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  1. Finalmaster2
    ... Yes, you can joker it to the same button. Just remember to exchange the number of lines in the joker in order to get it working. And it seems that these codes are per character so you can't exchange e.g. Mickey to Donald, you have to do it from scratch. I couldn't exchange Mickey to anyone.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Finalmaster2
    Here you go:
    [B]Play as dw Mickey[/B]
    [B]Play as "special edition" Riku[/B]
    [I]Aka crashes even more and is more idot... limited.
    This one is a must to have Riku with dual wield.[/I]
    [B]Activate dual wield for SE Riku[/B]
    [I]Doesn't work with the old "Play as Riku"-code.[/I]
    [B]Play as dw Riku[/B]
    [I]Special edition Riku included.[/I]
    Just remember to unequip all blue & yellow abilities before using dw Riku. Also, don't do ground combos, you have more than 50 % of chance to go to the T-stance and since Riku can't get hit, you can't recover from that without resetting the game.

    And yes, you can joker "Roxas performs reaction commands" to the same where you have "Xemnas battle-warp" jokered. Just exchange the:

    E00X to E00Y

    X is the current number of lines and Y is the new number of lines. For example, old one would be 3 lines long and new one with the Roxas-code would be 1 line long.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Finalmaster2
    Yes, that is the fixed version. You can:

    • attack
    • jump
    • use items
    That's all. Others are not chosable or T-stance Riku. And no, he doesn't have his voice back, it's still Sora's. Also, remember to unequip all blue & yellow abilities or you'll face T-stance. Riku also tends to T-stance on ground combos (again...) and I don't know will giving him Final Form moveset fix it or not (even if it does I have no idea on how it interacts with the dw, most likely makes it as dw with FF moveset).

    1. No. That Riku is too different compared to the normal one. Ask someone else for more information. I can't say why pyjamas Roxas was usable but 13 Riku isn't (except that the models are not even close to the same, excluding head).
    2. Maybe? Since Mickey can use two Keyblades and Riku can I don't see why Donald or Goofy couldn't. I thought think that it will take more than just exchanging Riku/Mickey to Donald/Goofy.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Finalmaster2
    Yeah, these worked just fine. :) Thanks. Some screenshots:

    Click to view full image.

    Click to view full image.

    I think that using the earlier Riku code (the first one) would work better since he has his own voice & abilities so you don't need to remove all abilities before moving. Don't know, haven't tested yet (and if you're PS2-user, you'll have to add to the old code Final Form-moveset in order to stop T-stance. Not if you're an Pcsx2-user) and most likely won't.

    Also, you can't exchange weapons for Riku & Mickey from the game. You'll have to do it via modifying the code (don't know which line and don't really care). Those are their stock weapons.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Finalmaster2
    Doesn't work. Same as dw Riku, makes me as Mickey but with one Keyblade.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Finalmaster2
    I did, doesn't work.

    • Disney Castle = 1 WttD
    • Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden = 1 WttD
    • The World That Never Was = 1 WttD

    I can't test other worlds, thanks to the fact that my Pcsx2 crashes 99 % of the time that I am in the World-map.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Finalmaster2
    I forgot to mention, didn't work in that area either. I loaded up my game from HB/RG but I was Riku with one Keyblade (Way to the Dawn) and I had to disable all blue abilities in order to avoid T-stance. I blame the porter. :)

    I couldn't do anything else than walk, jump & attack. Summons might have worked but my Pcsx2 crashes always with Summons. :D
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Finalmaster2
    I entered it as copy-paste but I (of course) deleted that blank line between codes.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Finalmaster2
    First one makes me as Riku but crashes when trying to attack. Second one puts Keyblade over my head. Together I get Riku but with one Keyblade (and instant T-stance if using Jump). Riku's voice doesn't get loaded as well, not even in The World That Never Was. It stays as Soras. And I do use Pcsx2 but that shouldn't make this much of difference.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Finalmaster2

    There's your answer.

    Thanks for posting that, I added it to the original post as well now. And so far no progress on looking to the party-mod, I've been busy and I haven't been on XP lately.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Finalmaster2
    Unfortunately that didn't help either. It didn't record any sound at all.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Technology
  12. Finalmaster2
    That's right, I forgot about that. I've been using it so much that I forgot what it was originally. :D


    Sora is alone
    Should work in most worlds.
    102B6574 00000019


    Sora is alone
    Should work in most worlds.
    102B6AF4 00000019

    Final Mix

    Sora is alone
    Should work in most worlds.
    102BC134 00000019

    So as AntiWeapon pointed out, it's not a new code. I just had forgotten about that since I've been using it as 002B6574 instead of 102B6AF4. I'm still going to take a look of party-mod later on, although I think that if I would find it, it would be DMA (works only in that room) as well... And I couldn't find the Final mix-version of room mod so that is why it is missing from the end.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Finalmaster2
    Found this and decided to post it.

    Click this link in order to view full image.


    Sora is alone
    Should work in most worlds.
    102B6AF4 00000019

    No joker for now. I don't see it as necessary if you're just wondering off as Sora. Besides, I need more testing with values before I can include "restore party"-piece to the code. I don't know what is KH 1's value for PAL-region in order to put it as ARMAX. And I do know that this is an old code but no one had posted it, yet. ;) Oh and when using this code, there shouldn't be any enemies as well. Only enemies are in Olympus Coliseum or in Magician's Lab.

    This code also seems to "kill" scene on random places. Just use soft-reset (R1+R2+L1+L2+Start+Select). It shouldn't freeze the game at any point. Also, by exchanging 19 to 18 you can activate some boss battles. 16 is one also and so is 01. You might also want to try 11 & 12 in "Final link" (room before Final rest [room where I took the screenshot]).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Finalmaster2
    That is an old one and links that are mentioned in it are no more longer valid. So no, it didn't help. Besides, that's Dell's Notebook, this is Apple's Mac Mini.

    I did get to the front page of the site but couldn't find out where to go from there. The search for Sigmatel gave out nothing.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Technology
  15. Finalmaster2
    I have my doubts about how this would work. I think that you would end up having him there but he would try to run and jump through objects that aren't in there. If that wouldn't happen then he most likely would freeze when he would hit the wall. This happened to me when I exchanged Darkside #2 to Monstro ally Riku, he froze the game since the area was too small.

    I can't say for sure how it would work since:

    1. I don't have the "warp X to Y"-code
    2. Even if I would have it it isn't ported to PAL yet (as far as I know)
    3. I'm on my OS X now, not on XP
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Finalmaster2
    I'll just add to this that it is the same size as my current one is so no, it is not too big. It's the exact same size with it (reason in originally was to prevent my avatar from being directly linked from my site by ******s and by that I mean that I'd exchange my avatars URL every now and then and add "DELETED" to the old one).

    It's 100 x 100 and 12 Kb so no, it's not too big. And for those that keep claiming it is a virus, I don't think so. I scanned my Windows and tested it also on OS X Firefox, no deal. ;)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Finalmaster2
    Well I can't really exchange it so yeah, I think that it is the right sound device. :D SigmaTel is what Mini has and I'm using it (at least I think so).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Technology
  18. Finalmaster2
    If I remember right Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox also do this automatically. You won't be notified from small letters (e.g. I & i) though. On Firefox I think it can be turned off and on, not sure about Chrome yet.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Finalmaster2
    It's an error on forum. I can't exchange it either, especially on using URL instead of direct upload. I just get blank screen and that's it. Of course you can try to:

    1. Empty your cookies
    2. Reset your temporary internet files

    I haven't tried either of those yet so I don't know does it work. Sometimes old cookies can cause that you can't log in and such.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Finalmaster2

    Yes, I did use search and I didn't find any topics about this one (so far). So, my problem is that I've been using Fraps now for a long time but I've never got audio recorded at all. This happened also in my Acer Aspire 5670 (my old computer) and in my current one, Mac Mini (2.0 Ghz model). Here's a pic to help:

    Linjatulo=line in

    Anyone got any idea of how to get my audio recorded? It doesn't bother me that much but it still does. If you don't know how to get this fixed, what program would be good enough to do this for me?

    PS: I have Pcsx2 and it has integrated movie & sound recording but I won't count it in since when using it, my FPS drops ~2/3.
    Thread by: Finalmaster2, Oct 25, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Technology