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  1. Nulix
    OOC: Alright.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nulix
    OOC: They were two characters I really had nothing to do with.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nulix
    OOC: I love that post, Pirate. Its just such a cool little ending post. Speaking of which: ITS MAH FINAL POST~!!


    The Gran Aigo of the Sora System sat at his desk, on the other end was the Emperor of the Ulfire System. Both of them listening to Skinnar over the speaker phone.

    "I'm sorry, my Gran Aigo. But this duty is not one I can hold any longer. I resign," Skinnar's voice said over the speaker. "And, as you know through the progress report, Sora Commander Cotaxus and Ulfarian Commander Crapo have both died in the firefight, along with the ultimate weapon, the Virus. Good night, gentlemen."

    The phones went blank. The two leaders looked at each other and sighed. "Lets be real," The Aigo muttered. "The Alliance, the U.O... we both know it was only for the Virus."

    The Emperor nodded slowly. "Yes... yes it was."

    "And now its gone," The Aigo muttered. "So now what?"

    "What else is there... peace?" The emperor said slowly.

    The Aigo smiled. "Peace."


    Alyt pushed the doors of the church open. It was nearly 2 A.M., she had gotten out of the hospital an hour ago. The U.P.A. had taken her to Sora, paid for a few stitches, a few needles, and then kicked her and the rest of the war survivors out.

    Each one of the survivors went their own way. Alyt went to the South Side. She had made too many mistakes in her life. Maybe there was a force she wasn’t appealing too. Maybe there was a reason her life was so messed up right now.

    And so Alyt pushed the church doors open, wondering if this was the answer. There was only one other person there. Standing in the front, a young man of average height with black hair. He held a pair of glasses in his left hand, in his right was a bottle of booze.

    “Um, hello?” Alyt called to the man. “Do you work here, or, um. I don’t really know how these things work. Are you the preacher? Or a Church… monk or something?”

    The man turned around and smiled, “Me? Nah… I just, uh, just got here actually. First time. I, uh, felt a made some mistakes and maybe this is the answer…”

    Alyt smiled at the man, “I know how that feels… hey, you mind if I have a sip…”

    “Oh!” The man said, tossing his bottle up, “Sure thing.”

    Alyt caught the bottle and smiled, “Sorry, I don’t usually ask men for beer in strange places in the middle of the night. I’ve just had a tough day.”

    “No need to explain,” The man smiled. Alyt finished the bottle and lay it down on one of the chairs. “So, uh…” Alyt muttered, approaching the front of the Church. “How to I get forgiven now? Do I wash my hands in the water or what?”

    The man shrugged, “Hell if I know.”

    Alyt smiled, “My my, looks like you do need to be forgiven. Saying hell in the Church?”

    “That’s right,” The man chuckled, “Gettin’ all the sin out…”

    “Hey,” Alyt said, “You wanna pray with me?”

    The man paused, “Actually, I have a better idea. How bout’ we screw the forgiveness and hit the town?”

    “What? Its 2 A.M…”

    “Exactly!” The man smiled.

    Alyt grinned, “Well… okay then. Hold up, actually, wait… I don’t even know your name. Um, lets do the proper introduction here, alright? I’m Alyt Jadar, I need a lifestyle change… and to do that I asked a random guy for beer in the church.”

    The man chuckled, “Well, alright then, I’m Lexx Klüppel. I just got fired from my job, I’m basically screwed for life and now I’m asking some random women to waste the last of my money with me. What do you say?”

    Alyt smiled, “I say we waste away, Lexx… until dawn… two days from now.”

    The two left the church. Smiling and laughing. Two people from two horrible situations come together. And if Lexx had remembered the prison escape list he had looked over a few months back, or if Alyt had remembered one of the strategy meetings from the Six Sora System era, they might not of gone out of the church together, laughing. They might not of drank themselves well into the afternoon of the next day. And the following night Lexx and Alyt may not of kissed in the hot tropical rain.

    And so Lexicon Klüppel, the sarcastic enthusiast secretary finally felt the harshness of the world and was slowly growing back into his old self, if not a bit wiser.

    Alyt Jadar, the eager young Knight looking to regain one of her teammates became a woman with no more eagerness left in her. Or maybe there was, maybe she was on the road to finding it again.

    Rentu Skinnar, the lovable mans man U.P.A. Captain looking to climb the latter became a man who had reached the top and was sick of it. Sick of all the people, all their problems. He was done. He just didn’t care anymore. The once young Captain’s famous ambition was gone.

    Vecked Princeton, the boy obsessed with a world that may not even exist became Vecked Flate, the man who saved billions. The man whose life goals were finally accomplished.

    Nulix Princeton, the boy who joined a pathetic excuse of an organization because he had nothing left in life became the man who was well on his way to ruling the stock market. The Ultimate Organization, in a way, saved Nulix. He had nothing when he became a member, and through the lifelong friends he made he became hopeful, ambitious. And now he was on his way. On his way to the future. For Lexx and Alyt, happily laying in the rain, or Rentu Skinnar, playing with his daughter, or Vecked Princeton, seeing the answers to the universe flash before his eyes, the future was bright. For Nulix Princeton, sleeping in his office when all others had left, the future was bright.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nulix
  5. Nulix
    OOC: I just have one post left, and it really is sort of a "They went here and did this and this" ending post, so sure. Go for it. As long as it doesn't kill off half of the cast it should be fine.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nulix
    Skinnar stood atop the cliffside camp overlooking the Skypit. The fires had been put out, and his agents were retreating, taking the Light Users with them. Not as prisoners, but as allies. It was his final order as Gran Hairis. Evacuate the Skypit and offer medical support and transportation for all injured soldiers on the opposing side. It was going to be his last order because once he returned to Sora System he would resign. Rentu Skinnar sighed, watching the peaceful red and black sky. It was almost beautiful without the explosions and terror on the battlefield below. Skinnar's communicator began to vibrate harshly. He picked it up and put it to his ear.

    "We have seventeen working teleporters, all leading to Vevas, a small U.P.A. base along the coast of Destiny City. Soldiers are headed back to the base, while the injured are all headed to the City," A U.P.A. agent said into the microphone.

    Skinnar nodded slowly. "I'll be at one shortly. I hope we can have everyone out by the half an hour."

    OOC: See ya.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nulix
    Vecked breathed heavily, looking at Xardius with hatred. "I need you... to tell Nulix something-"

    Vecked was suddenly interrupted by a large explosion behind him. Vecked turned to see the Virus fly out of the ground, looming over the city. "How the hell did it get free?" Vecked muttered. And then, as soon as it had come, it left. The Virus had jetted off into the Sky, straight towards the tip of the flaming mountain, the Skypit.

    Vecked ran towards a wall, climbed atop it, and jumped onto one of the overpassing U.O. air tanks. Vecked reached in and stabbed the pilot, before throwing him out the window. Vecked quickly climbed into the vehicle and redirected it towards the Skypit. Wing wouldn't be far behind, Vecked knew.

    The engines began to overheat, sirens flaring rapidly on the dashboard. Vecked didn't care, he was going to capture this Virus, and use to for his purpose. The window became more of a hazard than a viewpoint as the ash and smoke from the Skypit consumed the Airtank's cockpit. Vecked put his mouth into his shirt arm, trying not to breath any of the toxic gas. And then, crystal clear in the fumes and blurs, it came. A black arm shot out from the smoke and cut straight through the Airtank's dashboard.

    Vecked quickly ran to the side of the vessel and jumped out, hoping the smoke led to ground. It did, hard ground. Vecked hit the ground, yelling in pain as he did. After a few seconds of laying still, a few seconds of trying to hold the pain in, Vecked walked on, onward towards the Virus above. And then, it came to him. There Vecked stood, the heat of the world around him. The flames surrounding all life. Little air, no wind to be found. The Virus shifted in and out of itself, all its life building itself up and down, each piece of its body looking like a grain of pitch-black sand, and each grain of that grain was shifting, as was the next, and the next. Vecked stood, his head burning, his eyes dry. His mind was weak, his bones weaker. One thought rang through his head, his home. His father. His people. The world he corrupted. The Zanarus Empire, the corn fields outside of the summerhouse in New Zanzwort, the breeze of the oceans as the waves cracked down on the rocks below, the birds flying, the sky blue, not a cloud in sight. Zanya kissing him gently, Hojan smiling respectfully, a tear for Saak, the man who had not returned. A pure memory, one Vecked had in his head. One he would always have. His driving force was this memory. What he had. What he would have again.

    But why? Why did he cry for Saak? The attack on Olympia, did it fail? Did Saak fail? Vecked thought again. The Summerhouse, Zanya lying on top of him, kissing gently. Hojan at the door, politically humbled, giving a nod of respect before saying that Prince Vecked had bested him. A dry picture of Saak, the rain falling on it. Rain or tears? Vecked thought again. At night, a full moon, no rain, a tear falls on a dry picture of Saak. No, it was raining; a raindrop falls through the wood and hits a dry picture of Saak. There was no shame, it was merely the rain. Rain had hit the picture, reminding Vecked that Saak wasn’t at the summerhouse. But he was, he was at the summerhouse. With his long hat on, in the fields. Fighting off the soldiers. No, that was in the mountains. No, not the mountains, Olympia.

    Vecked paused. "Don't let me forget," He whispered slowly, before turning to the Virus. His body was getting ready to collapse, to shut down. The air was barely breathable, but this was his one chance. His one chance for his mission, his reason for life to be complete. Yet now, now that Vecked faced the Virus, now that Vecked faced god. He was silent. Vecked closed his eyes, and then the words came. “My brother, a man who may be a wiser man then I, said that you were a god, that you were more powerful then us all. He said your only weakness was that you were a creature of chaos, and that chaos can’t sustain itself. It never will. That you lacked the power to create, you only had the power to destroy. And that is why you were weak. I know you’re an agent of chaos; you have only destroyed, only destroyed with the gifts granted to you. Still, I believe you can create, create new life with your power. That’s the difference. That separates you from a god who creates, and a Virus who spreads chaos. What are you? God or the virus?”

    And there was silence. The sound of the mount quieted, became compressed as Vecked stood by the Virus. “Vecked of the Princeton and Aroha families.” A voice spoke, not aloud, just in Vecked’s ear. It came from all around, that of a young woman, or that of an old man. Ever shifting, yet still crisp. It spoke with an accent, one that Vecked had never heard before. It was the voice of a god. “You’re mind is going. I can feel it. You hang on to this memory, of a land you once called home. You want it back. Your are an example, Vecked. You are my sample. But I will not grant you your wish.”

    “No please!” Vecked yelled, “Try to do this. Try to understand. Who are you… who are you! Do you wish to create or destroy, are you god or an abomination! A trog? Do me a miracle!”

    “If a grant your wish, do you know how it will go? You will awake in your home, your companions with you. Wing, Saak, Nulix, Ex, Acteon, Ecklund, Roth, Alyt, Alicia all by your side, smiling, laughing. You emerge from your summerhouse into a world of smiling people, all of them praising you. And then you see your world, everything you want. And then it all goes dark. I give you this vision, all in your mind. And then I end your life, because you no longer contribute to the world. I end your life, I end you while your wish and your mission is fulfilled. I tell you how your mission will end, you can say yes now or turn back.”

    Vecked closed his eyes, “You misunderstand. I want this glorious world, which is my home, to be recreated. To bring it back to life. I do not want it just for my own happiness.”

    “No, you do. Man is a selfish creature. It can only be.”

    Veckd shook his head, “Please try, do this for me. You're not a Virus, prove it now.”

    There was silence. The creature stopped shifting, the world was still, the sounds of chaos from the flames were quieted until they were nothing. Nothing at all. “I need you, Vecked. I need correct samples,” The voice said, slowly. “It seems you are correct. As a token, your wish shall be granted.”

    Vecked’s eye was suddenly elsewhere, away from himself and the Virus. Beside him flew a creature, not of darkness but of glorious light, shifting threw the air. The two flew in seconds all the way to the black land that was once Vecked’s home. They flew to the exact spot where the Death Drum exploded, the exact spot. And then the world went white, as it did when the beating drum came apart before. But this time when the light faded from Vecked’s eye, there was not fire and darkness, but green fields. Houses, Buildings, clouds, trees, meadows, seas, mountains, boats, castles. “Every man, woman, and child is in the sleeping spot that they had at their last rest. They will wake in three days. It is one day before the Death Drum exploded. All traces of it, the materials used, and how to make it are gone along with the Ultimate Organization and all others from your world.”

    Vecked stood once again on the burning mountain. He was alone, the Virus gone. Vecked collapsed on the ground, tears flooding down his eyes. Tears of joy. “Thank you. I’ve… I’ve finished my mission. I’m done…” He could feel the cold tracing through his body. He breathed, but no air came. “I’m done,” He whispered slowly. Vecked’s lay on the mountain side, the air around him gone. And so he had reached his end. A blast suddenly rocked the mountainside below Vecked, causing him to fall through the air, catching fire as he did. He didn’t scream, he couldn’t, and he just fell. The world racing towards him. His eyes began to water in fear and anticipation as one of the mountains cliff side raced towards him. He hit the side of the cliff with his arm, causing it to break.

    Vecked watched as a second cliff side flew towards him. He winced, expecting the hit to be fatal. But then, a light began to brighten the rocks and the skies in Vecked’s vision. Blocking the view of the cliff came a picture of Tera Roth, one of Vecked’s dearest friends. The next image was that of Alyt Jadar, a girl he had met years ago. Their friendship was strong, and Vecked knew he could always call on her in a pinch.

    Vecked hit the cliff straight on, causing his neck to snap and his broken arm to break off from his body. He slowly rolled off the cliff side and began to fall again.

    The next image was that of Saak, the wise old man who taught Vecked everything there was to being the ruler of a land. The image after that was Aeron Acteon, a good friend who taught Vecked a fair amount about advanced fighting, and helped him through some tough times.

    Vecked landed on the side of the mountain and began rolling down, various rocks hitting him as he did.

    The next image was that of Wing, and then of Nulix, and then of his mother, Alicia Princeton.

    Vecked’s body fell over and landed on the edge of the mountain’s side. It sat for a few seconds, before being shot down by a U.P.A. gunman, thinking it was an enemy sniper. His body hit the battleground, getting shot by various soldiers while it lay. And then the world around it was consumed by white light, caused by a grenade that a soldier did not throw in time. What was left of Vecked’s body flew through the air in various pieces, burning as it did.

    No man saw Vecked’s life work complete. No human being knew that Vecked Princeton saved a world that day. No human being needed to know. And the lifeless sand of the Virus burned in the fire. Vecked saw something greater in his last moments of life, but that was not where his heart was. At his end, Vecked was with his mother and his brother. Not the Air Country, not the Virus. Just Alicia and Nulix Princeton.

    Vecked Princeton died alone, in the dark. Darkness was all he saw. And then, white light.

    “Vecked Princeton,” Came the soft voice of a woman. “I have seen you, and I’ve seen your kind. I’ve seen all the life I need to see in your world. You are the sample I’ve chosen from your world, and now I will bring you back to mine. Back to my Kingdom. Welcome, Vecked Princeton, sample of flame. Welcome to my Kingdom. You have called me the Virus, and now you will call me a friend.”

    Vecked saw his body, and then the battlefield, and then the planet, and then the system, and then the galaxy. He saw Jupiter, Infinity, and Beyond. Vecked saw the universe flash before his eyes, colors he could never imagine, and creatures he could not comprehend. Vecked Princeton left that day, never to come back.

    “Here you go, Mr. Princeton,” The women behind the counter said, giving Nulix his morning mail. “Thanks Reechi,” Nulix smiled, grabbing the papers. Outside the building stood his walking partner with an umbrella. Volt was his name, Volt Cummings. Brother of Alli Cummings. She had a recent car accident, less than a month ago. Shame really. “What you got there, Mr. Prince?” Volt asked Nulix, who walked out of his building, his hand going up to shield the papers from rain.

    “This girl I knew from Middle-School is arranging a, uh, a reunion of sorts. Um… and its funny, she puts “I still remember you and that motorbike”, I have no memory of a motorbike, but I guess it happened,” Nulix chuckled. “And then here we have bills, oh, check it. Five dollar discount for any fifty dollar purchase at LeMont’s Furnished goods, very important… and uh, Nulixaje Jynx Princeton, you have been summoned by Reloda Jadar, uh…”

    “Who’s that?” Volt asked as a taxi pulled up. “Not a clue. I’ll read it at the office,” Nulix muttered, tucking the papers in his jacket pocket. “Alright, I wanted to talk a bit of business in the car anyway,” Volt said, following Nulix into the taxi. The two talked, business mainly. His mind was still on that letter though. Jadar, he knew that name. Alyt Jadar is who he knew it from. “Nulix, you listening, bro?” Volt asked.

    Nulix glanced up, “Yeah yeah… I was just, lost, deep in thought. Debating which hobo I want to steal from today, right?”

    Volt chuckled. Nulix sighed, “These deals are a bit rougher then I thought. But uh, the computers being sold, my names nowhere on it, but I’m getting profit. Not a whole lot, though. Now, I wanna buy Globokahn’s rights and distribute it my own. Now, the problem is that the boys in A.E., the marketing company, are saying Hey, you don’t have the money for this! Screw you, I’m saying you let me do this and I will pay you back double.”

    Volt smiled, “Well… I think you’re in for a little surprise at the lunch meeting today…”

    Nulix smiled, “Oh yeah? Why?”

    Volt shrugged, “Oh nothing… its just that, uh… well, the A.E. deal didn’t go through.”

    Nulix sighed, “You call that a surprise? Really?”

    Volt chuckled, “But that’s not the only thing. After I found out about the A.E., last night. I got a call… from a representative of the Gran Aigo. Princeton Computers has been selected to receive a hefty amount of government funding.”

    Nulix raised an eyebrow, “How much?”

    “Lets just say its around triple our current income, per year,” Volt smiled.

    Nulix gasped, “When you say you got this info?”

    Volt smiled, “Got the notice last night. So, uh… how you gonna play it?”

    “Simple, my friend,” Nulix said. “I’m gonna play it big. The computer industry is cute and all but I want more. What I say is, we deprive ourselves for the first year of the deal, our Company will fall… a lot, but the money in our bank account will go up. We use it to buy the Globokahn rights, we instantly get double our previous profit, right?”

    “All this time we build the production company, right? But now, listen here. We get big funding from all over cause it’s a production and distributing company right? We hurt ourselves a little by cutting that budget, use it to jump start other products.”

    “Other products?”

    “Food, clothing, fun!” Nulix smiled, “I wanna build a Princeton Empire here, man!”

    The taxi pulled up to a large building downtown. Nulix and Volt rushed out, running through the rain with newspapers over their heads until they reached the entrance.

    “Those are some big thoughts, man…” Volt muttered as the two walked into the main lobby of the building, headed for the elevators.

    “But imagine the possibilities!” Nulix said as they entered the elevator. Nulix reached to press the button with the number twenty-six on it.

    “I’ll see where we get money for this. Don’t get your hopes up though, this whole things… things risky,” Volt muttered as the elevator went up.

    “Well, lets see. Taking a huge risk is how I got here,” Nulix joked, “Hopefully my luck won’t fail me now.”

    The elevator doors opened. Nulix and Volt walked out into the office. Half of the floor was owned by Princeton Computers, the other half by some carpet business, Nulix could never remember the name. “Remember the meeting today!” Volt said, waving farewell to Nulix.

    Nulix watched him disappear down the hall. Volt was a good man, he knew how to get things done. Nulix smiled, before laying his mail down on the front desk. The receptionist wasn’t there. She was never there, always doing some sort of nonsense. She would be replaced next month.

    Nulix flipped through the mail before reaching the Jadar letter. Curious, Nulix ripped it open.

    “Dear Nulixaje Jynx Princeton…” Nulix read aloud, “You have been summoned by Reloda Jadar and Ex-Qwuaii funereal homes to mourn the now past friend or family member of yours, Tera…”

    Nulix read through the letter a second time. “Damn… I wonder if they won.”

    “Who won?” Volt asked, passing by Nulix again. Nulix looked up, “Nothing, nothing… just some… buddy’s… you ever felt like you should a really been somewhere, but weren’t? Like, you felt needed somewhere else but you couldn’t leave?”

    Volt shook his head no. “I never felt like that. Why you ask?”

    Nulix sighed, “No reason… no reason at all. You got a brother, Volt?”

    “Sister, no bro though,” Volt replied. “Why you ask? You got a brother?”

    “Yeah, I guess,” Nulix muttered, “Serving in the army. Part of that Ulfire plan… hope he’s okay. They do a lot of fighting, ya know? A lot of my buddy’s and this girl I know… they’re serving in the army as well. They… had a big battle, where they had to destroy this thing before enemy forces got em’, and, like, I know one guy died, Tera Roth… god damn it…”

    “Boy you tearin’ up over nonsense,” Volt chuckled. “There ain’t no enemy forces, there ain’t no war.”

    Nulix glanced up, “Yes there is. I love these people, this guy, Xardius… always, always real tough acting, and while half the time it was annoying it also made you feel safe… then there was this old guy, Darxess… crazy old man, but through his madness he just had these brilliant plans, ideas… powers. Then Wing, this man was cool, smart, and powerful. He was a true friend, man… Then there was Xane, he and I, man. We were tight. Then Bella… god, Bella Swan… I really loved that girl, and I think I screwed things up… permanently… god, I screwed things up. I hope she's happy, she'll probably end up with Geryl... or Noxas actually, he had a huge thing for her. And last my brother… strange, he knew me better than anyone else ever has…”

    Volt glanced up. He was silent.

    “There is a war, Volt. My friends are one side, our civilization’s the other…” Nulix whispered, before glancing up at Volt slowly.

    “But I think we won,” He added, softly.

    OOC: Boom.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nulix

    BIC: Vecked collapsed to the ground, before turning around, a pistol aimed straight at Xardius' head. A bang went off as the bullet flew towards Xardius' skull...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nulix
    Vecked consumed his palms with fire, grabbed the chunks as they came and ripped through them. He sprinted towards Xardius, have more trouble dodging the waves of earth and metal, mainly because Xardius was shooting them faster. Vecked jumped above one flying rock and landed behind Xardius, swinging his sword backward as he did. Xardius dodged and made a move for Vecked's leg. Vecked placed his hand on Xardius' back and used to to push himself off the ground, so that Xardius' attack missed. Vecked flew back towards the earth where Xardius was turning around for an attack. Vecked slashed his gunblade before jumping back, a large now on Xardius' chest. Vecked smiled slightly, before moving in for a second attack...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nulix
    "You want a show?" Vecked muttered, ramming his hands into one of the flame pillars. That one pillar expanded until it formed into a wall. Vecked pushed his feet off the ground, ramming the fire towards Xardius, consuming the other pillars as it went. "I'll kill you! Xardius! You're dead!"
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nulix
    Vecked pulled his gunblade out. He wasn't in the mood to play, fight, or do any of these trivial things. He was too close, too close to the Virus, the Skypit. He could recreate it all.

    Vecked jumped backward, behind a wall, sending quick jets of flame through the brick, which in turn sent small, sharp heated rocks towards Xardius at lightening speed. Vecked then ran from behind the wall towards Xardius, throwing a grenade at him as he did...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nulix
    Vecked watched the Virus crystal dangle from Wing's hand. He glanced up at the man, smiling as he did. "I'd like to say its good to see you, Wing... but, it really isn't," Vecked muttered. "Its a damn shame... but this isn't going to be a rough up match, Wing. One of us is going to die, and that will, in turn, result in the Virus either being destroyed... or being used for the greater good."

    Vecked's palm's soon created flame. "I've always had an admiration for you, Wing. Really, I did. You were the one member of this... organization that wasn't cocky, stupid, or weak. You were special, Wing... I knew this before I knew anything about Kingdom Hearts, or Wind and Flame..."

    Vecked raised an eyebrow, "I learned about Wind and Flame much later... its an interesting story. You see, me and Nulix, we, after Iceving got bombed, we had this place called Yamagachi city under our control through blackmail, mainly. And I was so pumped to go after the... the bombers that I sent an invasion, me leading them, of course, to go and... search the neighboring cities. In one such search I met this guy named Ex, took out a good few of my men. My next encounter with Ex was after this climactic battle with Nulix, I had. I fell, from a high up place..."

    Vecked glanced down slowly, before looking up. "I'm monologuing, Wing... what I'm trying to say is that I've come too far. That Virus is coming with me. I swear it."

    Vecked was suddenly in front of Wing, his hand around the crystal. "This is goodbye, Wing. So sorry."
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nulix
    Skinnar sat in the Airtank, which was slowly making its landing outside of Redford Manor, which had been reduced to a few walls. This was the last remaining part of the city, excluding the east side, where the Light users armies were still prominent. It was an amazingly swift defeat, despite the chaos caused by Lexx's mainframe takeover. The U.O. agents rushed from the Airtank, blasting at the remaining walls instantly, causing a majority of them to crumbly. The soldiers that scrambled from behind the walls were killed instantly from nearby snipers.

    Cotaxus came out of the ship, reloading his gold pistol as he did. "Haven't heard this many bangs in years, Skinnar! Have you?" He asked.

    "Who's behind those two walls left?" Skinnar muttered.

    "Saak, Niles, and Alyt is who I'm guessing, they are the leaders and we haven't found their bodies yet," Crapo muttered, coming out behind the two.

    Skinnar watched as more of the second wall crumbled. "There's someone there, I can see them through the cracks," Skinnar muttered, pulling his pistol out and aiming carefully. The bang went off, and the pulled hit its target directly.

    From behind the walls of Redford manor, Saak had been observing the enemies through a small hole in the wall. He had been, now he was lying backward, blood seeping from the bullet hole in his forehead.

    "Oh jesus christ," Niles muttered, reloading his pistol and firing through the hole randomly.

    “We have taken back the mainframe, sir,†The officer told his sergeant. The U.P.A. sergeant smiled, “God damn Lexicon Klüppel… didn’t make this easy for us…â€

    The troops swarmed the Mainframe room. Lexx lay on the ground, waiting for them to take him away. He wouldn’t last. Not in prison. His eye’s edge spotted something. A pistol, laying on the ground. Used when Lexx stormed the mainframe. Lexx suddenly saw an escape. “I need to escape… I need an escape…†He whispered the words. Thoughts clouded his head. How he would go down in history. How Skinnar, how his ex-fiancée, how they would see what poor Lexicon was pushed too. How the world was cruel, how Lexx got the worst of it. And how they would cry, how they would finally understand.

    Lexx crawled towards the pistol, all the troops aiming at him as he did. His hand stretched out for the pistol, but was blocked by a metal boot. Lexx glanced up, thinking of how he could not even be granted him death. The sergeant looked down at Lexx and sighed, “Boy… Lexicon Klüppel, a man who once worked himself up to controlin’ all a’ Sora now on his knees, looking for a way out of the evil? Out of your sins?â€

    Lexx rested his head on the sergeant’s boot and began to cry. The sergeant crouched down and lifted Lexx’s head. “Please… I can’t go to prison, it’s worse then hell, please!â€

    The sergeant chuckled, “Are you a religious man, Lexx?â€

    Lexx slowly shook his head no.

    “Then Lexx, let me tell ya’, there is no place worse than hell. And if you take your life, you will go to the dark lord himself… you have three options, boy... you die now and go to hell, you go to prison and wait ta’ go to hell… or, you use your knowledge for the light, for good.â€

    Lexx looked up at the man. “For god, Lexx,†The sergeant smiled. “Are you ready to wash the sins from your soul, Lexx? Are you ready to be forgiven?â€


    “No! We’re overrun!†Niles yelled, running through the battlefield towards the last wall of the Redford Manor. Alyt lay against the wall; her body was shaking, and not only from the bullets hitting the opposite side of the wall. In her lap lay Saak’s head, the rest of his body on the bullet-covered ground. “No… no, please, don’t leave me…†Alyt whispered, “Don’t leave me…â€

    “Old man’s dead!†Niles yelled, pushing Saak’s body off of Alyt. “Were the last ones standing…†Niles whispered. “…I don’t even remember him…â€

    “What?†Alyt asked. Niles slowly leaned his head against the wall. The water from his eyes dripping down violently from the shaking. “I can’t remember Rentu Skinnar… I can’t remember his face… I can’t remember Alec Skinnar… I can’t remember my mother…â€

    Alyt lay against the wall, “I never apologized to my mom… I never told my brother how much I loved him…â€

    The edges of the wall began to blow away as the machine guns fired. The bangs deafening.

    “I never told Dragoon that I was grateful… I never told him that he was more of a father to me than anyone else in the whole goddamn world…â€

    The soldiers kept on shooting, laughing as they did. Making bets on the amount of ammo they would have once the massive wall came down.

    “I never told Tera my thoughts… even when he gave me his. I never gave Tera anything… even when he gave me the world…â€

    Rentu Skinnar stood in the center of the guards shooting. Cotaxus and Crapo stood beside him. He did not blink. He needed to watch this. He needed to watch the last of his mother’s children be killed off.

    “I never told Xane how he made me feel… I never… I didn’t do anything with him, I never told him the way I felt about him…â€

    The wall suddenly blew apart. Niles and Alyt scattered towards a small triangle shaped piece of the wall still in tact.

    Alyt looked up. The bangs, the rattles, the explosions. All seemed to mute. And now, at the end, she was calm.

    “I never saw my father… I never knew my oldest brother… the one I wanted to know the most,†Niles whispered. “But he will know me… he will know me.â€

    “He will know me!†Niles yelled, turning sharply around the walls corner and running with all his heart towards the soldiers. His brother in the center of them. “You will know me!†Niles screamed, running towards the group. And at this moment, no one could shoot. The guards simply looked, wondering if Skinnar had orders.

    Niles ran. His head high, his gun held to his heart.

    They waited.

    Niles ran. His vision blurred, only one target in sight.

    They waited.

    Niles ran. His mind racing, his head dreaming of times past.

    They waited.

    Niles ran. His life flashing, his destination never made clear.


    Niles fell. The bullet slowly rolled away from Cotaxus feet. The smoke from his pistol going off into the starless sky. Cotaxus crouched down beside the body of Niles Skinnar. The world spun for Niles, he could not feel his chest. His arms. His legs. His face. And then he felt. A cold metal feeling at the back of his skull. The bang echoed through the lifeless battlefield.

    Cotaxus got up and smiled. “Heheh… ya know what, my Gran Hairis? These UO jacka**’s always preaching bout’ how this Alliance is a war… heheh, looks like they were right… once the family gets involved it’s a war… eh, the Skinnar family! Waste disposal business! God damn time this boy fell. No offense Skinnar, but your mother had to be one strict woman to raise guys so hard to kill… yo, Skinnar, you saw how he ran out to you? Maybe he thought you would cease-fire? Maybe he went crazy in the end… Heheh…â€

    Skinnar closed his eyes.

    “He’s making a bad joke, Sir,†Crapo said, putting a hand on Skinnar’s shoulder. “Hey, you okay?â€

    Skinnar looked up. Cotaxus was standing over the body. “Heh, tough cookie,†Cotaxus muttered, looking back at Skinnar. There was a moment of uncertainty in Cotaxus’ head.

    Skinnar’s hand was at his waist and then in the air in half a second. Cotaxus moved, and then fell. His clean-cut brow now tarnished with a bullet hole. Skinnar turned and delivered a similar blow to Crapo, who collapsed immediately.

    The soldiers either ran, shot, or dropped their weapons. The ones who shot died first, then the ones who ran, and last the ones who had surrendered.

    Alyt suddenly scurried from behind the wall, going to the now lifeless corpse of Niles Skinnar. Rentu looked at the girl, before turning away. A communicator beside Cotaxus’s corpse began to buzz. Skinnar picked it up.

    “Sir… Sir! We’ve picked off all the Light User’s! We now just need to head towards the Skypit and get our prize! We got two units in the western side, ready to climb. Confirmation?â€

    “Negative. Retreat,†Skinnar replied.

    “Who the hell is this? This isn’t Supreme Captain Cotaxus!â€

    “No, this is the god damn Hairis, Rentu Skinnar. I repeat soldier, retreat,†Skinnar yelled into the communicator. After a long sigh the soldier responded, “Yes sirâ€.

    Alyt looked at Skinnar talk on the communicator. She had a knife ready. She was going to slaughter this pig where he stood.

    Skinnar turned to her. He knew her intentions. “Please. No,†Skinnar whispered slowly, “I’m the last of the Skinnar family. I can’t let that die.†He raised his gun slightly, “I can’t let that die. Don’t try it.â€

    Alyt paused, before running. Away from the battlefield.

    Rentu Skinnar stood. In the books, Rentu Skinnar would be famous for one thing only. Being the first Sora System Gran Hairis to resign early.

    The communicator buzzed again. “Hello?†Skinnar answered.

    “Gran Hairis, Sergeant Cyrus has retaken the Mainframe, but he has illegally let Lexx go. What should we do? Arrest Lexx or arrest Lexx and Cyrus?â€

    Skinnar sighed, “Just… let it be.â€

    “What sir? You say we let them go?â€

    “Just… let it be.†Skinnar dropped the communicator before he had time to hear a yes sir. He made his fortune. He had enough money in his bank account, it could last him and his family the rest of their lives.

    His family, his sweet, young Aallo Maria Skinnar, and her mother, the woman he married, Vivian Skinnar. Is that all Rentu Skinnar could look forward too. Was that all he could look forward too.

    “Well…†Skinnar said, sitting down beside the cold body of Niles. “The Skinnar family is dead… I’m sorry Niles, Alec, Devon… I’m sorry mama… I’m sorry Maria Skinnar… god damn it… god damn you all…â€

    Skinnar stood, his hand running through his once blonde hair. It was now ruffled with gray, scared with age. Just as Skinnar was. Rentu turned away from his brothers corpse and walked away.

    In Niles Skinnar’s cold hand now lay a picture. A picture of a more wrinkled Maria Skinnar with a young boy. He had blonde hair, a large grin, and bright blue-green eyes, like all the colors of the sea. It had the tired old hand writing of the Skinnar mother on the back.

    A picture of my boy, Niles, son of Erin Skinnar and Maria Skinnar.
    June 1st, 2221.

    Skinnar’s pain was great. As was the pain of Julia Cotaxus, the eight year old daughter of Richie Cotaxus, the man who joined the military for a college and ended up making it his career. He died on the battlefield at the age of thirty-nine, killed by his commanding officer, Rentu Skinnar. He was just following orders.

    Emile Crapo-Lungadaia, son of Jon Crapo, only six months old. His mother would die a few days later, suicide caused from the news of Jon’s death. Jon Crapo, politician turned military strategist. Only involved in six battles over the course of his career. He died on the battlefield at the age of forty-three, killed by his commanding officer, Rentu Skinnar.

    Each life taken on the field had a story. Each man fighting, each woman fighting, each had a story, a journey, a reason, a logic, a history. They came from everywhere, all places, all situations, all types of adventures and hardships. They were created everywhere, yet they all ended at the same place.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nulix
    Profile Post

    As did Pocketman™...

    As did Pocketman™...
    Profile Post by Nulix for hidden_light, Jun 26, 2009
  15. Nulix
    OOC: WUNT. I don't either.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nulix
  17. Nulix
    Cotaxus, Crapo, and Skinnar flew above the battlefield in Ulfarian Skytank. "Just got a repot, the UO's here, Skinny," Cotaxus muttered. "With the Virus."

    "Do we have anything that can stop the Virus?" Skinnar asked, "In case they learned to control it."

    "We have a missile, a really powerful missile," Cotaxus replied...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nulix
    The UO emerged from the portal to find themselves on a red rock hillside. Below was the Skypit city, a battle raging through the streets. And beside the city stood the Skpit, a flaming mountain that light the world around it in a burning red. Around the portal were U.O. guard, who began to fire at the UO on sight...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nulix
    "Suicide attack! Suicide attack!" A soldier in the docking bay yelled, spotting the ship. "Shoot it down! Shoot it down!"

    The soldiers all entered the turrets located on the walls of the docking bay...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nulix
    OOC: Me neither.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home