everyone is making such good pictures, sigs, and stuff....i wish mine turned out better.
mom, that profile pic is AWESOME. darkside=cookies. new ad: cookies, its whats for dinner. (on the dark side at least)
AH! the mighty spork.... my spoonulator will destroy your spork!
*gives back flamethrower* mine, i'll use mine. *picks up flamethrower, which STILL IS NOT OFF!* *combines flamethrower and painball gun* yeah! fireball gun!
*picks up paintzooka and fires everywhere* hmm...its fun i guess. *steals sorafan's flamethrower* hmm....is paint flammable? *ignites paint everywhere* WHOOO! pretty colors!
*drops paint grenade on kglory* yay! freedom paint! besides....you know who...hasnt visited since...you know when...
yup, sora lexa kicked the wall in anger... you're very popular.
i cant hit axel.... yay, its kglory. making more awesome sigs? *teleports behind hisnobody and fires grenades*
yay for messing around! *loads more paint grenades* where are all of you!?
its from 300, i think. i forget the line exactly. some thing like, "we'll fight in the sun." "our arrows will block out the sun" "then we'll fight in the shade!" i havent seen the movie yet...
*blows hisnobody away with paintball gun* thats whats going on!
wow, high tech. *aims at sorafan from over a LONG distance and fires* they work great!
i made a sea of paint, but it couldnt reach the main land...
i need backup! then we'll fight in the shade!
too much paint...its like a sea. hmm.....that gives me an idea. *runs to nearest ocean and turns it into paint* mwahahaha! rise up my paint ocean and sweep the world!
GAH! now im half red and half blue! wait, no one threw a red paint grenade...... NOOOO! * sends a plane full of paint over the battle and dumps* yeah! wait, i'll be hit too!
*blasts other team with paintball machine gun* heeeeeya!
TEAMS: TEAM 1:me, dpwolf, xxaxelxroxasxx TEAM 2: sorafan, werewolf, darksmile
yeah, xxaxelxroxasxx is on our team, and since its just you two, mom you should be on sorafan's team.
on xxaxelxroxasxx team. your also with werewolf teams so far: sorafan + werewolf + animegirl? me + dpwolf + xxaxelxroxasxx animegirl, are you playing?