i have it for dvd, but i havent watched it lately. if i could hack into my school computers like he does.... i wouldnt go to school.:D
Ferris bueller...i wish i had his skills. hey everyone, and welcome TheOtherKeyblade. i'll call you TOK, unless you prefer to be called your full name? and if you want, pm jade rhade about a sig, or khchick or others.
flamethrowers bring back memories....wait a minute! my flamethrower never tunred off! *runs to room*
*looks at hammer, nails, and wood* mmm...construction tools. *hammers randomly* wee! *10 minutes pass* oops...missed the giant muskrat hole
GAH! again with muskrats! didn't i close up that GIANT hole yet? someone get me nails and some wood planks. i have a hammer! sorry khchick. at least you probably didnt have really bad sunburn on vacation at a beach. when i was on vacation, i was sunburnt so bad, my skin peeled and itched like crazy. i almost went to the hospital. now i stay in my nice, dark, safe room...
your joking right? everyone has been to the beach at least once. even a cat's litter box is close enough.
hi mom! this family always seems just a bit more hyper every day. thats a compliment too.
*hits zexion over head with book* that now!
i've been well aerith, but i keep forgetting to check in to kh-vids. so much to do, with my school's schedule cheanges and stuff... i'll try to remember more. and khchick, i dont tidus wants to be hit with a book...just a thought.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i forgot.... namine, your pictures of ichigo reminds me, i havent been on your friend's forum in so long...im forgetting everything!
i'm glad some people are happy. and why did tidus get hit in the head with an oompa-loompa?
is nightwinde a new family memeber? did someone tell jade yet? its my job and i havent been on in a while...im a bad family member...
i wish i knew japanese as well as english... hey family, everyone nice and happy today?
mmm.....rubix cubes make me cry with their evil colors not fitting together. this weather is annoying, its the middle of april and i look outside to see snow. not a lot, but still it was snow. and i nearly killed myself slipping down the hill i live on because it was covered in slush. my backpack hit me on the head...
uhh.....careful, your moogle looks a bit sick. and sora is...somewhere. hey dad, come to visit?
welcome princess kairi san. i hope you like the family. jade has been pretty busy lately, so i have to take some of her duties... you'll get your sig soon though, so no worries.
1000th page! and yes....waiting is almost unbearable. actually, im waiting for 3 different books to come out. i read way to much, but it fuels my imagination.:D
Forsaken sora, good stories need time to make. that reminds me, i should write down my stories...im always so bored, i day-dream everyday.
i'm well. had a couple of good days. im just waiting for the next book in a series i'm reading to ocme out...it will take a while, but im hopeful
so close to 1000! just a few more posts. how is everyone?