Wuzzup xick meistah?
I was dreading that (laugh track in background).
OOC: I just went to a germany bar and had to humor a drunken sixty year old guy. This is my life.
Clear you're PM box.
Heya, whats up? So you probably know that me and Dk have had some... disagreements on the book, and he recently brought up that I may be taking a...
Dk, look, I hate to be blunt, but your ending with his love actually being alive is just... well, stupid, childish. And I know it has to be good,...
The anchor (right now) is that the first one was good, or, alternatively, we add more Phoenixness and more unsolved mysteries. Now, Darxess and...
Thats what I meant Dk. Listen, Dk. The main ongoing story line has nothing to do with Darxess or Roka. To have them act as the main anchor for...
I think Xegreny could appear later on, but not as a main cast member, but as a relevant character in the moment, you know what I'm saying? That...
Alright, maybe I'm going to have to go into some other stuff here. Lets just say they are both crazy but they can both mask it, alright? A crazy...
When I say insane I mean by comparison to Roka. Insane like how he was in the thread. He won't be a raving lunatic, but you get the idea the guys...
Alright, as for the Darxess thing, why wouldn't anyone read a book about someone who is insane? Especially considering its not about him or him...
That describes you from my point of view just as well. It'll all work in the end, no stress.
OOC: YOUR A MAN NOW. DON'T FORGET IT. ... ... *Cough* ...
Well, your not the only one writing it. I've written and will be writing a lot. Not just for outlines, but also the actual book. As I have in the...
OOC: Thats pretty insane.