless you sent the grenade to yourself. To whom would you send the grenade to? Reasoning is optional. To all: Would you please describe your life outiside of KHV in exactly 57 words without using any filler?
The ninja jumped off the roof and switched into the Dragonfly stance. Slowly hovering down to a window in Yoda's chamber, he dived through it feet first and lands on the ground in the Flea stance. Once he looked up and saw Yoda, he got off his sword and bowed. "Forgive my rudeness for entering in through the window. I am Yoshimitsu, leader of the Manji Clan. I have come here in my search of evil and I offer you my services, if you're in need of any." "Just like the Doctor. He cannot resist helping those in need." Davros thought about Maki's offer for a moment. "Perhaps...we can come to an agreement..."
You are in a black, windowless room with a swarm of Vashta Nerada. 96.
"The bodies are necessary for later experimentation. The child simply came on her own accord, seeking out accompaniment I presume. You may take her if you so wish. Her sense of morality would only hinder my plans. But such is the innocence of a child," Davros explained to Fang. As the Supreme Dalek waited, it noticed the head in the Glass Dalek was thawing.
"You are correct. I am not human. Nor are any of the many near human species that thrive in the universe," Davros confirmed, "It is also correct that everything has a desire. But you are incorrect on my actions of destroying reality. Why would I do it for the purpose of being known for doing it when there is no one to know that I did? So that I know? I know that I have the capabilities and the mind to accomplish it. I know that I have been less than a second away from successfully killing all of reality and creation, were it not for the Doctor's interference. If your assumptions about my desire were fully true, then I have fulfilled my desire." He returned his attention to Hermione when she offered help. "I have asked you before, Miss Granger. When there is no hope left in the world and you must take action, what can you offer then? What-" He cut himself off. The winds, for a moment, were blowing a bit stronger than they have been a moment ago, like something was landing. "It seems that we have even more company." Outside the building Yoda and his warriors were in, a ninja in unusual armor was standing on the roof. His katana lightly shook in his hand. "This presence...there is evil is nearby." Looking around the area for the direction where the evil was going to approach, he stared at the sky. OOC: Davros went outside before the hospital jumped into time and left Earth, if I wasn't clear earlier.
"Oh, I do not desire the end of all realities. I do it simply because I have the means to do it and I am able to," Davros began. The talk of such reminded him of that hypothetical virus the Fourth Doctor asked him so very long ago... "If I had created a virus so contagious, infectious, and deadly that it would kill any form of life on contact, to know that the power of life and death on such a scale was my choice, to know that just the slightest pressure on my thumb, just enough to break the glass, would end...everything, I would release it upon the universe, for the simple reasons of that I can and for the sake of knowing that I was the one who did it." Remembering this event once more, he started to seriously consider making that virus as a secondary, in case the success of the Reality Bomb was once again unachievable due to outside forces at work.
That's what I was thinking, and- Actually nevermind. Username: Graxe Character of Choice: Yoshimitsu Picture (optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Tekken 6, appearance from Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Additional Info: The leader of the Manji Clan, a group of Robin Hood-like ninjas. His sword, named Yoshimitsu, has been passed down to each leader of the clan, who also take up the name Yoshimitsu to keep the name and being alive. Since the katana had some involvement with Soul Edge and Nightmare in the 16th century, it has become a cursed weapon. Over time this current Yoshimitsu's control over the power of the katana was weakening and it would soon drive him insane so he took up a wakizashi, Fumaken, to suppress the evil energy. Searches the world to slay evil doers and villains in order to satisfy the blade's thirst so he can regain his control over it and also to find a way to remove the evil energy.
The talk of Darth Vader and Soul Calibur has me considering taking Night Terror.
"Hope can only last for so long. I have witnessed civilizations and entire planets rely on their hope and faith in one man to save them from their...inevitable extermination. Needless to say, their hopes failed them. So once there is no hope left to give and action must be taken, what can you offer then?" he asked. Davros also gazed toward the direction Kyo indicated. "Yet another who is drawn to death and destruction? The coming events will be very interesting indeed."
"Oh, this was meant to be..." Davros remarked when he heard what Kyo was. He stared at him eerily with his single eye, as if thoroughly examining him for...something. He returned his attention to Hermione. "Now, Miss Granger, what brings you here to this time and this place? What can you offer to those who will need you in times to come? And more importantly, what year is this?" he asked of her.
Davros chuckled. "In my eyes, in comparison to my age, you are a child. Now-" Then he caught wind of the talking cat. He moved himself closer to them. "How...curious..." he commented on Kyo, "I would not have expected to see one of the Catkind here on Earth. Certainly not in this time period. Very fascinating..."
Once they entered the Vortex, the Supreme Dalek gathered everyone, including the Glass Dalek, and moved to the top floors. An alarm soon sounded. Using its manipulator arm, it connected itself directly to the PA. "ALERT. ALIEN TIME VESSEL IN VICINITY. DALEK-HUMAN SQUAD TEN WILL INVESTIGATE AND LOCATE THE MACHINE." A group of four to six Dalek-Humans left immediately upon command and the alarm stopped shortly after. Then a crash was heard in the lower floors and the alarm resounded. "EMERGENCY. THREAT DETECTED. ALL DALEK-HUMANS DESCEND INTO THE LOWER LEVELS. LOCATE AND EXTERMINATE THE HOSTILES. THEY MUST NOT INTERFERE!" Outside the room the Supreme Dalek was in, which also was where the Glass Dalek was kept, a loud march was fading off in the distance. Back in Japan, Hermione's sudden appearance broke Davros out of his merriment. "It seems there is still a live one," he commented. He turned himself to face them, revealing his degenerate appearance. "Welcome, human. How brave of you to enter an area littered with the bodies of the weak. Perhaps you are drawn to such a stench? But by the looks of you, a mere child, perhaps you are not." He began to move himself towards the pair. "How did you manage to approach unnoticed?" Davros questioned curiously.
I believe Davros is the only one still in town, but that might change with the coming of Ten. So unless you don't mind them meeting an insane megalomaniacal alien scientist with severe delusions of godhood...
Davros began to rise off the floor and headed outside. He certainly didn't want to be inside when the time jump occurred. "TIME JUMP IN FIVE RELS." He was just outside when the Supreme Dalek started the final countdown. "FOUR. THREE. TWO." Davros landed steadily on the ground. Some of the responsiveness in the chair's controls seems to have weakened, though. Even now, I am still recovering from the energy loss in using the Emergency Temporal Shift. "TIME JUMP IMMINENT. DESTINATION: SKARO." Davros moved himself into the middle of the empty street. After what the Supreme Dalek did earlier, no person dared to go outside and stand around the corpses. Soon after, the ground started to shake. The machines in his life support system picked it up, however, so Davros turned himself around and looked back at the hospital. "It has begun..." Honestly, he didn't even know if this was going to even work, considering he had to make a system capable of time travel from scratch out of some junk equipment and memory. The tremors were very gentle at first, barely noticeable to the untrained organism or without some device, but it quickly grew into a massive earthquake. A large rift opened in the skies and shined a blinding white light directly above the building. If he had not lost his eyes, they would widen to the fullest. "The corridor opens! Time reveals itself!" Davros exclaimed in joy. In a flash, the hospital ripped itself out of the ground and hurled itself into the time corridor, which closed itself off immediately after it entered. Everything calmed back to normal except for a large crater from where the building was and some concrete falling from the sky. Davros could not stop reveling in his own genius.
Came in expecting a three-headed dragon. Disappointed, yet unfazed.