OOC: I feel the exact opposite of that, Jaxed. WUNT! BIC: Vecked ducked over Scourge's blade. "We don't have time, so give it to me now!"
Its all falling into place... the Pocketman™ empire is unstoppable...
Nulix grabbed the wallet back from the bum, before pummeling him into the ground. "Nulix! What the hell are you doing?" Volt asked, walking outside the studio door. "Listen, the head of the station listened to Wing's tape, he wants to talk to you about it."
Nulix lit a cigarette for a bum outside a radio station.
OOC: I'm awesome.
OOC: Nyaighiahgalaniyahkava....
"Give it to me!" Vecked yelled, jumping into the fight angrily. OOC: And this is the part where Dk's required...
"I was going to take it back you idiot," Vecked muttered, pulling his gunblade out. "Wing! Throw the Virus! Don't Scourge take it!"
Vecked watched Scourge charge forward. Vecked slowly put his gunblade in its holster. "Its time for me to leave," He muttered, walking towards Xane. "Wheres my Virus?"
Gran Hairis Rentu Skinnar stood at the window of the Florence One. It was the battle cruiser he had used while he was the acting Supreme Captain. "Take us down," Rentu ordered his pilots. "And build up the assault team. I want the Light armies to be completely helpless to our attacks."
OOC: I've never been a fan of the huge battles, you know that...
OOC: I'm tired.
OOC: What does XD mean anyway? BIC: Vecked followed group...
OOC: I was being serious. BIC: Vecked did the same...
OOC: I just apply the voices of Alvin and the Chipmunks to you guys... BIC: Vecked shot fire.
OOC: Just like the previous posts say. Skinnar has the portal and he's about to go to the Skypit where the U.O. armies are attacking the Light Users.
Vecked hurt his rib bone... EDIT: OOC: Really? This was posted three days ago! Where is everyone!?
Pocketman™ has the spirit of adventure...
...? Pocketmanâ„¢
Oh, and why is that? Why can Pocketman™, in all his Pocketman™ glory, no longer help thee?