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  1. Graxe
  2. Graxe
    Inside an abandoned warehouse not too far from the hospital of operations was where Davros had taken the Supreme Dalek. Raised up in front of the Dalek was a giant ring-shaped machine adorned with the Seal of Rassilon at its base. It immediately recognized and took note of this. "THIS IS NOT OF DALEK DESIGN. DAVROS, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO CREATE THIS DEVICE WHEN THE TIME LORDS HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED? EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN." Davros wheeled himself to a second device in the room that contained a large screen. "During my 30 year confinement beneath the hospital, I received contact from a...certain individual. It is best, perhaps, to show you instead." On the control panel of the screened device, he pressed a button and activated it.

    Yoshimitsu left the scene he was at once Dearche, Vader, and the others had split and searched the Sky City to find Yoda and L.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu watched the events unfold at Vader's end of the battlefield on a nearby rooftop. After seeing what Levi did to the Sith Lord, he decided to wait it out. But because he was wearing some very identifiable armor, he could be easily seen.

    "Very well. I understand your caution. Not even I would dare to stare into it myself unless I knew the outcome. Come, Supreme Dalek." The two left and headed off to Davros' somewhat crude makeshift Untempered Schism that he built and hid in the city.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Graxe
    "The Doctor is the last Time Lord and the Daleks' greatest enemy. He vows to never carry a gun or any weapon, but he does not need to. He instead fashions ordinary people into weapons and have them fight for him. His beloved Children of Time are nothing but this. The TARDIS is the Doctor's time machine. Like him, it too is the last of its kind. If destroyed, he will be stranded in that place and time period for the rest of his regenerations," Davros explained to Maki. He didn't really mind it. Part of him loved to hear himself talk.

    "IT IS TIME, DAVROS. THE DOCTOR KNOWS OF OUR PRESENCE AND HE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL HE DESTROY US. I AM PREPARED TO SEE ALL THAT IS DALEK AND ALL OF TIME," the Supreme Dalek reminded. "Indeed. Would you be interested in joining the Supreme One as well?" he asked Maki. "To look into the whole of the time vortex would enable you to witness every event in every point in the universe from the beginning to the end of time. Of course, the amount of information passing into your mind may have you go mad from the revelation. Or it may inspire you to do great things. Or it may simply make And never stop running."
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu left the group and headed off towards the main source of evil, Vader himself. Cutting apart all opposition in his path, he soon met up with Ichigo and the others there.

    In a second blinding flash of light, the hospital slammed down from out of the time vortex and fused itself back into the concrete ground causing another small earth shake. The Supreme Dalek exited the building and returned to Davros. "THE DALEK-HUMANS HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO RETURN HERE UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE FLEET." Davros was a bit unpleased with the somewhat late return. "Was there any disturbances on the way?" he questioned. "THE DOCTOR AND HIS TARDIS HAD BEEN SIGHTED. AN INSIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF FORCES WERE LOST IN HIS ESCAPE." Davros chuckled. "So he does yet live still. If he is to be involved in this conflict, then surely..." And with that thought, he grinned.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe
    "A very merry unbirthday."

    "Sit down to get your present."
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu watched as the air carrier crashed into the building. How disastrous... Spotting the others, he regrouped with them. Then he immediately realized his rudeness towards them and once again bowed. "I see that I've not introduced myself to you all yet. I am Yoshimitsu, leader of the Manji Clan in Japan. And you all are...?"
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe
    The question never really came up, but is this Kefka post-Warring Triad or pre-Warring Triad? I know, he used the Light of Judgement, but still.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu dropped down from the skies and landed nearby. "Is everyone alright? What about the others inside?"

    "The feeling is mutual," Davros replied. He moved himself towards the hospital crater. The Supreme One should have returned by now. I wonder what has happened...
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe
    I went with Yoshimitsu instead, so no.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    With Hermione leaving with Vanille, Yoshimitsu looked at Yoda and L and quietly nodded. He jumped out of the window and flew out, Deathcopter style. Now hovering by his katana, he looked back to the others and waited for them.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    There is something on your back. You can feel it on you but you cannot reach out and touch it. If you lie down on your back or if anything touches your back on where it is, it will feel like nothing's there but yet you can still sense that it's still there on your back. Anyone but yourself can see it. The thing on your back will not show up in a mirror/any reflective surface or in photo/video evidence. Anyone who you ask to describe it will say it is indescribable and cannot be drawn or modeled as it is unlike anything they've ever seen. If you get anyone to touch it, they will decline. The thing on your back is bothering you to the point where you must find out what it is. How do you find out what is on your back?

    EDIT: To all, of course. Can I get a third question in? Yes? No?
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Graxe
    Two, because you're essentially a Time Lord sans time travel and maybe regeneration.

    Then again, I rolled Weapon Proficiency which could pretty much net me equal skill in weaponry with five. Definitely five.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Graxe


    Please refrain from refraining to refrain from refraining whatever it is you think you are refraining.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Graxe
    Though I originally planned to just stick with just one RP, I am willing to continue with this one.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    "We must leave at once!" Yoshimitsu called out to everyone still inside after seeing the incoming air carrier. "The large machines may not be able to stop the carrier from colliding with us. And if they do, there is still the fact that it is most likely going to detonate from its apparent damages. We would still be within the wake of the explosion and they would not be able to shield us from it." He looked around and raised out a hand to everyone. "I can take one of you with me if we were to leave right now."

    Davros began to explain with some passion in his voice. "The Daleks are creatures that are born to hate and designed to kill. They were created from the mutations that my own people, the Kaleds, had suffered in the Thousand Year War on the planet Skaro. It left their bodies weak and frail, so I designed them a life support system...which doubles as a weapons and defense system. Their shells of bonded polycarbide-Dalekanium make them immune to arms fire and highly resistant to many forms of weaponized energy, chemicals, and radiation. And since their bodies were reduced to something that only resembles a boneless, deformed, tentacled head, they follow the instinct of eradicating anything that isn't Dalek to ensure the survival of their race. My removal of all of their emotions but hate drive that instinct to the point where it becomes a war against all life in the universe." He paused for a moment, wondering if this man should know that humans, too, could be forcefully evolved into Daleks as well and that that was his intention for the dead around him.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu looked at the newcomers entering the chamber and approached Hermione. "I did not expect to see more children fighting in this battle. It worries me."

    Davros grinned for once. "Then I shall give you an entire reality of such. As for my Daleks, that may take some time. One, however, should be soon on its way back from Skaro..."

    In a second flash of light that scorched the outer walls of the hospital, the Supreme Dalek and its Dalek-Humans landed on Skaro, specifically the ruined capitol of Kaalann. Unlike most days on the planet, there was no acid rain pouring on this day. The Supreme Dalek left its high seat and gave out its commands. "SQUADS ONE THROUGH FOUR WILL BEGIN PROCESSING THE DALEKANIUM NECESSARY. SQUADS FIVE THROUGH TEN WILL BEGIN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VESSEL. SQUAD ELEVEN WILL CLEAR ANY HOSTILE ELEMENTS FOUND INSIDE THE NEARBY STRUCTURES. YOU WILL RETURN TO EARTH UPON COMPLETION OF THIS TASK." Once they all left to do their duties, the Dalek returned inside the building and jumped back into time, as per its orders.
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    62/3: A

    Can't believe I didn't get What?
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Graxe
    The Supreme Dalek reconnected to the PA. "REPORT YOUR STATUS. HAVE YOU IDENTIFIED THE INTRUDERS?" In unison, the remaining Dalek-Humans replied, "TARDIS has been sighted. Confirmed as the Doctor and his companion." The Supreme Dalek, still connected in, backed away a little upon hearing mention of the Doctor. "BEGIN PREPARATIONS FOR THE CREATION OF THE DALEK FLEET. EXITING TIME JUMP IN THIRTY RELS." Once disconnected, it turned its eyestalk towards the thawing head in the Glass Dalek.

    Davros approached and examined the Yummy. "Fascinating. A creature of desire. Time travel may suit you well." He turned himself to face Maki. "Do we have a deal? Open the rift in the Medusa Cascade and...what would you want in return? The destruction of your greatest enemy? Or is it something much simpler?"
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe
    Would you please describe your life outside of KHV in exactly 57 words?
    Post by: Graxe, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground