Don't know yet. It is great that they finally decided to do this for US at least but I'd like to see EU-version as well. Even if it does come to EU I still don't know do I want it. I'm already saving up for FF: Dissidia and KH: BBS. Damn you Square Enix, you take my money! :(
Well as someone stated this before, there is not a character-slot code yet for KH I. You can use animation mod but it works as DMA (only for one room) so it's not really that good to be released. I'm just repeating what has been told to me so that you'd understand. These are still facts though. ;) There is NTSC-version of the animation mod, if I remember correctly. PAL-version is not done yet and FM-version is done already, since the animation mod was tested on FM. You have to use Search to find NTSC-code, I can't remember where it is (since this is still NTSC & PAL KH I codes thread).
I also noticed one day that: Xehanort = anagram for no heart x It's most likely that Xemnas/Xehanort is Terra. Just like you said, they do look similar. And I told this earlier in this topic that one of the sentences during KH II ending described that Xemnas would've been once a Keyblade-warrior/knight. But as we have seen from similarity, Terra also reminds us of Zack in CC:FFVII. No worries though, I'm quite sure that designer just became lazy and copied his face to Terra/edited Xemnas' a bit. :D
Yes. Here you go. Code: [B]Play as Riku[/B][I] Please remember that Riku is very easy to get T-stanced. He can't get hit so he does not get recovered from it. To avoid this, don't attack on ground nor use magic at all.[/I] 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 0W9T-ZYHU-Z73NP RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 [B]Play as Riku alone[/B] [I]I can't promise you this code works. I do not know what coders used to make Riku playble so.[/I] 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 EX2F-N5RZ-H4M04 RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F If you want to be sure and play with Play as Riku-code but still be alone here's your solution: [B]1st slot character alone[/B] 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 7NAG-XJQM-6RF9N 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Auron alone[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This does not include moveset for him. Look below to have him with his moveset. Also, Auron does not work on every world. You'd better to joker him and use him only on [I]Olympus Coliseum[/I].[/SIZE][/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 T0BH-WHHZ-RKRAB U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Auron alone with his moveset[/B] [I]Remove all blue abilities first (if I remember right?).[/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010005 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0018 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 9VWK-100K-YF4YT U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF V7CU-DMEN-BGG6X 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN KMMQ-TPVE-2726Z 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ [B]Play as Auron alone with Neo Moveset[/B] [I]This means that the code is shorter. :D[/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 01CB9C36 00000018 G6X8-1DFE-Y0R4C U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F TXB7-PHHZ-CFBNE [B]Play as Tron alone[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This one doesn't include his moveset either. Look below to have it for him. From what I've heard, Tron can't damage enemies. You can just run as him so I don't think that it is that much of fun. Please joker Tron as well since I don't know how well he works outside of his world.[/SIZE][/I] 11C95B18 000002D4 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 T43W-2A9V-1ZJM6 VQ9B-KMRH-3D9MZ 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Tron alone with his moveset[/B] [I]Remove all blue abilities first (if I remember right?).[/I] 11C95B18 000002D4 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000C 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001B 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 KEEJ-RQ2Q-QPGXJ VQ9B-KMRH-3D9MZ 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF AJGP-53TN-CKUFQ 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 5HED-Y82Z-EBMHZ 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ Unfortunately Trons value for Neo Moveset mod isn't discovered, yet. The Neo Moveset mod is ported to KH II PAL by mikael110, you can find it from here: Here. These are originally ported by mikael110 to KH II PAL. Code: [SIZE="4"][B]Battle Triggers [R2][/B][/SIZE] [B]Twilight Thorn [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 9D002202 2033ED34 00009D9D YD6X-6U8Y-09M9B B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 07B2-FKMA-41611 M40C-0P1U-W9UTZ [B]Axel [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 89001402 2033ED34 00008989 ED9R-FPRR-C44CW B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D U85R-WBB6-R8YMJ Z4CU-VCV2-BMNFC [B]Demyx [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 37000404 2033ED34 00003737 ADGR-BQFA-TRE23 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D CVPG-TZQE-DQRJJ 4M3G-KKVJ-KX8ZB [B]Xaldin [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 52000F05 2033ED34 00005252 UBC8-UCXX-WBZ0E B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D KW4Z-YAMF-WJBBP XQQB-Q1B4-JK2WN [B]Xigbar [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 39000A12 2033ED34 00003939 YQ1C-WDBC-0FDUV B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D F8DZ-MB7F-Z4W24 NJ6Y-TBU9-Q515N [B]Saix [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000F12 2033ED34 00003838 XVY4-R505-WN0PQ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D XR6H-R6AW-P22X5 VQN9-R0GC-XA6GE [B]Luxord [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3A000E12 2033ED34 00003A3A 5VB2-GADM-DKYPP B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D G6RB-BYM6-4G31A 4Z8R-VU02-X79PP [B]Xemnas [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3B001312 2033ED34 00003B3B BPVP-Q6FQ-GZQEV B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D PU0H-1DFG-FFU2P UUNA-H3EX-2N68B [B]1000 Heartless Battle[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 AKB1-FR6X-PKFUX B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D XP32-0Q74-9DBGB HTFP-7X81-00B1Z [B]Beginning of the End[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B R2YX-YVEV-3461Y B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D TQ7K-HDQH-3GWBN E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV [B]Skyscraper[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 GP2W-VB51-C5CTD B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D ZFPR-3RG0-BHTVU 1WMC-6YG8-KEHEZ [B]Twin Cannons[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 DH2K-TH3E-R4W0U B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 8W0T-0MDY-GK44F PW6D-W3C8-9EFPT [B]Energy Core[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 BPJG-8HE0-4VY7B B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 6A26-GMFF-FDXJ7 MAKX-WB0F-WV4H4 [B]Armored Xemnas I[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 1GE2-61F4-CG12W B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D H15V-DFJU-F1C41 31EN-AHMU-0H3Z2 [B]Xemnas Dragon Battle[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 2HG8-2J6D-JMM73 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 87ET-9D3Y-T9W02 099C-UHAQ-AQDN2 [B]Armored Xemnas II[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 GXEQ-BGX3-EZYKZ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D JENP-E8TN-N7ZUP KEWZ-5RNM-8K3PQ [B]Final Xemnas[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A F0BE-D6TX-1ADRA B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D H6NP-1U2Z-HBVB5 KP6T-NCXB-TCZNH If I remember correctly, Luxord is the only one who can't be rebattled/warped. It just freezes to his ground but there is no Sora, no Luxord and no Pause-menu (you can Pause the game but you can't enter Pause-menu). Also, remember to have another rebattle/warp ready for e.g. L2 once fighting Twilight Thorn. Immediately after defeating him, you must have another battle ready or you'll experience white screen of freeze after cut scenes. Remember to hold the joker-button way before even entering new screen! Otherwise game will get stuck just like in Luxord-battle. Hold the joker before the scene and then enter screen. Keep still holding it and let go once the battle begins (just to be sure). If you want to exchange joker-button just look the list below for values and exchange the FDFF to e.g. F7FF. Still, remember to check does the value exist from this list: Code: F7FF - R1 FBFF - L1 FDFF - R2 FEFF - L2 F3FF - R1+L1 F5FF - R1+R2 F6FF - R1+L2 F9FF - L1+R2 FAFF - L1+L2 FCFF - R2+L2 F7FD - L3+R1 FBFD - L3+L1 FDFD - L3+R2 FEFD - L3+L2 7FFD - L3+Square DFFD - L3+Circle 77FF - R1+Square D7FF - R1+Circle 7BFF - L1+Square DBFF - L1+Circle 7DFF - R2+Square DDFF - R2+Circle 7EFF - L2+Square DEFF - L2+Circle Thanks to EvilMan_89 for providing this list on the first post of this thread. :) Update 13.9.2008: I added Auron with his Neo Moveset to the codes and posted link to the Neo Moveset mod post. I also have a request now. Since we have Sora model mod, but it freezes when using e.g. Final Form in Normal Form on ground, I think it would be possible to redo this mod? The redo would be quite simple, just use textures instead of models. Early 2006/2007 I was hex-editing NFSMW and NFSC (Need for speed Most Wanted and Need for speed Carbon) and we could exchange textures from vehicle to another one via hex (similar to RAW/ARMAX). So all that would need to be done is to locate textures for Forms and see if those are only for clothes. If so, then the Sora model mod could be redone to Sora texture mod. This is also much safer to use since then only textures are altered and models are left alone as they are.
[B]Play as Riku[/B][I] Please remember that Riku is very easy to get T-stanced. He can't get hit so he does not get recovered from it. To avoid this, don't attack on ground nor use magic at all.[/I] 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 0W9T-ZYHU-Z73NP RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 [B]Play as Riku alone[/B] [I]I can't promise you this code works. I do not know what coders used to make Riku playble so.[/I] 11CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 EX2F-N5RZ-H4M04 RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F If you want to be sure and play with Play as Riku-code but still be alone here's your solution: [B]1st slot character alone[/B] 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 7NAG-XJQM-6RF9N 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Auron alone[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This does not include moveset for him. Look below to have him with his moveset. Also, Auron does not work on every world. You'd better to joker him and use him only on [I]Olympus Coliseum[/I].[/SIZE][/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 T0BH-WHHZ-RKRAB U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Auron alone with his moveset[/B] [I]Remove all blue abilities first (if I remember right?).[/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010005 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0018 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 9VWK-100K-YF4YT U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF V7CU-DMEN-BGG6X 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN KMMQ-TPVE-2726Z 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ [B]Play as Auron alone with Neo Moveset[/B] [I]This means that the code is shorter. :D[/I] 11C95B18 00000065 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 01CB9C36 00000018 G6X8-1DFE-Y0R4C U0WH-MBJ5-QGFV6 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F TXB7-PHHZ-CFBNE [B]Play as Tron alone[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]This one doesn't include his moveset either. Look below to have it for him. From what I've heard, Tron can't damage enemies. You can just run as him so I don't think that it is that much of fun. Please joker Tron as well since I don't know how well he works outside of his world.[/SIZE][/I] 11C95B18 000002D4 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 T43W-2A9V-1ZJM6 VQ9B-KMRH-3D9MZ 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Play as Tron alone with his moveset[/B] [I]Remove all blue abilities first (if I remember right?).[/I] 11C95B18 000002D4 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000C 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001B 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 KEEJ-RQ2Q-QPGXJ VQ9B-KMRH-3D9MZ 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF AJGP-53TN-CKUFQ 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 5HED-Y82Z-EBMHZ 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ
[SIZE="4"][B]Battle Triggers [R2][/B][/SIZE] [B]Twilight Thorn [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 9D002202 2033ED34 00009D9D YD6X-6U8Y-09M9B B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 07B2-FKMA-41611 M40C-0P1U-W9UTZ [B]Axel [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 89001402 2033ED34 00008989 ED9R-FPRR-C44CW B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D U85R-WBB6-R8YMJ Z4CU-VCV2-BMNFC [B]Demyx [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 37000404 2033ED34 00003737 ADGR-BQFA-TRE23 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D CVPG-TZQE-DQRJJ 4M3G-KKVJ-KX8ZB [B]Xaldin [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 52000F05 2033ED34 00005252 UBC8-UCXX-WBZ0E B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D KW4Z-YAMF-WJBBP XQQB-Q1B4-JK2WN [B]Xigbar [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 39000A12 2033ED34 00003939 YQ1C-WDBC-0FDUV B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D F8DZ-MB7F-Z4W24 NJ6Y-TBU9-Q515N [B]Saix [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000F12 2033ED34 00003838 XVY4-R505-WN0PQ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D XR6H-R6AW-P22X5 VQN9-R0GC-XA6GE [B]Luxord [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3A000E12 2033ED34 00003A3A 5VB2-GADM-DKYPP B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D G6RB-BYM6-4G31A 4Z8R-VU02-X79PP [B]Xemnas [Boss!][/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3B001312 2033ED34 00003B3B BPVP-Q6FQ-GZQEV B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D PU0H-1DFG-FFU2P UUNA-H3EX-2N68B [B]1000 Heartless Battle[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 AKB1-FR6X-PKFUX B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D XP32-0Q74-9DBGB HTFP-7X81-00B1Z [B]Beginning of the End[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B R2YX-YVEV-3461Y B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D TQ7K-HDQH-3GWBN E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV [B]Skyscraper[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 GP2W-VB51-C5CTD B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D ZFPR-3RG0-BHTVU 1WMC-6YG8-KEHEZ [B]Twin Cannons[/B] E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 DH2K-TH3E-R4W0U B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 8W0T-0MDY-GK44F PW6D-W3C8-9EFPT [B]Energy Core[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 BPJG-8HE0-4VY7B B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 6A26-GMFF-FDXJ7 MAKX-WB0F-WV4H4 [B]Armored Xemnas I[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 1GE2-61F4-CG12W B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D H15V-DFJU-F1C41 31EN-AHMU-0H3Z2 [B]Xemnas Dragon Battle[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 2HG8-2J6D-JMM73 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 87ET-9D3Y-T9W02 099C-UHAQ-AQDN2 [B]Armored Xemnas II[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 GXEQ-BGX3-EZYKZ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D JENP-E8TN-N7ZUP KEWZ-5RNM-8K3PQ [B]Final Xemnas[/B] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A F0BE-D6TX-1ADRA B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D H6NP-1U2Z-HBVB5 KP6T-NCXB-TCZNH
F7FF - R1 FBFF - L1 FDFF - R2 FEFF - L2 F3FF - R1+L1 F5FF - R1+R2 F6FF - R1+L2 F9FF - L1+R2 FAFF - L1+L2 FCFF - R2+L2 F7FD - L3+R1 FBFD - L3+L1 FDFD - L3+R2 FEFD - L3+L2 7FFD - L3+Square DFFD - L3+Circle 77FF - R1+Square D7FF - R1+Circle 7BFF - L1+Square DBFF - L1+Circle 7DFF - R2+Square DDFF - R2+Circle 7EFF - L2+Square DEFF - L2+Circle
The code what I provided is PAL-code. I found it from PAL-thread so. :D Also, here's some more codes. Evilman_89, you might want to add some of these to the first page since these are still missing from it. Code: [B]Remove Donald[/B] [I]When you enter Pause-menu the game will crash.[/I] Q4X3-FG6J-4JP30 RXMT-K9XW-9BJ8D 11CFAC7E 00000000 [B]Remove Goofy[/B] [I]When you enter Pause-menu the game will crash.[/I] 2G4C-ET02-22X6H YGDU-UU89-AEYPC 11CFAC80 00000000 [B]Sora alone[/B] 7HD3-NNQM-Q56Y3 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Sora alone even in Roxas' story[/B] 11CFAC7C 00000054 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 QQ3Z-AN8X-FXVBQ EA89-QHP8-U8D1A 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Roxas alone[/B] 11CFAC7C 0000005A 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 B197-RHFU-527X9 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]DW Roxas alone[/B] [I]Not that advisable. Once you try exchange his weapon from Pause-menu, game crashes. When Roxas falls over a cliff/etc where you're supposed to have hang-animation, he T-stances. You won't recover from this without being hit.[/I] XC8C-AGTE-2RU60 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC7C 00000323 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Donald alone[/B] [I]This should also make him being alone during Roxas' story.[/I] 08UG-FYPB-J4HET GBDH-3GTB-TPJBE 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC7C 0000005C 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Goofy alone[/B] [I]This should also make him being alone during Roxas' story.[/I] XCZ9-DCWP-5D9GX F3FX-G3J6-8NEPT 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC80 0000005D 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Full party [/B] [I]Donald might overwrite guest so don't use this on boss-battles with guests.[/I] 5AMT-TWQX-78N4G 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N 4034119C 00130001 03020100 00000000
[B]Remove Donald[/B] [I]When you enter Pause-menu the game will crash.[/I] Q4X3-FG6J-4JP30 RXMT-K9XW-9BJ8D 11CFAC7E 00000000 [B]Remove Goofy[/B] [I]When you enter Pause-menu the game will crash.[/I] 2G4C-ET02-22X6H YGDU-UU89-AEYPC 11CFAC80 00000000 [B]Sora alone[/B] 7HD3-NNQM-Q56Y3 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Sora alone even in Roxas' story[/B] 11CFAC7C 00000054 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 QQ3Z-AN8X-FXVBQ EA89-QHP8-U8D1A 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]Roxas alone[/B] 11CFAC7C 0000005A 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 B197-RHFU-527X9 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F [B]DW Roxas alone[/B] [I]Not that advisable. Once you try exchange his weapon from Pause-menu, game crashes. When Roxas falls over a cliff/etc where you're supposed to have hang-animation, he T-stances. You won't recover from this without being hit.[/I] XC8C-AGTE-2RU60 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC7C 00000323 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Donald alone[/B] [I]This should also make him being alone during Roxas' story.[/I] 08UG-FYPB-J4HET GBDH-3GTB-TPJBE 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC7C 0000005C 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Goofy alone[/B] [I]This should also make him being alone during Roxas' story.[/I] XCZ9-DCWP-5D9GX F3FX-G3J6-8NEPT 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F 11CFAC80 0000005D 4034119C 00130001 10101000 00000000 [B]Full party [/B] [I]Donald might overwrite guest so don't use this on boss-battles with guests.[/I] 5AMT-TWQX-78N4G 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N 4034119C 00130001 03020100 00000000
Roxas can wield Oblivion when you receive it. I don't know how to force him to wield it but I do have code for Sora to drive to DW Roxas. Drive to DW Roxas WZA2-MMCQ-VHNHQ V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 EAWT-C97X-RTQXZ KW5Z-4WPM-9PV9N EPXT-JY4F-UQ0VU R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 47K7-5FC4-R78PX 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B It should work, I found it from the old Kingdom Hearts II PAL Codes-thread.
Hi. Firstly I apologize if this kind of thread already exists. I tried to look that does this exist already and didn't find any. Now, I've been looking up for Codebreaker quite some time but I just can't find it from any store or website on Europe. I tried Ebay and I only found USA-versions (NTSC). Amazon found one but it didn't tell me was it NTSC or PAL. So I'd like to know where you got yours? You should be European to answer this since I know that some coders are (e.g. NeoCloudstrife is, if I remember correctly). Thanks in advance, I just want to get rid of that damn Action Replay Max (Evo edition) since it want's to crypt codes and CB does not crypt. PS: And yes, I mean PAL-version, not NTSC or anything else, only PAL.
Oh, sorry. Well, you can delete this topic then. I although didn't have one yet earlier but nevermind. Sorry for the trouble (what a great way to come back here *bangs head to the table*). EDIT: And you're not even a mod! Damn, I have to start paying attention to what I do...
Yeap, I came back after all. :) So I'm still visiting this site but not that often since I'm about to graduate and I have work to do. I won't put private messages on since I don't want those and you can't contact me via email either since it's my private one. You'll find me most likely from Code Vault. ;)
Hi again for a long, long time. I would like to have these codes. I tried to put them up by myself but only one worked (and that was "Sora/Roxas/Mickey/etc on 1st slot has Final Mix+ stats (HP & MP)"). Rebattle Mysterious Man* (Mulan, Palace Gate) (R1) (rather with NeoMoveset. If not possible, then with the longer Moveset mod.) Rebattle 1000 Heartless (Dark Depths) (R2) Sora alone #1 means that I would be able to use Mulan and activate Mysterious Man's-battle at the same time. Here's what I got up but these didn't work. * stands for Mysterious Man's real alias, it is Spoiler Riku . Rebattle Mysterious Man (Mulan, Palace Gate) (R1) Remove all blue abilities before using CJ1N-FKD8-FH3H4 G23K-MBUH-8YX82 BGG9-J6GM-6URTX 8NK2-E0TH-P4JQV B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D JXZW-3U7T-JH4MR 6M1U-EGXD-XE786 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E005F7FF 0035BA5C Joker 11CFAC7C 00000063 Mulan instead of Sora 01CB9C36 00000063 Mulan's moveset E002FDFF 0035BA5C Another joker? O_o I think this was the problem? 2033ED30 00000908 Location exchanged to Palace Gate 2033ED34 00000A00 Mysterious Man's rebattle Rebattle 1000 Heartless (Dark Depths) (R2) VATQ-4GC9-WP86Q B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D RZ5P-HEN1-VXAX1 HTFP-7X81-00B1Z E002FDFF 0035BA5C Joker 2033ED30 42000104 Location exchanged to Dark Depths 2033ED34 00004242 Rebattle 1000 Heartless Sora alone 3KV2-HATH-10ZEC 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N 4034119C 00130001 03020100 00000000 Wrong code? I had Donald & Goofy in my party so... Doesn't matter which it is, Action Replay Max or Codebreaker/RAW-format, I can reconvert those to either one. :P Thanks in advance. Here's some what I know that should work. WARNING! When using Twilight Thorn battle, please have another rebattle activated! After defeating TT, game will freeze once cutscenes are over. So, after defeating TT, hold your next rebattle ready (e.g. hold R2). Code: [B]Sora/Roxas/Mickey/etc on 1st slot has Final Mix+ stats (HP & MP)[/B] E9V5-37YW-XZ7WV 7V2B-QF23-XCE57 XP06-ZDHC-Q58HF 003403C5 0000003C 003403C7 00000064 [B]Twilight Thorn (must be Roxas!) (R1)[/B] [I]Equip [B]Kingdom Key[/B] before using, otherwise your current Keyblade gets overwritten.[/I] FZRR-CYQ5-HZVYV G23K-MBUH-8YX82 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 J945-8GNA-XXCM3 RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003F7FF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 0000005A 2033ED30 00002202 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Twilight Thorn (must be Roxas!) (R1)[/B] [I]Equip [B]Kingdom Key[/B] before using, otherwise your current Keyblade gets overwritten. DW Roxas included.[/I] FBA5-8TKG-6PPF7 G23K-MBUH-8YX82 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH J945-8GNA-XXCM3 RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003F7FF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 00000323 2033ED30 00002202 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] QXHM-FW1Y-241DC FDY3-H108-KYXD2 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002FBFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] [I]Included Roxas.[/I] THCE-0J1Q-5YT7N 102U-C6B8-5MW17 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003FBFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 0000005A 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] [I]Included DW Roxas.[/I] NRTY-B1JP-FBZ7X 102U-C6B8-5MW17 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003FBFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 00000323 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Xaldin (R2)[/B] 5M3M-TZF0-WKZPA B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D X0CR-AHU6-5DWY7 6M1U-EGXD-XE786 E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000F05 2033ED34 00000A00 [B]Mysterious Man (L2)[/B] 67Z1-HXXG-XCX44 1PZZ-DCUX-3EB4B 0H0P-BZ3K-8U388 6M1U-EGXD-XE786 E002FEFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000708 2033ED34 00000A00 [B]Xigbar (R1+L1)[/B] 9G8E-3FP8-6V1F5 2R2P-68A9-3E5UM DM1T-322T-CXZF4 P13P-C5CU-6774U E002F3FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000A12 2033ED34 00000200 [B]Luxord (R1+R2)[/B] K411-Z5AH-A4AAR 8B1E-00CA-FTNTD FEC5-PTMA-0BUUM RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002F5FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000E12 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Saïx (R1+L2)[/B] 9BNG-WZCV-PCWV2 C00B-39UT-KB54C Z5U5-QR7R-K32WC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002F6FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000F12 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Sephiroth (L1+R2)[/B] C8WR-FH15-JD2EX 7T6E-ZBCY-WJJ7U 1F6Y-RDX7-0K4EH 4VH1-D2RM-AGNRR E002F9FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000104 2033ED34 00001600 You're welcome. And thanks again in advance. :D
[B]Sora/Roxas/Mickey/etc on 1st slot has Final Mix+ stats (HP & MP)[/B] E9V5-37YW-XZ7WV 7V2B-QF23-XCE57 XP06-ZDHC-Q58HF 003403C5 0000003C 003403C7 00000064 [B]Twilight Thorn (must be Roxas!) (R1)[/B] [I]Equip [B]Kingdom Key[/B] before using, otherwise your current Keyblade gets overwritten.[/I] FZRR-CYQ5-HZVYV G23K-MBUH-8YX82 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 J945-8GNA-XXCM3 RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003F7FF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 0000005A 2033ED30 00002202 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Twilight Thorn (must be Roxas!) (R1)[/B] [I]Equip [B]Kingdom Key[/B] before using, otherwise your current Keyblade gets overwritten. DW Roxas included.[/I] FBA5-8TKG-6PPF7 G23K-MBUH-8YX82 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH J945-8GNA-XXCM3 RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003F7FF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 00000323 2033ED30 00002202 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] QXHM-FW1Y-241DC FDY3-H108-KYXD2 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002FBFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] [I]Included Roxas.[/I] THCE-0J1Q-5YT7N 102U-C6B8-5MW17 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003FBFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 0000005A 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Axel 2nd battle (L1)[/B] [I]Included DW Roxas.[/I] NRTY-B1JP-FBZ7X 102U-C6B8-5MW17 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH 3MVH-1TNP-EHKFC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 E003FBFF 0035BA5C 11CFAC7C 00000323 2033ED30 00001302 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Xaldin (R2)[/B] 5M3M-TZF0-WKZPA B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D X0CR-AHU6-5DWY7 6M1U-EGXD-XE786 E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000F05 2033ED34 00000A00 [B]Mysterious Man (L2)[/B] 67Z1-HXXG-XCX44 1PZZ-DCUX-3EB4B 0H0P-BZ3K-8U388 6M1U-EGXD-XE786 E002FEFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000708 2033ED34 00000A00 [B]Xigbar (R1+L1)[/B] 9G8E-3FP8-6V1F5 2R2P-68A9-3E5UM DM1T-322T-CXZF4 P13P-C5CU-6774U E002F3FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000A12 2033ED34 00000200 [B]Luxord (R1+R2)[/B] K411-Z5AH-A4AAR 8B1E-00CA-FTNTD FEC5-PTMA-0BUUM RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002F5FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000E12 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Saïx (R1+L2)[/B] 9BNG-WZCV-PCWV2 C00B-39UT-KB54C Z5U5-QR7R-K32WC RTAU-R40P-RPTZW E002F6FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000F12 2033ED34 00000100 [B]Sephiroth (L1+R2)[/B] C8WR-FH15-JD2EX 7T6E-ZBCY-WJJ7U 1F6Y-RDX7-0K4EH 4VH1-D2RM-AGNRR E002F9FF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000104 2033ED34 00001600
No problem, it's ok now. I was at first mad but not anymore. :D I'm still pretty surely leaving, other wise I get addicted to the site. Last time when that happened I missed a lot of school.
Hi. I'm leaving. Why? Because I got enough of Kingdom Hearts, I'd rather play something else. I also didn't really like the fact of being banned for "alternate account" since I don't have one. Also, I've quite had it with ARMAX and such, I'm bored to those. I'm not even that important so I don't need to be here. Goodbye forever. Fm2
Play as normal Mickey 11CFAC7C 00000318 XHPE-9ZBB-34DRD 6PW6-RNWT-RVBJF Play as hooded Mickey 11CFAC7C 0000005B U50N-B8MR-089WH T03P-0P55-HUMWT Xemnas replaces Donald 11C95B1A 00000646 NC29-C6QF-91TMQ BZ95-0KAD-E8VC0 Remove Goofy 11CFAC80 00000023 VJH6-4YG1-7WEJA 1K7B-PX0B-E2PGV Sephiroth battle warp (R2) Hold R2 before entering new screen and keep holding it until the battle starts. E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B000104 2033ED34 00004B4B EKJF-N0JX-BA7PJ B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 9RBB-J3KF-G61CE E8UG-1KA1-JGNPV Those do work, I use all of them. If you're using Codebreaker then you take the upper code and if you're using ARMAX you take the lower code. You must be sure about your location, USA-codes (NTSC) do not work on PAL even though ARMAX accepts them. And this is the master code what I'm using: (M) F02FC890 002FC893 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W From PS: Porting is that you bring code from e.g. NTSC to PAL. Converting is to use existing regional-digits and exchanging it from e.g. RAW to ARMAX or vice versa.
Thanks for the codes, again. :D But Sephiroth status-mod worked for you? Weird. I tried to replace him with Saïx and Axel (not at the same time of course) and it didn't work. Can you try to replace him with someone else and tell me does it work or not? At me Sephiroth stayed as Sephiroth.
About Sephiroth battle-warp & stats (Sora & Sephiroth) It does work. That has happened to me too. If ARMAX tells you that "The code is invalid" it means that you have mistyped it. You should always check the code that did you or did you not get it inputted right. So I tested the Sora has 60 HP and it worked. I'd also need: - Sora MP-modifier - Sora Strength-modifier - Sora Magic-modifier - Sora Defence-modifier And I'd need to know what amount of: - MP - STR - MGC - DEF Sora has in Final Mix+. Thanks in advance. :) IN CASE THAT A PORTER READS THIS: Would someone who ports codes (not with Delta Maker, it's not so accurate) port this to PAL? Sephiroth stats-modifier
Thanks. :) Yeah, they unbanned me. I still don't know though why I was being suspected & banned from alternate account even though I don't have one. Well, it's over now so I don't care that much about it anymore. Oh, I guess that this means that we can't use those at all. Damn. Oh well, I just thought that a sword would've looken bit more better than a Keyblade (Ultima Weapon is the only Keyblade that does not remind me of a key). Thanks anyways. :)
Yes please. :D - Sora has 60 HP max - digits for Dream Sword Digits for Dream Sword most likely haven't been found yet but we do know that it is in there since it is shown in the beginning of the game (so is also Dream Staff and Dream Shield). If you don't know what these weapons are then here's some links to help you out: YouTube - KH I & II Dream Sword YouTube - KH I & II Dream Shield YouTube - KH I & II Dream Staff Twilight Town - The third day (from moment 3:40 to 3:44). Image: KH II - Dream Weapons (jpg) Those do exist in KH II too as the screenshost proves. ( I'd really need that "Sora has 60 HP max"-code if it does exist.) Thanks in advance.
Play as DW Roxas UZJK-0UVV-NMT9F 1XYD-ZEXX-PPF12 Play as DW Roxas (alone) No recover from T-stance if there isn't any enemies around to hit you. A6KQ-NYNG-K8NB9 1XYD-ZEXX-PPF12 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PT7U-EV72-12J4F Don't have the weapon-mods though. Most likely it won't work since the earlier one didn't either. That's because it's a copy-code (meaning that line starts with a value 5) which ARMAX does not support. You can't even reRAW that code. EDIT: Luxord battle warp does not work properly. It loads up the screen but there is no one. You can see the text and background, nothing else. Luxord (L1+L2) E003FAFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3A000E12 2033ED34 00003A3A
Thanks for advice but I really am not that interested to this code anymore. :( You can try though if you want? Ah what the heck, I'll give it another shot. :D So now we have Donald & Goofy replaced by Fenrir & Oathkeeper but no movement. Ok, someone willing to try again? This time it will be a lot longer code. Please also remember that I give reputation from now on if someone test my code. If you want positive you'd better remember to tell me what all it did, otherwise I'll give you negative. Oathkeeper replaces Donald & Fenrir replaces Goofy (R1+L1) E002F3FF 0035BA5C 11C95B1A 0000023E 11C95B1C 0000077A B7G1-KVD4-MU4WC 2R2P-68A9-3E5UM W9MF-9ZHR-PURW7 F1R0-WEW9-VQ8KM "Donald" has Final-Forms moveset (UMM is on value Sky) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010002 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 TCV6-8FQD-KK352 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF MTP2-7T05-27H73 PH1M-V076-VQQJ1 BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ "Goofy" has Final-Forms moveset (UMM is on value Sky) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 142F0001 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 0XK6-ZUXY-9318D A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ZWGV-VY1W-9CEEZ PH1M-V076-VQQJ1 BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ "Donald" has Final-Forms moveset (UMM is on value Normal) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010002 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 F215-VBAA-BXV8Z A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF MTP2-7T05-27H73 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ "Goofy" has Final-Forms moveset (UMM is on value Normal) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400 1N05-G45P-JR90D A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ZWGV-VY1W-9CEEZ 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ Thanks again in advance for anyone who is willing to test these. :) Sorry for the long lengths but this way we'll be sure to get the moveset exchanged. I didn't joker movesets because I don't know would it work or not.
Thanks for testing, I gave you positive reputation. :) The only way to fix their movement might be to somehow make them move at the same time as Sora moves (just like first ally-Roxas code, he moved and attacked when you did). Well, doesn't matter that much. Another way would be to find out the digits of Final-Forms Keyblades (since those float) and use them. Didn't AntiWeapon/Erkz have some kind of video called as "Floating Keyblade frenzie"? I think that was for Keyblade that Sora is holding only...