math riddle! I DO!
wow....lucky you.:D
not trig, but i think its algebra 2...i hate math so much! i'll change my sig
technically yes. its supposed to be if a=b and if b=c, then c=a. so you can turn anything into that. example: a: if the ps2 makes me cry, and b: i make little children scared, then c: the ps2 makes little children cry...i forget exactly how it goes but you get the idea.
we're not forgeting you mom! how was your day today? anything exciting happen?
my sig got you started about math right? yeah, i hate math too....trig/analysis is killing me...very slowly.
wow, even zexion is scared of muskrats....OH NO! MUSKRATS! *hides with yuffie*
............................... how much sugar and caffine have you had today khchick? i think we need to cut down a bit....just a bit.
well, i joined in the earlier 200 or 300 pages, i think. i just havent been on in a bit. last page i check, i was on the 600 or something page...
im fine, and very awake. i drank about 2 energy drinks to get through my day, but i think 2 is too many because im almost shaking. anything interesting happen since our paintball fight?:D
so forsaken sora, i guess your the newest family member here? welcome, and sorry for my delayed introduction. i am Shadow Tactician, the peacekeeper! who is usually hyper, but less hyper than sorafan because i dont constantly eat sugar...and other things...
*wakes up from unconsiousness* head... whats been happening lately? i havent been on for a few days and already we're on our 910th page!
its good to be unique. im very, very different from many people here.
sure, name yourself whatever you want. it sounds good too
thats a nice choice picture. oh, and i had no clue we had 2 protecters...who are they again?
yeah...we had a paintball fight... so lets see. xxaxelxroxasxx, twilit_shadow, godsboy, khchick are the newer members, i think. am i missing someone?
i guess its my fault. sorry jade, i forgot about khchick. you'll have less work though, because khchick makes sigs and gosboy is recently new.
*pulls out paintball pistol and jumps slow-motion to the side* yaaaaa! i have to go now. see ya later.
its gigantic, thats why.
everyone get animegirl! *focuses paintballs on animegirl*