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  1. Nulix
    OOC: He said something?

    BIC: "Alright..." Alyt muttered...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nulix
    Niles, Saak, and Alyt listened to the transmission safely behind the section of the city they still controlled. "Think its a trap?" Niles asked, Alyt shook her head. "I don't think so, I seem to remember something about Pharell trying to work for as at one point..."
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nulix
    Vecked hurried, because Xardius couldn't hold him off forever.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nulix
    OOC: Of course we are. But, it requires all our characters to go up to the ship and into the portal. Its not on me to get us there, we just all have to get a ship or something and head there... Or Scourge could blow a hole in the ship, have it crash, and then we go into the portal...

    BIC: Skinnar had gone through the teleporter and now found himself in the Skypit. Judging by the U.O. guards surrounding the teleporter, he had guessed that they had already won.


    The battle across the ruined city was not a fair one. The U.O. has managed to bring tanks, Maxilo’s, and a whole lot of soldiers. At least ten times that of the Light User’s army. They didn’t just swarm the city, they destroyed it. The Light users were loosing fighters rapidly. Alyt, Niles, and Saak all took cover inside a large cathedral.

    “The most secure building in the city is this one place, Redford Manor…” Niles explained, pointing at a large building on his self-made map of the city. “That’s where we setup the second teleporter. We’re trying to get people out,” Niles explained.

    Saak shook his head slowly, “I do not think we will get out of this one, Niles. Crapo, Cotaxus, and your brother are much too forceful-“

    “Saak, shut up,” Alyt replied. “We will survive.”

    The ceiling of the cathedral was suddenly blown to pieces, out of the fiery ceiling came U.O. agents, shooting as they came down the walls. “Run!” Niles yelled as many of the light users around him got shot down.

    The three pushed through a wooden door and ran out into the street. Redford manor was just a few blocks away.


    Gran Hairis Rentu Skinnar of the Universal Peace Alliance pushed through the guards blocking the way into the war camp. The camp was in the eastern end of the city, the side the U.O. had already taken control of. Cotaxus and Crapo sat in two lawn chairs, sipping green bottles.

    “Skinny!” Cotaxus exclaimed, jumping up from his chair. “Marvelous to have you back! Where have you been, everyone over at the council has been worried.”

    “My brother is leading the opposing army,” Skinnar said in a harsh tone, towering over Cotaxus as he did. “We outnumber and out power the opposing army, I demand we capture them, not kill them.”

    “That’s against the U.O.’s ruling’s, my Hairis,” Cotaxus replied. “And against my own opinion on the situation.”

    “I’m the Gran Hairis, and as long as its my army fighting on the battlefield I make the rules,” Skinnar explained. “Now, change the battlefield command, now. That’s an order.”

    “No,” Cotaxus replied, before sucking on his bottle some more. “We wouldn’t want the Lexx situation coming out, would we, my Hairis? I didn’t think so…” Cotaxus added, before walking away.

    Skinnar grabbed his pistol, eager to take it out and shoot Cotaxus right in the back of the head. But something stopped him. “Cotaxus!” Skinnar called, “Come here. Bring Crapo with you!”

    The two Commanders approached Skinnar slowly. The Hairis had a large grin on his face. “Gentlemen, were going to the front line,” Skinnar explained.

    “No, were not,” Cotaxus replied. “The Lexx situation, remember?”

    “What are you going to do?” Skinnar asked, “Go to a council right now, in the middle of a battle? Good luck getting a connection out here.”

    Cotaxus sighed. Skinnar was right. The Lexx threat wasn’t a good one unless they were in the Light Worlds, a place where it would only take a few clicks to connect to the Ulfire or Sora councils.

    “Its against the U.O.’s orders, though,” Crapo said quickly.

    “No it isn’t,” Skinnar replied. “Changing battle tactics is, commanding an invasion force isn’t. So, get in your armor, we’re going.”

    “No we aren’t,” Cotaxus replied. “I’m not gonna die.”

    “Lack of loyalty?” Skinnar asked in a loud enough voice for other officers to hear. “Are you disobeying orders?”

    Cotaxus glanced around, before looking down. “No sir, we will follow you into battle when you’re ready…”

    The two Commanders bowed at the Hairis, before scurrying off.

    “This is horrible!” Crapo muttered, “This is one of the most violent predicaments ever! If we go on the front lines with that man we will die!”

    Cotaxus just shook his head. “No… no, we won’t. He hopes we will die because then the blackmail is over for him, he’s free. But if we live we will, on return to the Sora System, reveal the Lexx info… and then I’ll be Hairis once he’s in prison…”

    “It’s a huge battle, though!” Crapo exclaimed. “How do you figure we will survive?”

    “Because,” Cotaxus said. “We’re on the winning side. The chances of the U.P.A.’s loosing over fifty soldiers are unlikely, plus we’ll be in a tank. Its very unlikely that we will die at this point.”

    OOC: I just reread my post and realized I randomly inserted Alyt there without any real explanation. Also, I stated that the U.O. had the teleporter and then right after I had Niles say the Light users still had it and moved it.

    Plot hole.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nulix
    OOC: I don't have a clue what you want me to post. When I post my mega preplanned post I'm finished. Its an ending. I can't post that right now.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nulix
    Profile Post

    Yes, yes I did.

    Yes, yes I did.
    Profile Post by Nulix for hidden_light, Jun 25, 2009
  7. Nulix
  8. Nulix
  9. Nulix
    Profile Post

    Everyone but you...

    Everyone but you...
    Profile Post by Nulix for hidden_light, Jun 24, 2009
  10. Nulix
    You tell yourself that...
    Profile Post by Nulix for hidden_light, Jun 24, 2009
  11. Nulix
    Profile Post

    Yes, I agree...

    Yes, I agree...
    Profile Post by Nulix for khmage1918, Jun 24, 2009
  12. Nulix
    Nothing. Nothing at all.
    Profile Post by Nulix for khmage1918, Jun 24, 2009
  13. Nulix
  14. Nulix
    Profile Post

    sora is cute

    sora is cute
    Profile Post by Nulix for khmage1918, Jun 24, 2009
  15. Nulix
  16. Nulix
    Pokeman™ is immortal...
    Profile Post by Nulix for hidden_light, Jun 24, 2009
  17. Nulix
    OOC: ...?

    BIC: Vecked did a triple flip, ramming rock hard flames out of his palms as he did.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nulix
    Ooc: Wunt!
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nulix
    Profile Post

    ...I don't know...

    ...I don't know...
    Profile Post by Nulix for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 23, 2009
  20. Nulix
    Profile Post

    I already have...

    I already have...
    Profile Post by Nulix for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 23, 2009