I have to say that what I noticed first and kept as most improved , was his voice. That took some time to get used to it but when I looked back to KH I, I couldn't play it anymore thanks to Sora's squeaky teen voice that he had in it (and that he didn't even look 14 years old. Isn't he now 16? Or 15?).
Master code for Final Mix First one is RAW (CodeBreaker) and the second one is Action Replay Max formatted. 902605B8 0C098116 G29J-FEFV-TWCUA JW8T-TMR2-NN9E6 Please use Search-function from now on and avoid unnecessary comments (I know I'm not an moderator/etc but I don't like people misbehaving on forums so I will meddle with that no matter what). Codes found from this post: http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=2053720&postcount=737
I think he meant what you did to Roxas. This: You tried to do what you had done in that video what I posted above? And it didn't work?
I don't know how to find animation mods, I haven't been told yet how to do that. I think I would do it otherwise. :( Damn there's a lot of spam again... Anyways. DMA means only that room (as carey said) and so I really don't believe that anyone is going to post it since it is worthless. Of course you can ask but I think you won't be getting any. This is because: So far model mod (aka play as bosses) is only ported to Final Mix-version (excluding that I have some rooms for PAL and I heard someone had some rooms for NTSC) It works as DMA It crashes easily It doesn't work on every character nor in every room Not all bosses are found yet (not sure about this one) Animations have to be added to non-party member on each room again in order to get them to work You have to either listen e.g. Sephiroth with Sora's voice or disable it (which doesn't work on PAL, maybe on NTSC)
Sephiroth seems to work more stable than you think. I've tested him on Darkside #2 battle and he worked. He doesn't have animations correct so animation-mod is required as well in order to use him correctly. Otherwise it'll be very limited gameplay. And yes, seriously, cut the damn spam! I thought that after those pictures I posted there'd be 1-4 posts, not ~20 (which only few were ontopic).
Hmm, this one should be quite interesting. Click this link for fullview. And so is this (well it's just pause-menu). Click this link for fullview. This code is highly-experimental. It causes game to freeze when Riku is moving. I think this is because of Sora and his animations (which should be fine though since I'm replacing Donald with all what Sora has in his model). I won't be posting any code for this, it's just model mod.
Ally with HP-modifier doesn't work, nothing happens. Boss-modifier works. Enemy-modifier works. Allies without HP-bar modifier does work but doesn't let you attack them. For example, Mickey just stands there and battle-music is on. Cloud starts to attack but you can't attack him. I think it is in Pcsx2 but once you either killed one enemy or ally-boss tried to attack you, freeze. I'm not going to test more KH II codes, since it works horribly on my Pcsx2 (unless I really have to and I'll decide when I have to ;)). I'm now returning to KH I.
Yes you can but it is only for that room what you're in (and what I've specified it). I'll post it in PAL later, not yet since it needs some fixing (e.g. voices are Sora's, not their own and believe me, you don't want that). Also, you have to have certain weapon that they wield, Kingdom Key for example does not work properly. Don't worry, I'll post the code in RAW/Codebreaker also so that it can be modded to have what weapon that they use as you want. They also freeze/crash on some summons, if I remember right. Well, I don't think that it is that weird actually. You're on the right track but I still claim that it is debug-room for Traverse Town 1st District. ;) I might be wrong though, since there is all characters missing from that area (as T-stanced or otherwise). It also seems to work differently on every room. Yes, as you might already know, it works for all rooms since it is part of room-modifier code that you posted earlier (just exchanged 1 to 0 since certain coder told me that I should use that but didn't explain why :D). No. I only do PAL and I can't really call myself as a coder since I mostly collect dumps and pass those on for those who need them. So far I've learned (thanks to certain coder) how to find Sora's, Donald's and Goofy's slot from that area which I'm in. I'm also looking up to make some sort of boss-replacement mod since those "Party-model replacers" fit way better to boss-battles since we can't use these as we use UCM (universal character modifier) in Kingdom Hearts II. And as some coders most likely have told you all, you will get disappointed. I will post only few areas that codes work in and that's it. There is no sense for me to waste my time and start looking up all areas in the whole game. For example, Traverse Town alone could take up to 200 lines of code (2 lines per one room, 4 if it's Riku or someone else) at least. Count from that how many rooms there is in the whole game and then multiple it by two. Or in worst case, by four. Riku also (as I already mentioned) is along with other non-party-members very crashable/freezable. All areas won't even work, good example for this is Sephiroth-battle. I can't replace Sora and I've tried every slot what he has in that battle and nothing happens. And as for last info: There will be need to unequip abilities and there will be mush-ballness on summons!
Well sort of. As far as I know, you can use certain room to play as Donald for example. Regular party-members should work fine but Riku tends to crash/freeze a lot. Donald and Goofy have their animations correct for some reason once playing as them, I think it's because they are real party-members, not boss'. I'll post some sort of "Sora room mod" later but just remember that it is only for that room and it doesn't work on any other room thanks to the DMA (locks to one area the whole code and has to be bypassed manually, as far as I know. Tends to be hard, never tried it though).
Try putting 0E in Hollow Bastion after using 0A and you'll notice something fun. Doesn't work on all areas though. 19 should work on most areas, it actually does this. Please note that I exchanged Sora to Riku, it does not exchange Sora to Riku.
Thanks for the pictures. As for now, I lost all interest to this game. I though KH:reCoM was almost completely without Disney-characters and it would've been worth buying. Apperentally I have to do more researching about this, since now this in my blacklist (not to buy). Thanks anyways for the pictures, even though I thought first that some of those were just snapped from KH I. :D
It should. You just have to make sure that those two codes are not using the same joker. If you're not going to the Final Battle with code, just activate the room mod from area inside of The World That Never Was. Hold the room-mod before the scene starts and you should be on correct spot. If I were you I'd though activate Infinite Jump for Sora before doing this, since you might end up falling endlessly (and thanks to Square Enix, we don't have Soft reset for KH II [L1+R1+L2+R2+Start+Select]. Unless some coder comes up with a code that instantly kills Sora/"room mods" to Main menu in any location and time, we can't Soft reset). Unfortunately I don't have those codes now and I can't find them from the old thread.
It's good as for materials we can use for now. If someone else won't doing the following once the official BBS-trailer is out, I will. I'll take those subtitles with reputation to you and put those to YouTube-video with selectable subtitles. So, it'll be Japanese and subtitles are optional. This really ticks me off that everyone wants to burn titles to the movie instead of adding it. Anyways, good work.
If I get your post right, you're hinting to that Xion is Kairi's Heartless. I've had that thought a long time in my head but I wanted to see would anyone else figure it out. Anyways, it seems that this is impossible now, especially that Xion's been confirmed to be a Nobody, not a Heartless. At the moment I'm betting to the Ion-theory, as it seems most likely. And coders might recognize this, Xion's Keyblade is FAKE. :D
Here you go, this mods Roxas's left hand slot. Dw Roxas with one Keyblade 10341164 00000000 XZMJ-62XM-AEU5M DUTQ-54GP-WEUCP In case you don't have this yet, here's to play as dw Roxas. Play as dw Roxas 11CFAC7C 00000323 EJC6-4HAU-2FW64 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH And here's one more, in case you wan't to have both on at the same time. Play as dw Roxas without left Keyblade 10341164 00000000 11CFAC7C 00000323 EJC6-4HAU-2FW64 EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH Just remember that what ever you do, do not exchange Keyblade to dw Roxas once you have launched the game. Unless you have it jokered the game will freeze. That's the new Keyblade what you get from defeating Roxas in KH2FM+. I can't remember it's name now though. Some people just want him to have Keyblade on his other hand with dw moveset without adding the moveset. Also, this disables Magic-menu, Summon-menu and maybe even Limit-menu so all T-stancable options are not usable.
Good videos, although the quality is horrible in the second one. This is though taking me to some thinking, should I just ignore BBS or buy it and not play as Terra? This gameplay did not convince me.
Cut the spam out or we might/will get this locked again. Code will come some day and it will be worth testing, I think. Just wait and stay on topic. ;)
No. Jokers do work but when you are going to fight Xemnas at that point jokers do not work. Once you've cleared obstacles with Reaction Command Slicer, jokers should work normally.
Yes. You're welcome. I also tested that why it didn't load up when entering to Xemnas. Apperentally game can't do jokers for that point. Load the code earlier. E.g. leave the area and then activate joker-code. Now it should work, it did for me.
Roxas performs Reaction Commands (hold R2) (pal ported by mikael110) E001FDFF 0035BA5C 01CB9E2F 00000001 4W9Q-QP43-QBDCM U8H0-NHTG-X598M BQMQ-T5NN-4UFZ4