Here. I tested the 1000 Heartless battle and it didn't work for me but that might be because it's meant to be used BEFORE the actual battle, not AFTER. Btw, was joker already included to that code? 1000 Heartless battle warp (R2) M2EN-JVH3-0E7E9 8VX0-ETVX-TPVYE 4Z4F-T6Y9-VUZ8T ZPQM-N14A-8CAGZ Riku code unofficial - the code EH2K-7KQ6-0W993 Z7DN-CZCN-P8BH4 NKXJ-BRD1-7HQU1 6VTT-UYMD-4ZD9Z FJ5N-V1MJ-N1RUP E5BW-AUNE-4WAZ7 PDX9-E73X-NKUNH Q2F9-B2YK-NX78D J8GG-CY1D-DQFVM ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 Riku code - Shortcut-menu EH2K-7KQ6-0W993 Z7DN-CZCN-P8BH4 NKXJ-BRD1-7HQU1 6VTT-UYMD-4ZD9Z FJ5N-V1MJ-N1RUP E5BW-AUNE-4WAZ7 PDX9-E73X-NKUNH Q2F9-B2YK-NX78D J8GG-CY1D-DQFVM ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 Final battle warp 1F0D-WX9N-ZVEC6 8VX0-ETVX-TPVYE H6NP-1U2Z-HBVB5 KP6T-NCXB-TCZNH Skyscraper (no idea what it does) DTZA-DGDX-VD4YQ 8VX0-ETVX-TPVYE ZFPR-3RG0-BHTVU 1WMC-6YG8-KEHEZ Armored Xemnas II ZZUW-XBUM-55KNH 8VX0-ETVX-TPVYE JENP-E8TN-N7ZUP KEWZ-5RNM-8K3PQ Final Xemnas VZPR-J5A8-BGE1P 8VX0-ETVX-TPVYE H6NP-1U2Z-HBVB5 KP6T-NCXB-TCZNH Just remember that I can't promise that these codes work. I haven't tested them but I used the same method to get Sephiroth's One Winged Angel-music to play and it worked.
And some more: - Force Donald to the party - Force Goofy to the party - Full Party - Ultimate Sephiroth - Ultimate bosses - Sephiroth battle music mod I'd really need these so I'd appreciate an answer. Also, since I'm trying to win Sephiroth with Axel and Roxas should I first have Full Party-code on and then disable Goofy/Donald to keep Axel on? He doesn't come to the battle without extra code since the battle is meant normally only for Sora. And about those bones that 3D-models have. You could check them up from 3D-modelling program, like Blender. I think that Antiweapon has those character-models so he could check up the bone-count. I kinda thought that this would happen, I wasn't so surprised to hear this. Sad but if there is nothing to do then that's it.
No, it's not playable yet. Someone just misunderstood us and gave the normal Roxas & DW Roxas codes. Hoodless Roxas is easily understood as normal Roxas since he has no hood. Maybe we should really start calling the new Roxas in cloak as: - Organization XIII Roxas in cloak or - Roxas in cloak MUCH easier to understand what code people are talking about. Btw, maybe we'll one day see cloaked Riku. He had that cloak in one cutscene on normal KH II so I think it is possible but not in a long time (cloaked Roxas is from cutscene too so). How I know this? There is no other times when we see Riku and Roxas use cloaks than in cutscenes. And I'm talking about blindfolded Riku, not the Ansem-Riku. - cloaked Riku = Ansem-Riku & boss-Riku - blindfolded-Riku = normal Riku in cloak and with blindfold Well ok, Riku has that another form in cloak too but that is a boss.
Sorry mates, those are just normal Roxas codes, not Roxas in the Organization cloak. Maybe the code should be called as Roxas in Organization XIII cloak once it's finished to avoid misunderstandings?
Ooh, nice, DW Organization Roxas is here. And yes, I've got some codes that I'd like to use yet again. Jokerize all Organization XIII bosses So this means: - Xaldin over Goofy (joker) - Xigbar over Goofy (joker) - Axel over Goofy (joker) - Saïx over Goofy (joker) - Demyx over Goof (joker) - Xaldin over Donald (joker) - Xigbar over Donald (joker) - Axel over Donald (joker) - Saïx over Donald (joker) - Demyx over Donald (joker) I left Xemnas and Luxord off from the list since we can't kill them again. If I missed someone else then please add it to the list too. But please leave R1 free since I'm already using it to go to the Station of Awakening. Also, everyone from the Organization should have different joker-buttons since it's not possible to switch characters on same combinations. ARMAX as usual, PAL 09C9. Thanks. :)
Well I got the codes what I needed but I ended up with a problem. It seems to be so that we can't refight Xemnas 1 even in the right area since the Reaction Command doesn't appear. Any ideas how to go through this? I'd like to battle him again but by now it seems to be impossible.
Hi. I'd need some codes yet again. I know that at least the first one exists, not sure for others. - Revisit Station of Awakening - Remove Donald from party - Remove Goofy from party - Max stats for Twilight Thorn (replaces Donald) - Max stats for Twilight Thorn (replaces Goofy) Thanks. I know that someone visited Station of Awakening again and s/he posted a video about it for YouTube. I don't have the link now but the video-description said that s/he had got the code from HERE, I'd really want to defeat Twilight Thorn again. And to do that the best option is to go back to the same place where it was first defeated. Oh right, also need these. - Revisit Xemnas's 1st battle area (can't remember name, it has that big tower) - Max stats Xemnas 1 replaces Donald - Max stats Xemnas 1 replaces Goofy Didn't post the same request twice, remove Donald and Goofy SEPERATELY from party. Why seperately? E.g. once battling again against Twilight Thorn I have a big doubt that the game WILL crash if there is Donald/Goofy/someone else instead of Roxas. TT can't be defeated with Sora. ..Yet...
Unfortunately there is no locker for these extra-buttons. Only way for now is to keep your game in the beginning of the game since you can't use there: - Magic - Drive - Summons - Party - Limits I also noticed that we can switch Party in TWTNW and probably elsewhere. This one is bad too since Riku does not have voice-acting for e.g. Aladdin. He'll T-stance again and then you have to reset the console, once again. Once the damage get's added to the Riku code then most problems will be solved. This is because hitting Riku when in T-stance -> Riku moves again. Only one attack has done damage to Riku so far, Sephiroths Heartless Angel. This attack leaves you 1 HP always so you can't block it unless you hit him before he casts it. It didn't work though when Riku was in T-stance, he didn't recover to normal. Has anyone noticed a finishing strike for Riku yet? 'Cause by that we would be able to defeat bosses with him. Last night I fought against Sephiroth ~40 mins and he didn't die so I pressumed that he wasn't killable with Riku. I had no Scan to use so I couldn't check Sephiroths HP but I'm sure that it was in 1 HP.
13draconus_maximus13, thanks. I noticed these improvements: Pros and cons. + Items are usable + Scan is usable + Sora's Abilitys seem to be usable (not sure, might Riku's own ones) +/- Quickmenu has been removed (I liked it, it was fun to use Riku from this). Although now we can put own stuffs to it so that Riku DOES use them (not Magic still though, Riku T-Stances and can't die) - Limits are usable (T-stance) - Magic is usable (T-stance) All non usable stuff should be Imo grayed so that they wouldn't be accidentally used. Like Magic, I used it accidentally and I had to reset the whole console since Riku is immune to damage. I know I'm asking a lot but still. And about this Sora in KH 1 costume with Master Form abilities/etc. I can't say for sure that it would be possible. There is UCM and someone had played as KH 1 Sora in TWTNW. UCM might be able to exchange Soras moveset to Master and then it would be just to make Soras outlook to KH 1. This is just fiction, I'm not in any way sure that it would work. But if we think about the Pyjamas Roxas then why not? This has been done (AFAIK) by Sora Model Mod. It's Sora but his outlook is Roxas in pyjamas.
What is the difference between Riku codes version 1, 2 & 3? I don't see any sense starting to input ~9-11 lines long code unless I'm being told that what it does or what has been improved/exchanged.
What does this code do in exact information? It makes normal Sora weild two Keyblades that are setted up for Valor Form? Eg. Oathkeeper & Oblivion? And it seems that this is a joker-code. Should I just walk to second screen and hold R2 or Drive to some form before that, etc? Just wanting to check up before testing this to kick up Sephiroths ass (eg. Riku vs Sephiroth :sneaky:).
Hi again. Thanks for the codes and especially for the Riku code. It's nice to play as him now that it is finally possible. Sad though that when he uses ground-combo he most likely crashes. Anyways, I have a problem with his menu. It's like this: - Jump - Blizzaga - Thundaga - Attack I saw the demonstration video of Riku (in main page) and there he had in his menu instead of Thundaga Dark Aura. Now how did this happen? I also tried to remove Blizzaga and Thundaga so that the menu would be like this: - Jump - --- - --- - Attack I have also tried to equip & unequip Rikus Dark Aura and Dark Shield from Abilities. Might I need anything else btw than just THE Riku code? No moveset-codes or such? Thanks, Fm2.
Hello. I'd need these codes and I do hope that this is the right thread to ask such. And of course, in PAL. :D Sora alone Roxas alone Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden battle music playing all the time The 13th Struggle battle music playing all the time Battle level deadly Ultimate Sephiroth Thanks in advance. I'd kinda need these as soon as possible but I can wait too. :) In ARMAX, 09C9.
We can't play as those characters. This is because: 1. We don't have their movesets 2. They are not normal "follow-Sora-everywhere"-members 3. They can't move unless attacking 4. If you replace Sora by one of these, the game WILL freeze. This is because: - Sephiroth is boss, not an ally - Cloud is temporarily ally, not like Donald or Goofy And so on. We can although have Cloud in party as ally but he is not so good. He does not follow you until enemy appears. This exact same thing happens with anyone else that has been in your party just temporarily (e.g. Tifa, Yuffie, Hercules). We can also put Sephiroth as boss to replace either Donald or Goofy but that is it. So in short: No, we can't play as them but we can put them to replace party-members like Donald and Goofy but NOT Sora/Roxas.
I think that you could get it stabled by putting Mickeys moveset for Sora. Joker would be the best choice so that you could switch back to regular Sora with his own moveset (note that Mickeys Kingdom Key would go back to e.g. Soras Kingdom Key). This way we might be able to wear Rikus Way to the Dawn too. I know that these infos are old and out already but still.