I'd have to say Riku, he's like a foot taller than Sora in the second game compared to the first. Kairi as a second choice but mostly she grew more in a mental state than physical.
Aqua because out of the three new keyblade weilders, she's the one we know the least about so I'd play as her first.
I want to learn more about what happened before KH1 so ii's BBS for me, though I don't have a PSP yet, I'm getting one for that and Crisis Core when it comes out this spring.
I always though it was Riku because the person seemed too tall to be Roxas and Riku was helping to restore Sora Back to normal.
Kunai ftw!!!!!
I come every day to see if there is any new news on KH games. I find that info come out faster here than other websites.
QWERTY. I never knew that there was another type. Thanks a lot public education....
Fenrir, even though it does decrease combos by one, I think its power makes up for it, plus it is extremely helpful when trying to complete the journal and it looks cooler.
I'd say Reno, we need more of the less mainstream characters, besides he was voiced by the same actor as Axel, so it would be like Axel never faded away.
Kairi's is the best so far but I think Aqua's will be better.
KH 358/2 days ftw! Glad I have a DS to play it, now I just need the PSP for Birth by Sleep and Crisis Core.
Detention? And ruin my perfect school record and chance to get into a really good college? Not me!!! I'm happy being an overachieving goodie goodie :poketoungeb:
I get dissed by my friends at school about stuff I like. I just shrug it off because I know that those type of people dis others because of their own insecurities and fears.
I think yaoi is funny in some cases but other than that I'm not a big fan.
7:03 in USA Central Time!!!!
It's good to be 17, thank god I am.
Nothing is better than Root Beer, especially when its caffeinated. :bounce:
Hot cocoa with a chocolate bar on the side, especially on cold days!
It was hard for me to choose between Evanescence and Fall Out Boy becease I listened to both but Fall Out Boy, for I listened to them recently.
I once did a participated email petition to Square but it didn't work, but I'll sign yours even though I have a friend who just imported the game and is letting me play it. I really wish they did though, it wasn't like the first KH where they only added a little, they basically re-did the hold game in FM+, which sucks for us who already own the original.