who knows where he is... but i doubt we'll reach 1000 pages before he gets back, we still have at least 35 pages to go. hurry DP!
wow, im on during school....i'm going to get in trouble. oh well. new family member? welcome, you can be the lil cuz or whatever you want. just ask mom, or pm jade rhade for your own signature.
with so many family members, its a little hard to keep up so many posts and conversations. dont worry about it if someone "ignores" you, because they're probably responding to another post or they might be in another thread. everything works out in the end, so i hope no one will be too upset....and dont go emo, they are always those who love you, like the whole family.
so........if we ignore someone, it is completely on accident. i do feel bad when people "skip" over posts, i have read pages like that. but it kinda can't be helped, if you know what i mean. we all can't post one after another. some posts are bound ot end up ignored because so many people are writing at different times...
i have to go soon. if i'm not on when this is over, can someone please pm me about what happens? and mom, we post a lot here. i know you know this. when we write a post, usually others post while we write. so what the pages look like is this: [1] that is post one, i read it and respond to it, but someone else posts [2] post 2 is not the one im writing about so... [3] post 3 is my post, where i skip someone elses post because they wrote it while i wrote mine. sorry if i'm getting anyone mad.
well, before you say something else, sorry if i ignore people. but now that my computer has a password that i dont know, im barely on anymore, but its to my fault. sometimes, other people need to use the computer. and who is fighting? we had no fight except for kglory and you-know-who.
everyone ready to listen? just stop pming for a few minutes ok?
we see you mom. come join the family YOU started! we're one big family!
Don't worry. even if mom closes this forum, we'll all start up the family again. everyone loves this family. and sorry mom if you feel like your being ignored, we really dont mean it. and, we'll not get into fights anymore with anyone. i'll make sure of that.
mom cant close the family down. i wont let her. if she does close it down, i'll start it up again. besides, we won the vote for best forum family.:D
is that because we accidentally dont say hi to her? dont close it mom! dont do it!
ok, i had no clue cause i forgot to check...i'll find a new quote. its going to be from another final fantasy game because thats all i can think of. "I am the wish-gather. i am the world-maker. desire is the thread that binds the worlds together."
the quote was from a final fantasy game, i think it was this. "you gonna cry? cry, cry. thats the only thing your good for." and it was NOT from advent children.
lets all sing a different song at the same time. and did anyone guess my quote a lot of pages back?
happy birthday rat. mine will be in 15 days
it IS from final fantasy, but not advent children.
its not from kingdom hearts, but it is from a video game its not from advent children, sorry
ok lets see.... quote: " cry, cry, cry. thats the only thing your good for"
whoa, videogamenerd, how long have you been listening?
quote: "gwarsh, is that all thats left of the worlds taken by the heartless?"