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  1. Finalmaster2
    We can't use characters that are used only in cutscenes (except for pyjamas Roxas). This is because the polygons do not match, there is too mutch/little of them and so the model get's messed up. We can replace e.g. Donald with Sephiroth since the both of them have movesets. If you put e.g. Marluxia to replace Donald he won't move. This is because he was only used for a cutscene, not for game so he has no moveset.

    In short: Characters with no moveset are not usable as playable characters. However, if a cutscene character has same amount of polygons than an usable character THEN we CAN use cutscene character as playable one. Moveset will be the same one what the replaced character uses (e.g. Kairi would use Roxas's).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Finalmaster2
    I'm meaning that he would attack only Sora, not anyone else (unless you still have Goofy/someone else on party then he would attack him too). Just like Sephiroth, he attacks normally only you but he was modified to attack instead of you only enemies.

    Example: There is three Axel's in game. The first one which is really weak (in struggle-arena), the second one which you fight in Basement of Mansion and the third one which helps you later in game. So I'm meaning that Roxas would be made to enemy instead of ally, just like any Heartless/Nobody/boss. Do you understand? I might be explaining quite misunderstoodable. :D
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Finalmaster2

    I've tried to use Sora as ally but none of the codes work. I tried this one and it ended up in Sora alone.

    01CB9F4F 00000001
    11CB9F54 00003031
    11CB9F74 00003031
    21CB9F94 00010003
    2037BD18 61726F73
    2037BD1C 00000000
    103405A8 00000029


    What's the working code? And do I need some other codes activated while I use it? I used Roxas ally earlier and it worked perfectly.

    EDIT: Err what the... I tested the code again, went to Hades's Chamber in Olympus Coliseum, I had Sora, Sora and Auron in my party? Weird. I left Hades's Chamber, battle started, Auron jumped and game freezed. I also noticed that both Sora's had Kingdom Key as regular even though I had setted up the one Sora that I controlled to use Oblivion. I guess this code needs:

    - Full party code ON
    - Replace Kingdom Key by **** (some weapon, e.g. Oblivion)
    - Roxas/someone else over Sora

    EDIT 2: As we all know we can't fight Roxas in Station of Awakening in KH 2 but in KH2FM+ we can. However, I've seen a video where someone had switched Terra to Organization XIII Roxas boss. He had the boss battle on and Roxas was in Terra's area.

    We are also able to make Sephiroth to attack instead of Sora to attack enemies. So my question is that can we turn this to the other way? Can we make Roxas to be as an enemy and then fight him in TWTNW/TT (those two because those are the only areas where the Station of Awakening exists)? I think it would go something like this:

    - (DW) Roxas replaces Donald/Goofy/Riku/object/savepoint [in object e.g. skateboard in TT]
    - (DW) Roxas uses enemy-health-bar
    - Joker to Station of Awakening in TT/TWTNW
    - (DW) Roxas has max stats

    I think it won't be possible so I have a backup plan. Can we make Shadow-Roxas to have max stats so that he would be more harder? Then we would just need to joker ourself's to the Station of Awakening.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Finalmaster2
    Sora on carpet (R2) (I recommend to use this in Agrabah, although I don't think that it would still work)

    E001FDFF 0035BA5C
    11CFAC7C 00000168

    I didn't find Minney's hashes so no Minney. Sorry. :(

    Sora in card form (R2)

    E001FDFF 0035BA5C
    11CFAC7C 00000601

    Sora in lion form (R2)

    E001FDFF 0035BA5C
    11CFAC7C 000005D1

    I think this one would be better, I'm not sure:

    Aladdin replaces Sora (R2) (use in Agrabah. He has Sora's moveset, you have to use another code to give him Aladdins own one.)

    E001FDFF 0035BA5C
    11CFAC7C 00000062

    Yes, that is the correct one. :)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Finalmaster2
    Good. By the way, do you happen to know that is there more refight-boss-codes than Organization XIII, Twilight Thorn, 1000 Heartless and Sephiroth? I'd kind want to refight the battle where Sora and Axel defeat those Nobodies Betwix & Between.

    Also, what does the [Temp]-stand for? Erkz (can't write it in Japanese) did not tell us, do you know?
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Finalmaster2
    Also, we CAN exchange Soras weapon but only momentarily (I mean now when Roxas is as ally). This requires that Sora is alone and one good spot to that is the battle after Demyx and/or 1000 Heartless. Game might still crash since you're not supposed to do this. Maybe only bit stable way without reseting console would be to joker the Keyblades.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Finalmaster2
    Converted back to RAW:

    Roxas ally weilds Bond of flame (Donald) (Might not work)
    01CB9EEF 0000000E
    11CB9EF4 00003131
    11CB9F14 00003131
    21CB9F34 00010002
    2037BD90 61786F72
    2037BD94 00000073
    103404B4 00000779
    4034119C 00130001
    10100600 00000000

    The ones in red have been exchanged from the original. Here is the original once more.

    Roxas as ally wields Oathkeeper (Donald)
    01CB9EEF 0000000E
    11CB9EF4 00003131
    11CB9F14 00003131
    21CB9F34 00010002
    2037BD10 61786F72
    2037BD14 00000073
    103404B4 0000002A
    4034119C 00130001
    10100100 00000000

    The ones in blue are the original ones.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Finalmaster2
    I didn't really look that much in your codes RAW but you would need to do this:

    - make Mulan to look like Sora and act independedly (just like Roxas as ally)
    - joker Mulan to use Master forms clothes

    This might work, I'm not sure. If I'd knew how Roxas was made to be ally I'd tell you how to do this to Mulan. Also, since Sora is now the only one who has combo abilities and such so he is the only one to make all combos to the end. Mulan and others have short ones which most likely can't be continued without somehow copying data from Soras list to their lists.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Finalmaster2
    I think that it would be normal Roxas's picture. It's still Roxas, the outfit is just different. I think you can but I don't know which one is the weapon itself in this code. Here's the Roxas as ally (Donald replaced)-code in RAW.

    Roxas as ally (Donald)
    01CB9EEF 0000000E
    11CB9EF4 00003131
    11CB9F14 00003131
    21CB9F34 00010002
    2037BD10 61786F72
    2037BD14 00000073
    103404B4 0000002A
    4034119C 00130001
    10100100 00000000

    And here is the digits (at least I think so): Digits list.

    You might want to ask someone more professional to point out where the Oathkeeper is ordered to be the main weapon for ally Roxas, I can't find it. I don't know either which Keyblade crashes him and which does not. I don't test codes anymore since I don't have interest nor time.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Finalmaster2
    Weird, I sure hope that that case gets fixed. It's quite hard to play as him if we can't see when his HP-bar is going down and how many Drives we have left. I'm still glad that we can play as him but the case that HP, MP & Drive-bars are missing are quite serious bugs. Sora Model Mod does have all three so we can use him.

    Also, I think that the low-HP-alert sound would still come but it's not the same. :D Has anyone been able to heal Roxas as ally with Cure/Cura/Curaga yet? I tried to heal him but it didn't work (might be because I had Ultimate Party Bosses and Ultimate Solo Bosses on).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Finalmaster2
    Unfortunately I don't. I don't know how e.g. Pyjamas-Roxas was created so I can't go and do that to Mickey. I think it is possible since the models are so similar. I think that the Pyjamas-Roxas was created by Roxas Model Mod (same as Sora Model Mod but just different character). But if Mickey has too many polygons (models are combined from polygons) then we won't be able to use Timeless River Mickey in normal normal worlds either (the model get's messed up and most likely you'll fall infinitely as did hooded Roxas).

    Btw, does Pyjamas-Roxas have HP, MP & Drive-bar? I can't really remember seeing them at all when I played as him. I don't think there was any menu to use either. Am I right or am I just dreaming?
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Finalmaster2
    Here, I'm not sure does this one work but you can always try it. Also, you need to joker/activate it after Twilight Thorn since Sora does not have any animation against this boss.

    Sora replaces Sora

    11CFAC7C 00000054

    Or if that didn't work then you have to try this one (note! Using option Save may cause your game to act so, that you can't have any allies anymore after saving. I'm serious, this happened to me. Only way to fix this is to activate Full party-code and save again. This one is weak fix since it puts also Riku to your party and you can't use him in any other area than in TWTNW [using him in normal-party-worlds causes the game to crash).

    Sora alone

    This code was created by EvilMan_89 so I don't have the RAW. I could maybe get it but I don't see any sense in giving it since I might be able to only locate 0054-bytes from it, everything else would be ununderstandable (I don't think that that is even a word :D).

    Full party

    This one was ported by Rozas212 so I don't have that RAW either.

    Unfortunately we can't yet use DW Roxas as ally (or maybe we can but it's too risky to use him since he can't climb). Also the reason why combos do not work is simple, Donald does not have attack-combos. If the creator gets more time to this code then we might be able to see fully functional Roxas as partner. Just remember that it is IF.

    EDIT: Ah what the Heck, here you go:

    Sora alone
    11CFAC7C 00000054
    4034119C 00130001
    10101000 00000000

    Full party
    4034119C 00130001
    03020600 00000000

    I have no idea how the Full party-code works. :D I think that if we exchange 0054 to e.g. Donald we could then play as him in all worlds. Let's test:

    Donald alone

    11CFAC7C 0000005C
    4034119C 00130001
    10101000 00000000
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Finalmaster2
    Riku's command menu is possible to be used but there is a problem with it. Even if you would get the Dark Aura to it it still wouldn't work. It has been tested and by so far we can't use Dark Aura but we can have pretty identical menu from what he has in the final battle.

    Here you go:

    Circle is Jump

    10341360 00000071

    Triangle is Item (might not work)

    10341362 00000003

    Square is Dark Aura (might not work)

    10341364 0000028D

    X is Attack

    10341366 00000001

    Rikus command menu in one code (most likely won't work but go ahead and test)

    10341360 00000071
    10341362 00000003
    10341364 0000028D
    10341366 00000001

    It doesn't work for me either. Don't worry, you're not the only one. I simply asked others to do it for me. If they couldn't succeed then I most likely gave up.

    1. German PAL is the same as other games in the PAL-region. 09C9.
    2. The only existing Dual Weild Roxas codes are:

    - DW Roxas
    - DW Roxas pyjamas (not ported to PAL)

    You could be more specific too, you're the only one who knows what he wants and we can't know for you what you want.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Finalmaster2
    Please stop. Someone will post them once the codes are out. Apperentally those codes are not in public yet. Also, please put your ad to your signature, I don't think that you're supposed to advertise on every post you make.

    EvilMan_89, did the codes work or did you experience a crash?
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Finalmaster2
    Sorry mate, I apperentally messed up the code. I hate jokering since I always get mixed up on it. Anyways, I think I fixed the code now. You might want to check it up just in case.

    Facedown reaction command & Dodge Roll reaction command mods.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Finalmaster2
    Here's the Reaction command mod (R2):

    The ones in red are important. 0231 makes the game to activate to triangle RC called as Facedown. While as the first line of the code makes the game to activate RC once walking to a new screen and holding down the button what we told the game to use.

    Would someone also test this one? It's supposed to let you use Dodge Roll as RC. I kinda miss DR since we could use it in KH I.

    NOTE! I made it for L2 in purpose, it's not a typo.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Finalmaster2
    It's been only ~30 mins, calm down. Besides, it'd be great if this topic would get locked, all the spam would stop.

    And yes, the code what I earlier posted can have bosses too. You could see it from the video what I gave up on the link.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Finalmaster2
    Well here's other code then to be ported.

    Skateboard mod
    11C535C4 0000????

    Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone:
    11C533E8 0000????

    Final Mix+, source : YouTube, Antiweapon.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Finalmaster2
    Did Cloudstrife252 finish that DW Sora-code yet? I'd just like to know, not really needing it since I don't have time for KH anymore.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Finalmaster2
    What codes do I need to have Roxas replacing Donald in my party as an ally? I already have Roxas replaces Donald but when I launch the game I end up having one normal Sora as an ally and Master form Sora as my main character. Please post the code too so I could this problem.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault