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  1. Finalmaster2
    Have you encountered any enemies that would need reaction commands? Also, which Roxas are you using? DW Roxas had still some problems on working with those, normal Roxas should work fine (it did for me). And are you sure that you're using PAL-version, not NTSC? Some cheat devices tend to accept both but they do not inform which one it is.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Finalmaster2
    He swapped models. It's like "UCM" from Kingdom Hearts II. He located Sora's, Donald's and Goofy's models from that room and then he located those mset/moveset/what ever those are named as from that room. After this he had to find out models to use and put their animations in replace (in my opinion, hard). It's quite hard to port it, I've tried and failed (mostly because those tools that are meant to view models and animations do not work on my computer, don't know why).

    No. There is no "UCM" in Kingdom Hearts I and there won't be. I've talked about this with certain coder (I'm not telling whom since he or she would get spammed from my information) and there is no chance to get any universal thing on Kingdom Hearts I.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  3. Finalmaster2
    Didn't work on Pcsx2. I although didn't use UCM so... You might want someone with PS2 to test those. Well, anyways, I didn't get any effects at all.

    Didn't test those.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Finalmaster2
    But I can. ;)

    Sora as ally (R2)
    Replaces Goofy(?)

    E007FDFF 0035BA5C
    01CB9F4C 00000001
    11CB9F54 00003031
    11CB9F74 00003031
    21CB9F94 00010003
    2037BD18 61726F73
    2037BD1C 00000000
    103405A8 00000029

    And it did work on me, I although use Pcsx2, not PS2 (those shouldn't have that much of difference. Only differences so far are:

    • Sora/Roxas ally
    • Sora alone
    • Play as Riku

    In Pcsx2 Sora can't be alone with the normal code since Emuhaste (or Pcsx2?) does not support codes with 4 or 5 in the beginning. Riku works better in Pcsx2, don't know why. He still can't perform Dark Aura nor Dark Shield/Cannon)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Finalmaster2
    I'm seriously starting to think that you have no idea what is Search and Old Kingdom Hearts II PAL-codes topic...

    Sora as Ally Replaces Goofy

    Found from this post : Prepared that that code might now work well, I remember hearing something like that earlier. And no, there isn't better one (yet?).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Finalmaster2
    Didn't work. I drived to Valor, room got lighter. I entered jokers, room didn't get darker nor lighter.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Finalmaster2
    Ok, here should be KH II PAL-version of HP & MP mod (simply just took those ARMAX versions from and converted to RAW and exchanged values):

    Max HP
    003F22C6 000000XX

    Max MP
    003F22C8 000000XX

    Here's my source:

    And NeoCloudStrife, as you can see, Infinite HP has been made for regular KH I already so need for that one. :) (Haven't checked the NTSC version yet.)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Finalmaster2
    Ok, thanks. And the XX are filled with wanted values, e.g. 3C is 60. Use your Calculator to convert DEC to HEX. On Windows go to:

    1. Start
    2. All Programs
    3. Accessories
    4. Calculator
    5. Middle one (Displa/Show/etc)
    6. Function (second to the top)
    7. Select DEC and enter your value (e.g. 100)
    8. Now click HEX and you have your addable value

    I would post a pic but my Calculator is in Finnish so you won't understand it. D:
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Finalmaster2
    PAL or NTSC?
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Finalmaster2
    Well I think it is already in ARMAX but here you go:

    Sora wields Dream Sword
    Do not save with this code on! Your Keyblades get overwritten and you can't restore that!
    105459F8 00000001


    Sora wields Wooden Sword
    Do not save with this code on! Your Keyblades get overwritten and you can't restore that!
    105459F8 00000005


    And in future go to the right thread, meaning this:

    Weapon mod for KH I is here:

    Yeah. Well, it's just a mistake (I think) and I gave him those codes so I think he'll go to the right thread next time. :)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Finalmaster2
    I say it will be the Cheese Weapon from Final Fantasy VII!!!11 :D

    But for serious, I think it will be Riku.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Finalmaster2
    No. From those weapons only Dream Sword exists in KH II and it is not usable. By this I mean that it crashes the game instantly once tried to use. Wooden Sword isn't in KH II so you can't use it.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Finalmaster2
    If you mean that sword what you can see in the beginning (aka Dream Sword), it's not usable in KH 2. It is just floating there. EvilMan_89 tried once to make it usable, if I remember right that is, but it crashed the game once it was used. And the Wooden sword doesn't exist in KH 2.

    I tried to decrypt it for you and take a look of that code but err... MaxConvert says:

    "INPUT ERROR: unable to convert 8-bit command in code #1.
    INPUT ERROR: unusable size specified in code #1."

    So you'll have to wait that uploader comes online and redoes it, if possible.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Finalmaster2
    You can't have. There is no mod that allows you to do that. You can have moveset for character to allows some attacks (as far as I know) but you can't have all abilities on, trust me. You'll just end up freezing the game.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Finalmaster2
    You have to hold the joker-button before entering the new map. So start holding it before and keep holding until the event starts. Many people, including me, have had troubles with warp-codes.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Finalmaster2
    It freezes because you have abilities on. You should go to Start menu and disable those. Also, do not enter The World That Never Was with that code! Your game will crash. If Riku-code would've been that easy to hack it would've been released long time ago. Since it isn't, you really shouldn't enter TWTNW with that code.

    If you want to have movesets corrected for World characters then the code will be a lot longer and I think it must be jokered. If you really want it I can do it later today. I'll also make it so, that you can enter TWTNW. This will take some time since I have to add lots of codes to it and make sure that you're Sora in TWTNW, not Riku. (I can also make you as Roxas in TWTNW if you want to. Also remember, that only Roxas can do Sora's reaction commands but that is alternative code and I don't think that it has been hacked for others yet. I'll add it as seperate in case you want to use it after all.).

    EDIT: Here you go, now you can enter The World That Never Was. You should be Sora now.

    Play as World character in any world
    Please remove all abilities from World character before moving.
    Does not include Riku since he freezes the game with this mod. Does not include Roxas either unless you have not completed his story yet (I think so).
    4034119C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    203411E4 03020100


    Version with Mickey instead of Sora in Disney Castle
    I can't tell is it hooded or not, I think it depends on how long you're on your story-line.
    4034119C 00130001
    10020103 00000000
    203411E4 03020100
    203411CC 10020109


    If I can find NeoMoveset mod again I'll add that to the code which unfortunately will make it a lot longer (I think it would be like 10-15 lines longer. If you use ARMAX it will take a lot of your time to input that code).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Finalmaster2
    Does someone have PAL mastercode for this game in RAW? I've been looking up for this quite some time for now but I have not found it yet. I can't even convert that ARMAX version to RAW since it comes out with an error (regular to master codes, if I remember right).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 24, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Finalmaster2
    Actually it is. 00Roxas00 has made code on an emulator that allows you to battle against party-member. Video is here:

    No problem. Well, most of missing codes are just NTSC-codes that should be ported. Some from Final Mix+ are also missing, haven't checked yet what. Here's few that I found that were not (yet) ported to PAL:

    • Game Mods/Difficulty Levels
    • Status
    • Boss Stats Mod
    • Command Menu Mod (kind of useless, you aren't able to use e.g. Mickey's attacks still)
    • Drive Modifier
    • Model Modifier (I personally hate this, texture mod would be so much better)
    • NeoMoveset Modifier
    • Universal Room Modifier
    • Universal Weapon Modifier
    • Gummi Ship
    • Magic Level Mod
    • Heaven or Hell Mod
    • Levitation
    Those are what I found quickly. Most of those have been ported already but are missing from the front page.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Finalmaster2
    Yes, it does work. Screenie from Pcsx2:

    Use the direct link instead if the image does not load up :
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Finalmaster2
    Well if I understood right it's 2nd of December in US. Or that date was for games site being ready by then.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates