Most likely to appear in national/global news one day for any reason.
"My allegiance is to the planet. Our alliance is only of convenience, or did your fal'Cie not tell you this? Surely she knows by now." Omega Weapon attacked with Tsunami, firing several aqua-colored bullets of light into the ground beneath Cid. Seconds after, the ground starts to shake violently. Enormous torrents of water then break through the rock, surging high enough to be seen for miles. Chaining to that he continued with Absolute Zero, releasing a shockwave that magically converted most of the water into liquid nitrogen and the rest of the water as large, sharp chunks of ice. "L'Cie or fal'Cie, man or beast, god or devil, friend or matters not what or who you are. Everything will be destroyed."
"Go destroy yourself if you so desire. Your attacks are nothing compared to the crushing power of the Void, where all existence returns to nothing. And if I overcame even that..." Omega Weapon's eyes glowed with a yellow light before they released a harmless wave of energy capable of shattering minds in a flash. Unless one had the mental willpower to overcome it, Mind Blast can and will paralyze, daze, and confuse the opponent. "What are you to me?"
"I would not be a weapon if I could simply be poisoned, l'Cie. Nor would I be if I fell to any other ailment." As the scythe blade bounced off his skin, causing little damage, Omega Weapon countered back with Freezing Dust. Sub-zero temperature breath was unleashed, freezing everything solid but leaving the target(s) generally unharmed. But that was just a reflex. His real attack, which followed directly after while accompanied by a loud roar, would be Meteor. Unlike what was seen at the tower, this one came down fast and just as accurate. Shin heard the sound of ice forming behind him, but he didn't look back. He dared not to look back. Giving in to curiosity just gives the enemy an opening to strike. He quickened his pace, using his lance for extra support and momentum. Although still faint, the sounds of the other group's battle grew louder. It seems they were just up ahead.
Cid's attacks scratched the surface but, with Protect in place, left no visible mark. Omega Weapon struck back at Cid with two fast claw swipes and using his massive tail as a whip. He followed that up by leaping back and slamming a "hand" into the ground, casting Quake. The weapon had his suspicions. If Cid wasn't going to go all out, why should he not do the same? But if the situation ever changes, he will be ready. In a completely white world where dreams are weaved and played out, the dormant mind of Omega was awake here and wanders in search of someone. After what seemed to be endless hours of walking in a straight line, seeing and passing by countless dreamers who drifted here in sleep, he came across Snow suspended in the air. Omega approached him and whispered into his ear briefly before continuing on. "If you ever wake, Snow, go to the Sea of Eden, located on the other side of Gran Pulse. It's a place where one can witness this planet's future with their own eyes." Something about the air was different. A fal'Cie had to have been nearby and it wasn't Bismarck. As tiring as it was to carry Lightning around on his back, Shinryu had to keep moving forward. They can't be caught by some fal'Cie now, not when their only way out was directly in their face. OOC: I think I'm gonna stick with white for Omega from now on. It makes it easier to differentiate him from Omega Weapon than the normal color does (whenever Omega Weapon pops up).
Am I the only one who read the thread title as "Paradox Yourself"? But anyway: No.579 Graxe Dog Pokemon NORMAL ICE HT 4′06″ WT 70.9 lbs. After being exposed to X-rays from the moon fish Pokemon turned into Graxe. It only appears where there is no conflict. People don't see it much now.
"The Omega you know is locked away. Deep within the rifts of the dreamworld, he wanders and whispers into the ears of the other dreamers there. Perhaps to Mr. Villiers. Perhaps even to them..." Omega Weapon began focusing energy, granting him Shell, Protect, and Haste. Still eying Cid, the beast circled around him. It was as if the Weapon was throughly examining the l'Cie. "In order to survive, all living things in this world fight desperately and devour those they defeat. The wounded in turn wound and torment those weaker than they themselves are. There are only the killers and the killed. The sinners who are judged, and the victims that do the judging." He stopped directly in front of Cid, jaws only a few feet from the man's head. Scentless green mist was floating out from it with each exhale. "I am Omega Weapon, destruction made manifest. I decide whether or not your power is worthy for this world. Come forth, Cid Orlandu. Show me the hidden potential your brand has unlocked for you."
Hope. What they needed right now was hope. Shinryu carried Lightning on his back and slowly trekked towards the others, hoping that at least one of the apprentices will find them. Her size and weight compared to his placed a higher strain on him, but he'd do whatever it takes to survive. He more or less was re-raised in the wilderness of Gran Pulse anyway. The will to survive was something he was very close with.
Wish Upon A Star
Shinryu went over to the cliff edge to retrieve his lance since it was only a couple feet down. After getting it back he returned to Lightning's side, trying to wake her up. It would've helped if he had some items with him but he didn't. Magic was completely out of the question seeing as he's human. He could always take her to the others for that, but he didn't know how far ahead they were. If they were too far, he'd give in to his wounds and exhaustion. When...something...flew passed them, seemingly after Omega Weapon, he could tell something was going down. Getting himself and Lightning out of any crossfire was first priority.
"Not fleeing like last time, Mr. Orlandu? Do you believe that you are ready to face me now?" Omega Weapon sensed Cid's magic, but compared to what was going on below it was weak and not worth looking into. He violently whipped its tail in Cid's direction while continuing down, sending forth a blast of wind strong enough to stall a small airship. When Blizzard hit, which barely left a mark, he countered with Atomic Ray. The blue spikes on his back fired off numerous balls of bright red energy that easily tracked down Cid. Each one fired a single, superheated laser at him before evaporating. Nearing the bottom, he spotted the two fighting l'Cie. His gaze locked onto them, piercing into them even. As with Lightning, Shinryu, and Cid, his voiceless words poured into minds of the two. "Pitiful l'Cie, mindlessly wandering and wasting what little strength you have on each other. And yet you do not know the true potential you hold." The creature jumped off the side of the cliff and over the l'Cie, landing near them. "Entreat with the soulless Omega Weapon, who decides if your power is fit for this world, and become one with life's circle here again.
Words are pretty, but that's all they are. Second- no, third. I just remembered who the second was, and it really doesn't deserve it. Not that it knows it's second anyway.
It seems the floor is covered in a layer of air.
When Lightning went limp, Shinryu gave it his all to both pull her up on the lance and not letting her go. The healing did help a little, as it gave him some of his lost strength, and he was successful in pulling her up but not without wearing out again. Looking up he saw that Omega Weapon's attack heavily eroded way the cliff and brought the edge down closer to them, only a couple feet away in fact. The boy took both hands on the polearm and started to swing back and forth, building momentum to make pulling himself up easier. When on his feet, Shin picked up Lightning and carefully brought her over to where they were before. He felt Omega Weapon's cold, soulless eyes on him and stared back. One wouldn't know if what was in his eyes was exhaustion, rage, fear, or any combination of those. "Leave us, Omega," he thought, knowing the monster would hear it. "I will let the two of go for now, Divine Dragon. Do not forget that it was you who changed everyone's future all those years ago and that the true future has long since been thrown into the Darkness Beyond Time." Sensing more magic being used below he ran down the cliff to find its source. It would normally take about an hour or so, but with his size and speed it would only be a matter of minutes before he found Leo and Grey. Magic meant there was power. One of the uses of Model VI specifically was to test and judge that power and thus it was built with the instinct to search out magical sources. If the power was deemed unworthy, it would be destroyed with its source. Fal'Cie, l'Cie, beast, or machine, it didn't matter what it was. Weapons do not discriminate.
"So be it." Omega Weapon channeled a fraction of his energy into a small blue orb of light in front of him. Within seconds, the small energy ball emitted a light capable of blinding everything in sight and, as if on command of his roar, immediately erupted into a giant wave of energy many times larger than what was shown at earlier: Wave Cannon: 50% Power. Anything caught in the laser would be vaporized on contact. With it being nighttime, the brightness of the attack can clearly be seen from a distance. Looking behind at the creature and then back at Lightning, he wasn't sure what attack Omega Weapon was going to unleash but only knew that it would be fatal. So as a last ditch effort to save themselves Shinryu tightly grabbed Lightning's wrist and forced her off both Odin and the cliff with him; what Lightning did with Odin was up to her. With his free arm he jammed his lance deep into the cliffside in order to break their fall and come to a complete stop. Let's hope this is enou- His thoughts were interrupted as the Wave Cannon flew past above him. As his eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, the sudden burst of light nearly blinded him but his grip on her didn't loosen. Shin wasn't completely sure if they were following the others or not, but if they were, they should be able to see the blast coming and have enough time to avoid it...right? OOC: Are Ryou and the others with him heading into the Springs? I don't believe it was clear as to where they were going.
Omega Weapon sensed magic in use: The magic of a l'Cie. Instinctually, the monster moved towards towards the source, causing the ground to shake with every step. When he reached the edge, he leaped over Lightning, Odin, and Shinryu and landed between them and the King Tonberry. Slamming his massive tail into the green creatures, the Weapon faced the trio. He walked towards them to avoid the cracked rock behind him, Junior Tonberries scurrying out of his way. Communicating directly with Lightning's mind in voiceless words, they poured in: "Dismiss your Eidolon, Claire Farron. I will not ask twice."
Omega grew tired of Cid's ramblings. It all seemed very...preachy to him and that was made it irritating. "We believe what we want to believe. That's all we ever do," he said to himself. Dark magic began to flow out of his right forearm. The attack he held back from using on Leo before was escaping, so why not put it to use? "Descend, Heartless Angel," he began while raising his arm straight up, "Wherever that l'Cie is, give him my regards." Heartless Angel was an attack that barely ever used. It never kills, but instead almost kills. It was also never meant to be used in his current form, so should he actually do that...well it won't be good for anyone who happens to run into him afterwards. A dark red bolt of magic fired from his palm, burning through the rock to reach the skies, and started homing in on Cid. In a chain reaction, his entire body took a glassy sheen as he was engulfed by an intense light coming from his brand. His laughter echoed through the springs during the transformation. When the light died, all that remained was a grotesque monster twice the size of a Behemoth King: Omega Weapon: Model VI. With the cavern being too small for him Omega Weapon burst through the ceiling and landed on the outside plateau. He let out a piercing roar into the night air, signaling his return. Shin, in the meantime, froze with a look of complete terror on his face as soon as he heard the Weapon's roar. No...No way...
He heard the a faint sound of collapsing rock outside where the others were as he listened to Cid, but thought nothing of it. "So Pulse was right when he said that there was a fourth, missing piece. Nevertheless, they are still fal'Cie. That is what matters in the end and that alone is their weakness. And that single weakness is what classifies them as such." Omega turned to leave for the Mah'habara Subterra. "You know, don't you? What the weakness of every fal'Cie is? It's quite obvious when you think about it," he asked Cid as he left. "Go with them." Shinryu recalled what Omega said to him in the tower earlier that day. When the rocks fell on the King, he decided to stick with Lightning and meet with everyone later up ahead. He figured that the others have each other to rely on while, no matter how strong she was, Lightning would fall eventually and Odin won't last forever. She'd be in need of backup and support when that happens. Using whatever strength he had left, he met up with the ex-soldier. Judging from her wounds, he saw that she was in as bad of a condition as himself, though a bit better as she wasn't struck in the vitals as severely. He motioned for her and Odin to go on and clear a path ahead while he'll watch their back.