Tester needed. The one who made the code most likely messed it up. He might've tested it on an emulator and it worked on that but not on PS2. I remember seeing that it didn't work for NTSC either (the Sora red/blue/green-mod). Oathkeeper replaces Donald & Fenrir replaces Goofy (R1+L1) E002F3FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000023E 11C95B1C 0000077A B7G1-KVD4-MU4WC 2R2P-68A9-3E5UM W9MF-9ZHR-PURW7 F1R0-WEW9-VQ8KM "Donald" has Final-Forms moveset 01CB9F36 00000005 C37R-P083-ZXJGZ F84P-AQ5X-CC79Y "Goofy" has Final-Forms moveset 01CB9F96 00000005 EYF7-F88B-GUEFM YCYC-69T7-10ZFF That should be right, I don't know what will happen when you use the codes. :D Please equip Kingdom Key for Sora before testing. I would've putten Oblivion to replace Goofy but I didn't find bytes what Oblivion uses, I only found Space Paranoids-version and Timeless River one. Also remember to switch e.g. Beast to Donald before using the code. If someone would test this I'd be ever so grateful. :) Please tell me what happened exactly, e.g. did "Donald" start attacking enemies, did the game freeze...
What's the code to make Sora have Final Mix+-HP-bar? I mean the Critical-mode one, isn't it 45 HP? My current HP-bar is too long, I don't like it. :D Also, what's the code to shorten MP-bar?
Missing Keyblade. I just remembered something. We are missing one Keyblade to be used with Sora instead of original character, Oathkeeper. And I do mean now Roxas's Oathkeeper, not Sora's. Those two are different. Sora's has Kairi's lucky charm hanging on it as keychain and Roxas's has Naminé's Paopu-fruit/star hanging as keychain. You can see the difference between Roxas's Oathkeeper and Sora's by using Play as DW Roxas code. Play as DW Roxas (alone) No recover from T-stance if there isn't enemies around to hit you. A6KQ-NYNG-K8NB9 1XYD-ZEXX-PPF12 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F Play as Sora (alone) 36DX-VU8D-J74UG 4TPT-N9R5-TT0AD 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F Sora's Oathkeeper Roxas's Oathkeeper
Roxas most likely. I just hope he's more entertaining than he was in KH II, otherwise I'd go for Saïx, Lexaeus or Zexion. Heh, no one has said Marluxia yet. Well he does look like a transvestite so. :D
Oh, I see. :( Well thanks for that code anyways, although what I'd really want is to replace boss by another boss. That's why I asked could you re-port it to PAL (Sephiroth modifier I mean). Thanks anyways.
Hey EvilMan_89, would you like to try that again for PAL? :D We'd really appreciate it. At the moment those do nothing, apperentally those are for wrong game or not ported to correctly.
Yes and no. Do you remember Shadow-Roxas? He's black. He has normal Roxas's model but black texture (+Struggle-bat). I think we'd be able to use him once we get convinced what's the real code. So far your suggestion to use FFFF sounds good but I'd rather be sure. No offence but I have so little access to my PS2 now so that I'd rather have some coder saying 100 % sure that it is like that so I don't have to run between my computer and PS2. Here, Shadow-Roxas in YouTube-video.
Would someone tell me what does those ones that I highlighted in purple do? It's kinda hard to modify this for Shadow-Roxas if we don't know what those values do. And the 06C1 seems to be Sora in Kingdom Hearts I-costume. I think that C6F0 is texture for pink-Sora, C750 is texture for green-Sora and C7B0 is texture for blue-Sora. Now we'd just need to find out how to make Roxas be Shadow-Roxas, I think it would go something like this: Shadow-Roxas 51CD???? 00000020 01CD3350 00000000 11CFAC7C 00000754
Illuminator replaces Donald (L1) E001FBFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 00000166 GH5Q-FVC9-JBN5D G1AA-49QE-U954Q MYME-7YX1-6RUDD Illuminator replaces Goofy (R1) E001F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 00000166 36X5-3UUR-EJ2W8 M110-64KP-GK2BN E35E-P5XP-9P3NJ Jafar (Genie) replaces Donald (L1) E001FBFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000015C JVKB-TDA9-9Q80W G1AA-49QE-U954Q 7H9H-FCJM-PNR15 Jafar (Genie) replaces Goofy (R1) E001F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 0000015C VF8B-UG3M-UQEA0 M110-64KP-GK2BN C3V4-TA4V-KTC7V Restore Donald (L2) E001FEFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000005C 9PZU-575Z-2HG92 JGFT-EHRK-BRXWA JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Restore Goofy (R2) E001FDFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 0000005D TH1M-X0XU-EK42W U8H0-NHTG-X598M Y321-0582-DK5CH Saïx replaces Donald (L1) E001FBFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 000008B5 ZA17-6DP0-TXAB8 G1AA-49QE-U954Q BEKD-7M84-1ZD56 Saïx replaces Goofy (R1) E001F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 000008B5 KZ8F-G4DY-GDA06 M110-64KP-GK2BN QC4N-JM85-861JD Restore Donald (L2) E001FEFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000005C VJ7H-XJZA-N0N0C JGFT-EHRK-BRXWA JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Restore Goofy (R2) E001FDFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 0000005D 888Y-QK3X-UB3AM U8H0-NHTG-X598M Y321-0582-DK5CH Restore Donald and Goofy (L3+L2) E002FEFD 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000005C 11C95B1C 0000005D MCQX-4YCB-89V58 G6RC-MGYC-PJQ0P JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Y321-0582-DK5CH Use the restore-code only when both of them are replaced by something, otherwise use Restore Donald and Restore Goofy, depending on your situation. Are those codes Model mods? Does this mean that you can use Blue Sora like you can use pyjamas Roxas? If so then I'd have something to port too, although I don't have the values. It'd be: Shadow-Roxas over Roxas Play as Donald (L1) Should be all worlds, I can't promise does it work e.g. Halloween Town. E001FBFF 0035BA5C 11C95B18 0000005C NE7G-XHU7-1FRT6 G1AA-49QE-U954Q Y0Y5-RY8A-AY9KM Play as Goofy (R1) Should be all worlds, I can't promise does it work e.g. Halloween Town. E001F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B18 0000005D 3P78-XHCT-YF5T4 M110-64KP-GK2BN 5E4F-MQA1-JFYK0 Restore Sora (L2) E001FEFF 0035BA5C 11C95B18 00000054 KXC2-DM3A-G46Y2 JGFT-EHRK-BRXWA 4TPT-N9R5-TT0AD Again, don't use Restore-codes unless you have replaced Sora, otherwise the game will most likely crash.
It seems to be so that we can't replace Sephiroth for now, I hope that the code had been ported wrong because this would be one of my favorite things to mod. :( Here's what I tried and it didn't work. The battle did start but Sephiroth was still Sephiroth. Sephiroth-battle - Saïx replaces Sephiroth (R1) E003FBFF 0035BA5C 110E5248 000008B5 2033ED30 4B000104 2033ED34 00004B4B 6QKA-QC40-E72EC 102U-C6B8-5MW17 M0QK-YET5-4DHN5 9RBB-J3KF-G61CE E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Sephiroth-battle - Axel (1st battle) replaces Sephiroth [L1] E003F7FF 0035BA5C 110E5248 000006C9 2033ED30 4B000104 2033ED34 00004B4B N483-GNP3-1DUUR G23K-MBUH-8YX82 EUGK-VFHY-6MYUG 9RBB-J3KF-G61CE E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
Ok, so here's an example? Sephiroth Current HP (3400) 11C95400 00000D48 Max HP (9999) 11C95404 0000270F STR (99) 01C95588 00000063 DEF (80) 01C9558C 00000050 Resistances 21C955A8 ??????64 21C955AC 0064???? But what about resistances, what do we put to those?
Tester needed. Ok, thanks for the info. Here's something new (kinda old) what I'd want to have tested, please? :) Sephiroth battle (in case you have won him already) [R2] Hold R2 before moving to a new screen and keep holding it until the battle starts. E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B000104 2033ED34 00004B4B F8R0-ZAEJ-JP8GJ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 9RBB-J3KF-G61CE E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV Sephiroth replaced by Axel (first battle) [L1] E001FBFF 0035BA5C 110E5248 000008B5 9T0E-XJ02-0BYJF G1AA-49QE-U954Q M0QK-YET5-4DHN5 Sephiroth replaced by Saïx [R1] E001F7FF 0035BA5C 110E5248 000006C9 CFMU-V4VX-BYMMT M110-64KP-GK2BN EUGK-VFHY-6MYUG I also found this post where we could edit his stats but since we are missing those values what to use we really can't do anything about it. These codes are so short so I think almost anyone should be active enough to type those on ARMAX/Codebreaker/etc. :D Here's: Sephiroth-stats-modifier (missing values, most likely all we can do now is replace him with another boss). Thanks in advance, Fm2. PS: I'm updating the codes in my site. I'll also try to put some mod-lists to the attachments on this site soon. :)
Unfortunately there is not Master-code for KH I PAL Platinum. Or then it is the same what KH I normal uses. Codejunkies.com list for KH-games. It's not on that list so there is no Master-code for Platinum-version unless it is the same as normal KH 1. If that is the case then try this. (M) 386G-GWCH-QH933 V9MB-R6QF-R7FFQ GUZX-MC1E-ACUPW
I really don't have any NTSC-codes but I just had to login and tell you something. You know, that is not the way to get the code. You can't put T-stance-model to replace Sora, game crashes immediately. Green Sora was made the same way that Roxas in pyjamas was. It's not that simple. 11C95618 0000087A If you use that I'm 100 % sure that you'll see game with black screen and music on (unless you're on World map). For the real code you have to go for Redsonic, he has it but apperentally he does not want to release it. Redsonic is not a member of this forum anymore, he is banned.
Would though still nice to weild that weapon, I've been dreaming of wieliding it since I saw it (I was 14 and I'm soon 19). :D I don't though expect that it would work that well since the only moveset on it is at Riku and what I've heard (on KH II, don't know about KH I) is that we can't have bosses movesets. Mickey's Keyblade would be nice too, don't see that though so necessary since we can wield it in KH II. Mickey's Keyblade would most likely not work since there is no moveset for it. The only time when we see it doing action is on final cutscene before closing the door. So; wieldable, yes. Usable, no. :( Maybe AntiWeapon/Erkz can tell you better since they are doing the codes and I'm just having my theories. :} Dredica: I get your point, I'm no coder myself either. I use already existing digits to make it possible for those who can't do it. I like it. I do though know too how models work, you don't need to be a coder to understand that. :D It's quite obvious that you can't cut parts of models via hex (ARMAX/RAW).
Oh, I thought so, thanks for confirming. I've been pretty confused about jokering but now I've got hand of it. :) Wonder though why those codes still work even though there is too many lines in use. Maybe we can put e.g. 04 as value and it still would work? Doesn't really matter since we can already use jokers, just thinking.
If those codes are for Final Mix then there is nothing to do about it. You could ask someone to port it (actually in this case it is "code redoing" since Final Mix is different game than normal KH II. US to UK is porting) for Kingdom Hearts II PAL. I looked those codes about Riku and those are in PAL. I recognized that first line which identifies who is in use to replace Sora. And yeah, as I told you KHRiku, I had no believe that Riku from Final-Xemnas would work. Better to use the normal one. Also, I think all should use the normal Riku as partner instead of the Final-Xemnas one. Why? He seems to freeze the game mostly in battles before Final-Xemnas. I noticed this on: DW Roxas, Axel & Riku vs Saïx DW Roxas, Axel & Riku vs Xigbar He does work on battles but after that (even if you made Riku for that battle only) the cutscene doesn't appear and the game freezes (just like play as Riku-codes, you have to skip cutscenes immediately to avoid freezing. Hopefully this gets some sort of fix, it's quite hard to play with him 100 % storyline if he freezes all the cutscenes). By the way, here's some codes to test (seperate because those didn't work as one big code). Only use those codes when entering the 1000 Heartless battle, not earlier unless you're in TWTNW! This will otherwise cause the game to freeze. 1000 Heartless battle (R2) E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 44UV-QN4Q-MYY4A B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D XP32-0Q74-9DBGB HTFP-7X81-00B1Z Full party 4034119C 00130001 03020600 00000000 TZ56-MXB5-5FNY3 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR 1X0R-882K-YNGYK Party of DW Roxas, Axel (partner) & Riku (R1) Riku is the normal one, not from Final-Xemnas. E003F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B18 00000323 11C95B1A 00000819 11C95B1C 000004DC 3HTG-DT7H-3B2BJ G23K-MBUH-8YX82 1XYD-ZEXX-PPF12 9WRP-VP2Q-3053F TNDH-ZBJ0-XHJJB 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Restore party (L3+L2) Use this code only if your party didn't return to Sora, Donald & Goofy after 1000 Heartless battle. E003FEFD 0035BA5C 11C95B18 00000054 11C95B1A 0000005C 11C95B1C 0000005D WFAH-AH6W-2PYMY UJ5K-59PT-PH38A 4TPT-N9R5-TT0AD JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Y321-0582-DK5CH 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 If someone would test these all I'd really appreciate it. I can't test now new codes so I need help. Thanks in advance, Fm2. PS: Please also tell me what happened, I need to know so that I can look up later and try to figure it out. E.g. did Sora become Master-Form and you had DW Roxas but not Riku. PPS: Would someone explain to me why Organization XIII-codes have in joker 03-lines identified instead of 02 as it should be? Weird though that those codes still work?
Well the Master-code what I use had been already added by Codejunkies.com so I don't know what it is. I think it is this (official from Codejunkies.com): (M) 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W KH II PAL-codes from Codejunkies.com. I can't unfortunately say that are those RAW-codes correct or not, I think they are. Roxas as ally does exist for PAL though, I have PAL and I have it on use. It's not that much asked on this topic so that is why it is hard to find.
Apperentally not. The current Riku-code (version 5) uses the same Riku what is in guest-slot. Here's the one from Final Xemnas-battle (I have no believe that it would work, please use in The World That Never Was to be certain of result). Play as Riku (version 5) [Final Xemnas-battle] 11CFAC7C 000008D1 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 PKC1-W923-UPKTN N3CU-WB4P-EW3NP 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 Oh and by the way, I've noticed that man ARMAX sucks. Crypted codes... I have to write so much again if I encounter a bug in code. Maybe I should get a Codebreaker, only RAW and quite easy to use (e.g. on this Riku-code I had to exchange only two digits. TWO! In ARMAX I'd have to either rewrite the code or edit 2-4 lines).
Could you be more specific, I didn't understand. :( And here's three more codes to use, they should work immediately. Restore Donald (only use when replaced by something) [L1] E001FBFF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000005C 9BY9-RRYK-94TD8 G1AA-49QE-U954Q JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Restore Goofy (only use when replaced by something) [R1] E001F7FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1C 0000005D R5NA-BERA-2Q44X M110-64KP-GK2BN Y321-0582-DK5CH Restore Donald & Goofy (only use when both are replaced by something) [L1+R1] E002F3FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000005C 11C95B1C 0000005D W5Y4-0M6A-3R6YA 2R2P-68A9-3E5UM JDX7-C4YE-WGVG1 Y321-0582-DK5CH What I mean by these codes is that if you have replaced e.g. Donald with Twilight Thorn you can reverse it by "Restore Donald"-code. It should work. :) Don't use the codes if you don't have them replaced with anything.