Then you might want to use private messaging to ask that. I don't see any sense spamming to this thread about offtopic-questions, we already lost one thread by that way (KH II codes, merged novadays). I'm not sorry that I sound harsh, that's the way I am. If you don't like it (and I mean everyone now) then you'll have to live with it. :sly: What's the music used in Ravile Trail when wighting with Yuffie, Leon, Tifa & Cloud? I'd like to know so that I could convert myself another music-code.
It doesn't matter. KH 2 PAL includes Germany. Here's the countries that use PAL: PAL-countries and territories using PAL.
KHRiku : It's not jokered. Here's the jokered one (press R2 while walking to a new scene): RAW E005FDFF 0035BA5C 01CB9E37 0000005F 21CB9E38 5F43504E 21CB9E3C 414A4150 21CB9E40 0053414D ARMAX 7CFD-91R7-YDB4K 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V NJ3B-R101-FZRZJ CXFG-0Y0K-8MGT7 BY8J-UVF5-V9DRQ DFYC-F7UW-D3TUW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Sasuke240 : He just wanted to know that is the code jokered or then he wanted in as joker-code. And look at his description, it clearly says Hungary, not Germany.
Well the Universal Object Modifier would be great to see in regular KH II instead of KH II FM+. Links: UOM Values list (most likely this one is being used for replacing objects) And of course, the real DW Sora code. :D
So this is the old code, not the new one what cloudstrife252 was supposed to finish?
You could use the Search this thread-option. I'll post you a link, here: Link. Convert it to PAL ARMAX by converting program, it's in PAL-RAW already. But once you use it you must FIRST choose weapon for normal Sora and Valor Form. After that you go to the new scene, hold the joker-button (you'd better have other codes disabled that use the same button or the game freezes) and now you have Sora with two weapons. He uses the exact same system as Valor Form so you lose e.g. Magic. Although there is one bug, you Valor Forms moveset on DW Sora is on lvl 1. This means that there is no finishers and the combos are short. I think so. Bah, it's 0:35 here already (12:35 am). :sleepy:
I already have that DW Sora code. It's the earlier version which uses joker. What's wrong with it? I haven't encountered any problems with it yet (although that I can't exchange weapons once I enter to DW Sora but that doesn't matter to me). Soraoscuro: No, not yet. It's not even sure that can he be fixed to take damage. What I'd really want is this: Or even better, lock the Magic, Party, Summon, Limit and Drive-menus. These are the only ones that are capable to freeze the game with Roxas. Although "Hop on"-reaction command for Sora's skateboard on Roxas is good one too to freeze the game. Damn though that there won't be any space for Item-menu. Also, it'd be nice to see that DW Roxas could hang on from e.g. cliff. Now he just freezes to T-stance and that's it unless there is an enemy around.
How does the replace Ultima Weapon with Darkside Key (Mickey's Keyblade)-code go?
No, it's normal KH II PAL-version, it's not Platinum (haven't even seen one in the stores yet, I don't think that it has reached that limit yet to be sold as Platinum-version). Also I checked and it did not have scratches. Even if it would have scratches it still wouldn't explain why Sasuke240's codes worked and mine didn't. The reason why game crashes is because of invalid code, not because game is broken. Savegame being corrupted isn't a good reason either since other codes work still. Warp codes do not work though either, I'm not sure is it just me or not. Man I'd like to refight Sora & Axel VS Nobodies, 1000 Hearless battle and Sephiroth battle... Hopefully jlhack7 posts those 1000 Hearless battle and Sephiroth battle soon. :) And what I mean by warp codes not working is that I do get to the correct area but the enemies/enemy is missing. E.g. 1000 Heartless and Sephiroth.
I don't get it, what is going wrong? I used these so the codes should work, right? Normal Sora in Master Forms outfit UW6F-WQB4-638RF JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 FEAK-YW22-DXTGY Master Form in normal Soras outfit 7JJG-W0W1-JTET0 CZKA-UTXC-0F9E2 H53W-6BXX-PJ255 It still crashes at me as soon as it loads the game. EDIT: Ok, here's some more what I tested. I don't know why this is happening but the game keeps crashing when I use these in single or multiple. Valor Form has Soras outfit 0HBH-NHZP-F4R07 732X-KHC1-JMVN4 CD9V-KK35-VQ65Z Valor Form has Soras outfit (to test was the code wrong) 88CC-R8QY-ZHMAJ AMBW-B3RD-2X31V CD9V-KK35-VQ65Z Valor Form has Master Forms outfit 9HY5-H7WB-49KRB 732X-KHC1-JMVN4 5MQ5-JN3C-WN0DF I highlighted the Valor Form has Master Forms outfit with red because I used the same code what Sasuke240 had used (sorry for not asking permission). I converted it to RAW like this: And then I got this: and it sitll didn't work. First one is the original Valor Sora has Final Forms outfit and the second one is the same code modified to have normal Sora. This happened with Master Form too. Meaning that Master Form outfit would've been used in Valor Form instead of Final. EDIT2: Sorry for big images but I was in a hurry. And the last image has accidentally wrong value in it, it was supposed to be Master Form, not Sora. Anyways, game crashes.
And it crashed. Somehow Sasuke240 went past this problem, here's some of his codes. Normal Sora in Final Form Outfit 7EEY-PU96-J5386 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 97TT-XFWP-YY41W Valor has Final Form's outfit 1AC2-GRAX-7HXZW 732X-KHC1-JMVN4 W3MP-PEKX-TQZHP I've sent him private message and asked for those codes in RAW-PAL so I could see what went wrong. Sasukes codes worked, although the Sora in Final crashed the game after too long combo.
And it still doesn't work. Now the code has no effect at all. The joker does not launch the code. Sora in Valor Forms outfit (R1+L1) E002F8FF 0035BA5C 21CB9BF4 5F303531 21CB9BF8 464C5942
Ok, thanks, I'll try jokering. Are my current codes correct then? Also, could someone post a link to the PAL-jokers, NTSC-jokers are useless and DeltaMaker doesn't always port jokers or any code correctly. ----- Ok, this is really ticking me off. I jokered those codes and they STILL crash. Can't someone just post a code that WORKS? I'm tired of spending my time for this crap since I can't get it to work. It's like this: Sora in Valor ouftit (R1+L1) E002F8FF 0035B55C 21CB9BF4 5F303531 21CB9BF8 464C5942 I used blue highlight for the joker since I'm not sure that did I get it right with DeltaMaker. Just to be clear, I appreciate all the help what I've got so far but I'd just want to get thos Sora Model mod's to work and get the joker-list for PAL so that I could do these by myself.
I know that this costs a lot of money. I use ~80 € per year for my own site (30 Gb per month datatransferment, 2 Gb datastoragement). Still, it shouldn't be this hard to go to a public site that is in continuous use. It's kinda like Google would crash but they wouldn't do anything to it and complain to the users that it costs too much money to fix it.
Hi. First of all thank you for all the information that this site has offered considering Kingdom Hearts-series. But I'd like to suggest you something that someon must likely hasn't suggested earlier: switch the server. Almost every day this site is down for multiple hours for no reason. I've tried with Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 7, Opera 9.5 Beta and Safari to come to this site and I get: "This sites server is not responding." This means that I can't access the site at all and trust me, once I try to come here I really do need to come here. I don't hang here for fun. Sorry for sounding so accused but it's just so irritating to come here and notice that the damn server is down again. If someone starts to suggest that it is in my operating system that is faulty then he or she is way out of knowledge. OS's working does not affect how browser reads pages or how pages server works. Those are affected by other matters. Just for you to know my OS is Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit although it doesn't matter at all. This was the closest area what I could find for this thread. Clearing out: This happens sometimes on the day, I can still access site normally but mostly this site is down.
I think that this game (358/2 Days) is going to DS because of the multiplayer-system. PSP might not support it (I'm not sure about this since I don't own PSP) or it's too hard to put the game to PSP. As Nomura said about KH Birth by Sleep, it's hard to put it to this platform since the screen is so small and they have to shrink everything to get it working. Also the DS might be good because of the pencil. You can use the pencil to do special stuffs with it which in this case might be like special Reaction Commands etc. Or maybe you can throw your e.g. Keyblade towards to a Heartless group and control the Keyblades movement in air (like Strike from KH I but with controllable movement). And about the 14th member; I don't think that it is anyone from KH BBS. It won't be Aquas Nobody as someone said, it would be too revealing. Also, Nomura doesn't make plots that easy that you could just guess who it is. Remember how people thought that KH II & KH II FM+'s Secret Ending's characters were Sora, Riku and Kairi and they weren't? This is the same thing. 14th member isn't Naminé either since she is the so called memory-wizard of Organization XIII. It isn't either Selphie, Yuna, Paine, Aeris, Yuffie, Tifa or ANYONE ELSE FROM THE EXISTING CHARACTERS! I'm yelling this because some people still think that it might be someone from existing characters which she is not. Most logical MIGHT be that it is Selphies Nobody but we must remember that this happened BETWEEN the year when Sora was in slumber so Selphie & company had already returned to the Destiny Islands. We also saw how Kairi was spending time with Selphie when Sora was waking up from his slumber. Why I thought it'd be Selphie? This is because she was missing once Sora got out of the DI and I think she lost her heart to the darkness. BUT IT IS NOT SELPHIES NOBODY! We'll see it through time. There is no need for being hypothepical since we can't most likely guess it correct anyways. It's just like some morons think that Sephiroth is Rikus Nobody even though Riku never lost his heart to the darkness, he lost himself, not his heart. No one from the Final Fantasy-series has anything to do with anyones Nobodies. FF is FF and KH is KH.
Like this? Valor in Soras outfit 21CB9C54 00303531 21CB9C58 00000500 Sora in Valors outfit 21CB9BF4 5F303531 21CB9BF8 464C5942 EDIT: Aww crap, it crashed again. Could someone just post the correct codes so that I could use them? This is taking otherwise a long time...
Those warp-codes do not work. I used both Warp to the Sephiroth battle and Warp to the 1000 Heartless battle, neither of them did what they were supposed to. In Sephiroth battle I just warped to the area where the battle had been held and so I couldn't redo the fight. Same for 1000 Heartless battle. If these warps only work from NEW game before those two then I don't see any sense of using them. Also, could I have the Sora Model mod-codes? I used these but the game crashed as soon as I launched it. Sora Model mod (ported by mikael110) Here's what I entered in RAW: Sora in Valor outfit 21CB9BF4 00303531 21CB9BF8 464C5942 Valor in Soras outfit 21CB9C54 5F303531 21CB9C58 00000500 As soon as I disabled the first one, game launched normally. But when I entered the Valor Form, crash. Same for vice versa. If someone would post the correct RAW-PAL's then I could convert those to AR MAX PAL. Thanks in advance.
Ok, apperentally there is some kind of mistake in my codes. I tried to get my stock Sora to look like Valor-Sora and Valor-Sora to look like KH II Sora. So could I have the correct codes? I used these ones and my game crashed at loading (black screen with music): Sora in Valor outfit 222Z-PBD8-4ZF4G E8NP-Q980-GHF1N EUE6-4CQ7-1R2HP Valor in Sora outfit Y2K0-U9ZT-M7T7C YDG3-9HJX-1RC9T CD9V-KK35-VQ65Z Also what is the code to "Play as KH I Sora"? I'd like to have that one too.
Hi. Thanks for the Riku code again but this time I can't use it. Why? Because the porting missed one byte. Here: Play as Riku (version 5) ?1CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 So what might be the missing byte? I can't convert it to AR MAX PAL without it so. Also, what improvements did Riku get? Could he finally lose HP or what?