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  1. Nulix
  2. Nulix
    OOC: I'm sorry Dk, its just that WUNT is the most ridicules thing I've ever heard in my life.

    BIC: Vecked chuckled, before throwing the Virus chain to Xane. "After this I'm gonna come back to get it. I just can't risk losing it," Vecked said, before looking up at Scourge. "Alright... lets do this."

    Vecked was suddenly in front of Scourge. He flung his hands forward, sending blast of flames as he did. After a few blasts, Vecked opened his coat up, grenades flinging from then as he did. Next Vecked transported himself above Scourge, sending various sonic blasts around Scourge's area. Vecked blasted himself downward towards his fiery attack area. With his fists covered with flame, Vecked was ready to take the target out once and for all...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nulix
    OOC: Haha. Also, WUNT.

    BIC: "Or me," Vecked muttered, "I've been practicing.... and now, with my Phoenix form fully realized, I think I'm ready to take you people down..."
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nulix
    OOC: Thats why I made Skinnar take. One, to vary the playing field and two to delay our entrance while still moving the plot. Also, WUNT.

    BIC: WUNT. Vecked chuckled. "You'd really call that idiot their strongest member?"
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nulix
    Mississippi Jackson and Cogo quickly scurried towards everyone...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nulix
  7. Nulix
    Vecked suddenly appeared behind Scourge, thrusting a whirlwind of flame at the Brotherhood's dark leader. To Vecked's surprise, Scourge was actually taken aback from the attack, stumbling forward ever so slightly. "Good to see you, gentlemen," Vecked said, before looking at the UO members around him. "Wheres the portal to the Skypit?"


    Skinnar sat back on his ship, hovering above the sky of the world, watching his agents open the portal they stole from the UO's downed ship. "So this leads to the Skypit, huh?" He asked.

    "Yes sir!" An agent replied. Skinnar nodded slowly, "Ready the invasion force. We're going in."
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nulix
  9. Nulix
    OOC: Awesome Jaxed. It don't got that Nulix shine but whatever...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nulix
  11. Nulix
    OOC: See, thats what you get... And thats good. I tried out fr Riaes, didn't know how to sound really, so I just tried doing my best Shatner. The other character I'll be playing is Kenishi, by the way... When do you think you'll be able to audition? Also, I've noticed lately we've been doing a lot of our private message-esque chats over the thread... thats not good...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nulix
    OOC: I got that Nulix shine though... it makes all the difference. Also, it was one of those comedic heroes, like Naruto, so... that might of helped my chances a bit... And who are you thinking of trying out for? Jaxed is Dean...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nulix
    OOC: Yup, make your own video and upload in, then direct the girl in charge to it. And thats a damn shame, Pirate. I only did it cause all my friends say I've got a whiny little comic relief-esque voice... and then Jaxed came up on here gloating on how he got in, so that automatically made me want to get in with a better part then he had... and I don't know the deadline, when she gets all her actors I think...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nulix
    OOC: You don't. I'm just joking... not really. You have to choose a character, get the icons from the video, and then record yourself saying random lines for each of the faces given...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nulix
    OOC: Heres the link:
    I got two characters, the lead, Akio, and random villain guy, Kinishi. I also got another villain, Riaes... but I turned the role down.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nulix
    OOC: Why thank you, I'm touched... I'm just gonna wait a few posts before continuing it, though. Just so we get the feeling of time passes... Also, Jaxed, I'm now an actor in that Rp your acting in. I'm awesome like that.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nulix
    Nulix looked at the screen, watching Wing look down for a few seconds silently.

    "Let's finally put an end to the suffering," The recording of Wing finally spoke. "The senseless deaths, and cure the distrust that plagues the universes. Let's kill those that try and play the role of God from behind the scenes, using their power to manipulate and gain whatever they wish by any means necessary. Let's Usher in a new day, no, a new era. Based solely on peace. Cut out the corruption, replace it with new and honest men. Who want nothing more then to see their homes live in peace and prosperity. So I ask all of you who fight for a better tomorrow, join us. You're help is greatly appreciated. For all of you who were once members of the Powerful Ultimate Organization, I ask you to pick up your swords once more and lead those who wish for peace to victory!"

    Nulix raised an eyebrow at the tape.

    "Yeah, you too Nulix."

    Nulix looked down at piece of paper that had been attached to the tape. Nulix slowly picked the paper up and unfolded it. Wing's handwriting was scattered all over the paper.

    it's been quite a while. I hope you're doing well in your new position. I wish you nothing but success in all your current and future endeavors. I only have a single favor to ask. Please play this tape over the Universal Radio Station.

    Your Friend forever and always,
    Wing~ Master of Gales

    Nulix picked up the phone and dialed a number. The number of his business partner, Alex Radragun.

    "Hello?" A tired Alex answered.

    "Volt," Nulix said into the phone. "You think you can book me a spot on the Hour? On Universal Radio?"

    "Are you crazy?" Volt asked. "Thats the biggest station in the Sora System. We're big, Nulix... but where not that big."

    "Please, three minutes on the Hour, man..." Nulix pleaded.

    Volt sighed on the other end, "I'll see what I can do..."
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nulix
    OOC: I said I was going to post it... Vecked's lame conversation on the last page was a lead in to it.

    BIC: Nulix put the tape into his laptop. Wing's face fluttered on the screen...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nulix
  20. Nulix
    "We don't," The ghost of Nulix said at the back of Xane's mind...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home